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V 1-29 Two Sinned Disciples profited in the Name of the Buddha and acted arrogantly 阎王殿听审 敛财及贡高我慢

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

问: 2018 年 11 月 27 日,关平菩萨今天交代弟子往地府 走一趟,听审两个心灵法门弟子的案子。 今天在阎王殿审判的有三个阎王。由于地府地域广 阔,弟子在此大略介绍。一个是专门负责心灵法门法务 的阎王,掌管大地狱,在地府审阳人生死近千年,凡涉 及心灵法门弟子案件以及要投大地狱的阳人魂体都要经 过这位阎王审判;一个是掌管马 XXX 地府的阎王,凡马 XXX 罪灵,投人道及小地狱是经过这位阎王审判(大地狱 是全世界的灵体混合惩戒,小地狱是分国家区域,由不 同国家的阎王审判);另一个是来自 XX 国家的阎王。每 个国家的地府都有通信设备,如果涉及到不属于他们国 家管辖的罪灵,地府之间会互相通信转送灵体去属于他 们的所在国,这个和人间的执法部门很相像。


On the 27th of November 2018, Guanping Bodhisattva told me that I would be going to the Underworld and attend a hearing of two Guan Yin Citta disciples. That day in the Underworld court, there were three Yamas. Because the realm of the Underworld is vast, I will make a brief introduction. The first Yama is responsible for dealing with Guan Yin Citta’s matter. He also manages one of the greater hells, and he has been judging the life and death of beings for almost a millennia. He would deal with any cases that are related to the discipleship of Guan Yin Citta or when the sinner will be transferred to one of the greater hells. The second Yama manages the Underworld court of country X. Any sinner that is a citizen in country X, and shall be reincarnated into the Human Realm or be transferred to the lesser hells would have to go through him. (The greater hells are a place of punishment where all sinners from around the world will be collectively punished. Whereas the lesser hells in each country are used to punish their own citizens, and it’s managed by Yamas of that country). The third Yama came from country Y. Every national Underworld courts have its own telecommunication system. If there are any cases that involve sinners that are not citizens of the country they died in, then the Underworld courts would communicate with each other, and the sinner will be transferred to the Underworld court of their nationality. It’s very similar to the law enforcement departments in the Human Realm.

XX 国阎王指向一个罪灵,示意罪灵自己坦诚。 罪灵 A:“我是 XXX,XXXX 区(不能公开),是卢军 宏海外弟子,生前是某某共修会的小负责人。我错了, 弟子错了!观世音菩萨救我,弟子真知错了!弟子日日 夜夜在无间地狱受那熔浆火烧极痛之罪。(哭泣声)我 生前不听师父话,不听师兄话,我敛财。(罪灵一直哭 泣)

Country Y’s Yama pointed at one of the sinners and signalled him to confess honestly. Sinner A said, “My name is XXX, I’m from country Y (it’s confidential), I’m an overseas disciple of Master Lu Jun Hong, I was an assistant manager of one of the Guan Yin Citta practitioner centres. I was wrong! Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please save me, I know that I was wrong! I have to bear with the constant pain of swallowing molten lava and having my entire body burnt to the core in the Hell of Avici. I didn’t listen to Master nor my fellow practitioner’s advice and profited money in the name of the Buddha. (The sinner was constantly crying).

我在网上贩卖小房子、菩萨圣像(A3 和 A4 尺寸)、 观世音菩萨吊坠、开光佛珠、佛书,我以参加助缘师父 法会为理由向佛友收车马费。师父说过做功德不能有私 心杂念,不能利益自己,我没有去听。在法会上这些物 品是免费结缘,所以我去师父法会结缘大量的法物。”

On my website, I sold Little Houses, A3 and A4 size portraits of the Bodhisattvas, Guan Yin Bodhisattva necklaces, blessed prayer beads and books. I used the excuse of helping others to attend Master’s Dharma conventions and accepted a token fee from fellow Buddhists. Master once said that one must not harbour any selfish thoughts when performing meritorious deeds, and they must not only think of benefitting themselves. I didn’t listen. All of the materials and goods at the Dharma conventions are given away for free, so I would go and take large quantities of it.

