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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 2-37 Journey to the Hell of Eye-Gouging 遊勾眼地獄

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Hell of Eye Gouging




On the 21st of January 2019, I felt my spirit floating gently towards the underworld, and I descended at the entrance of a gigantic and eerily dark cave. I meandered my way through a narrow and crooked path and then arrived inside an enormously spacious area.

Inside was the hell of eye-gouging, it specialises in punishing those who like watching pornography and erotic entertainment that leads them to commit the sins of sexual misconduct (deeds that violate the moral code and masturbation). Sinned spirits who had their eyes gouged out would be in severe pain, they will cry and scream and then lose unconsciousness. Then in the next day, their spirit will be completely recovered to their original form before their eyes were gouged out, and the executioners will repeat and resume their punishment until they have completed their sentence.




Three to four executioners were escorting five sinned spirits. Their heads showed empty sockets where the eyes were; they look very wretched. The executioners yelled and hurried them to enter into a portal that teleports them to the underworld courts in [Country X]. I was enveloped in a golden light, and then I followed them into the portal that goes directly to Yama’s court in [Country X]. The senior Yama’s expression remained stern as he sat in his throne. I paid my respects to him and stood at the side to listen to the hearing.

The sinned spirit A said, “My name is [Name], I’m from [Country Y]. I work in the transport business; I have a wife and a child. When I was alive, I liked to surf pornographic websites. Frequently when I’m working and waiting on the road, and I see beautiful women who are dressed provocatively passing by, I would have wild imaginations about them. At night, I would get lost inside my sexual fantasies and masturbate. When I died at age 71, I descended into the hell of eye-gouging. I didn’t know my past actions would lead me to hell. The executioner would tie me up with a cable connected to a rod that was generating electricity, and in front of me, there was a sharp blade that pierced into my eyes and forcefully ripped them out. The pain was excruciating! I was tied to my seat, unable to escape. It’s really painful.” He let out a cry.

The senior Yama said, “Since you had masturbated for over twenty years, you were sentenced with one year of punishment. Then afterwards, you will be taken to the underworld court in [Country Y]. There, you will reincarnate into a realm based on the wholesome and unwholesome deeds that you committed when you were alive.”



The male sinned spirit B said, “My name is [Name], I’m also from [Country Y]. When I was alive, I liked to surf pornographic websites. Every time I finished watch a pornographic video; I would be aroused and masturbate. Afterwards, I couldn’t restrain myself any longer. In the middle of the night, on the streets, I would find any girl who was alone and targetted them to rape. When I was alive, nobody else knew. At age 56, I caught a stroke, and I was left lying in bed. A year later, my cerebrovascular blood vessels ruptured, and I died. Then I descended into the hell of eye-gouging. I was wrong; my spirit is filthy! I was wrong; I don’t dare do bad things anymore! Please forgive me! Please forgive me!” The sinned spirit wept and begged for forgiveness.

The senior Yama said, “In addition to masturbation, you also behaved like an animal. After five years of punishment, you will be transferred to the hell of excrement. Then after your sentence is over, you will reincarnate in the animal realm.” (The executioner whipped the sinned spirit and forced them out of Yama’s court).



The female sinned spirit C said, “My name is [Name], I was born in [Province], and when I was older, I went to [City]. The city where I lived had homosexual communities residing there. Originally I was straight, but after I was hurt by my relationships, I developed a fear of the opposite sex, and I became more introverted and withdrawn from society. Then unintentionally while surfing the internet, I came across a website that contained homosexual videos. Out of curiosity, I clicked into it and watched. Then unconsciously, it gradually turned me homosexually orientated. After I met with my girlfriend, we would watch homosexual pornography, and we had intimate sex. At the age of 45, I died from an overdose of morphine. After I died, I was sentenced to the hell of eye-gouging.”

The senior Yama said, “Homosexuality is considered sexual misconduct in the underworld. Although the living realm considers it to be legal, it violates the laws of karma, the laws of the underworld, and it does not abide by the laws of nature. When you were alive, you and your girlfriend took drugs and committed deeds of sexual misconduct for over ten years. According to your sins, the courts had reduced your life span by thirty years, and from the hour of your death, you were sentenced to three years of punishment in hell and will reincarnate in the animal realm upon release.”



The male sinned spirit D said, “I am also gay; my name is [Name], from [Country X]. I was a gay pornographic artist. When I died from HIV, I was only 36 years old.” He started to cry.

The senior Yama said, “How could you encourage homosexual desires, that is a grave sin! The heavens and earth do not tolerate sexual relations between man and man, woman and woman. Do you not know how many countless sentient beings would descend into hell and the lower realms due to your kind of pornographic material? After you’re punished in the hell of eye-gouging for a year, you will be transferred to the hell of ghost-eyes.”





弟子 2019-01-21

The female sinned spirit E said, “My name is [Name], I lived in [Country Z]. When I was small, my parents divorced. My mum was constantly outside working, and she passed me over to the neighbours to be taken care of. Then shortly after, I was raped by a man who was as old as my dad. From then on, I started to develop a fear towards men, and my personality became strange and short-tempered. When I grew up, I don’t dare to involved in relationships, and I frequently looked at porn on the internet. I would also masturbate in my bedroom. When I was over 20 old, I went to the city to look for a job. Because I couldn’t control my lust, I would go to the bar alone and look for both men or women to have casual sex with. At 37 years old, I died from a heart attack and my case was dealt with by the underworld courts in [Country Z]. After I was sentenced, I was taken to hell to be punished.”

The senior Yama said, “Although I pity your fate, the laws of the underworld don’t tolerate promiscuity. After your 3-month sentence in hell is over, you’ll reincarnate in the human realm.”

After I received the senior Yama’s approval, I returned to the living realm. I woke up at 2 am.

I’m grateful Master.

21st of January 2019.


Master’s reply:

Which sin is the worst of all sins? It’s lust. Everybody must properly control it; your eyes must be careful of what to look at; otherwise, you’ll ruin yourself. Your life span would be reduced significantly. Many young people die nowadays; a majority of them are caused by deeds of sexual misconduct. You must control yourself. The reason why we learn Buddhism is to help us control these things; otherwise, we’re finished. When you are dragged down to the underworld, the best outcome you could get is to reincarnate back as a human. But when you do, you’ll reincarnate as a human with a lower quality of life than the life you had. So you mustn't be reckless, you’re not only hurting others but also yourself when you’re promiscuous. The underworld courts view it very seriously. Do you know anybody who’s promiscuous had a wholesome outcome? In the past, there was syphilis; now, there’s HIV, HIV, in reality, is a kind of punishment. I hope that everybody could observe their precepts and remain pure. Only with these indecent thoughts would your mind become feeble and foolish. If a person is pure and upright, he will be energized and spirited. When somebody has indecent thoughts, their facial expression would immediately look dull and look dispirited. So don’t try to flirt or attract others with your eyes. Remain wary when you look at a member of the opposite sex, you must learn to observe the precepts. If you don’t, you’ll invite trouble to yourself. Now even if you look on the internet, it could also ruin you. So you must discipline yourself.

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