阎王播放罪灵在法会排队结缘大量法宝,放在大行 李箱带回自己国家,然后在自己国家兜售敛财,不合法 收佛友钱财,谎称这是要捐献给东方台做慈善用途,还 在电脑捏造东方台的收据,把几千元的金额改成几十万 拿来骗人。

Yama then showed the scenes of the sinner queuing for the free Dharma materials and goods and take large quantities of it. He would then put it into his suitcase and take it back to his home country. There, he would start selling it. He also took money of fellow Buddhists illegally and lied saying that he would donate it to the 2OR Guan Yin Tang Culture for charitable uses. He also created false 2OR receipts and changed the amount of money donated from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan to cheat others.

罪灵 A:“表面上我很鼓励大家学佛念经,常常帮助 大家,暗地里我在网上开另一个账户做这些生意,没有 人知道。生前有一个师兄梦见我往很深的地下走,打通 师父电话,师父说我敛财,师兄质问我,我否认。我不 满师兄告诉我所在的共修会负责人,被负责人训斥后我 愤怒,退转,不修不念经,没让妻子知道。我妻子很虔 诚,拜佛念经。我表面不动声色,在背后到处讲师父不 好,心灵法门有问题。过后心脏病暴发死掉。我原本心 脏就不好,修心灵法门后念经念好的。”

Sinner A said, “On the surface, I seemed like I was very diligent and I constantly encouraged others to practise Buddhism and recite sutras, and frequently helped others. But in secret, I had another account on my website to do business, nobody else knows. When I was alive, there was once a fellow practitioner who dreamt that I was walking downwards to a very dark place and managed to call Master. Master said I was profiting in the name of the Buddha. The fellow practitioner questioned me, but I denied it. I was unhappy that my fellow practitioner started spreading the word about it to the principal manager of the practitioner centre. After I got reprimanded, I became angry and retreated. I abandoned my cultivation and didn’t recite sutras anymore. I didn’t let my wife know because she was very sincere in praying to the Buddhas and reciting sutras. On the surface, I seem normal, but in secret, I started to slander about Master and defamed Guan Yin Citta. Afterwards, I got a heart attack and died. Originally my heart already had problems but it got better after cultivating Guan Yin Citta and reciting sutras.”

阎王在荧幕播放:罪灵生前还在念佛时,菩萨和护法保佑,依附在他身上的灵体拿了小房子暂时离开;退 转不修没念经后,怨恨的灵性化成黑气钻入他的胸腔(弟 子在荧幕看到的是一个小黑灵体在罪灵还没死前,拼命 踢罪灵的心脏),让他心脏病发,怨恨得报的灵体在他 死后离开罪灵身体。

Yama showed the scenes on the monitor. When the sinner was still alive and reciting sutras, Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors protected him. The foreign spirits that occupied his body would take the Little Houses and temporarily leave. After he retreated, abandoned his cultivation and stopped reciting, it angered the foreign spirits, and they formed a black cloud that occupied his chest. I could see that some lesser black foreign spirits were constantly kicking at his heart, which triggered his heart disease to reoccur and he died. When they got their revenge and he died, they left his body.

阎王告诉弟子:“冤有头债有主,这些冤亲债主怨恨得报后都会被看管的鬼差(黑白无常)带回地府等候 发落。地府的规矩很严格,如果灵性不按照阴律在阳间 胡乱搞事,下到地府也是一样会被惩戒,每个灵体上阳 间讨命债都要经过地府批准才能上来。”

Yama said, “Every injustice has its perpetrator and every debt its debtor. After the karmic creditors have taken revenge, they would be managed by the Underworld officers ‘Black and White Impermanence’ and escorted back to the Underworld and wait for further instructions. The rules and regulations of the Underworld are very strict. If the spirits do not abide by the Underworld laws and recklessly behave in the world of the living, they would be punished. Every spirit who returns to the world of the living to get revenge must be authorised by the Underworld courts before they are permitted to do so.”

罪灵 A:“我在世妻子不知道这些事情。我死后就被 阎王叫鬼差投进无间大地狱里受罚,天天凄厉叫唤。我 妻子在我死后觉得心灵法门不灵,救不到我的命,也跟 着不修不念经。我无人超度。”(罪灵哭泣声)

Sinner A said, “My wife in the living didn’t know what I secretly did. After I died, Yama ordered the Underworld officers to take me to the Hell of Avici to be punished, and I constantly screamed and cried. My wife thought that Guan Yin Citta wasn’t efficacious after my death as my life wasn’t saved, so she also quitted and no longer recited sutras. So I have nobody to help me ascend now.”

阎王过后指向另一个罪灵,怒喝:“XXX,自己说!” 罪灵 B:“我是 XXX,XX 国人,我也是卢军宏台长的 海外弟子。师父啊,我错了,弟子错了!(罪灵凄凉的 哭喊声) “我生前也是 XX 共修会的其中一个主事者。我贡高 我慢,害死自己啊!我本身福报具足,有自己的生意。 刚开始修心灵法门的时候,在自己的家乡有一定的影响 力,我度了很多人。后来和几个当地的师兄一起组织共 修会弘扬心灵法门,希望家乡人能够得到佛法的救度。

Yama pointed at the other sinner and angrily, “XXX, speak for yourself!” Sinner B said, “My name is XXX. I’m from country Z. I am also an overseas disciple of Master Lu Jun Hong. Master, I was wrong! I was also one of the principal managers of the practitioner centre in country Z. I became arrogant and proud and I ruined myself! Originally, I was sufficient with worldly blessings; I had my own business. When I first started cultivating Guan Yin Citta, because I held some influence in my hometown, I managed to awaken many people spiritually. Eventually, I established a practitioner centre to propagate Guan Yin Citta with some fellow practitioners who lived locally. I hoped that all the people in my hometown could be saved by the Buddha-Dharma.

“因为度人很多,我渐渐贡高我慢,在法务上和师 兄们有不同的见解,其实是我自己没有好好一直去跟进师父的开示。我错了啊!我修行但是没有修心,我因为 自己的福报导致我听不进师兄的劝告,和师兄们隔阂越 来越深。有一次我去海外参加法会,师父直言不讳地指 出我的毛病习气,我表面上听从,可是心里很不服气。

Because I spiritually awakened a lot of people. I gradually became arrogant and proud. I regularly debated with my fellow practitioners on some propagation activities with my views, but in reality, I didn’t properly follow-up on Master’s teachings. I was wrong! Although I cultivated my behaviour, I didn’t cultivate my mind. It was because of my worldly blessings that I didn’t listen to my fellow practitioners’ advice, and the distance between us grew. One time when I attended a Dharma convention overseas, Master was outspoken and directly pointed out my shortcomings. Although on the surface, I looked like I was willing to heed his advice, I was recalcitrant.

“我因为这件事心里对师兄们起了怨气,没有反省自身。过后因为一件事情我就离开共修组,渐渐地也不 修心念经了。我退转不修后魔障迷心,和其他师兄在网上组织‘反心灵法门——假佛教外道’,在外面分发传单,让很多人跟着退转不修,过后自己撞车死了。”

Because of this incident, resentment towards my fellow practitioners began to grow. I didn’t introspect myself. Then after a while, I left the practitioner centre and gradually abandoned my cultivation and sutra recitations. After I retreated, my inner demons began to form mental obstructions and delusions. I joined with other fellow practitioners to establish a website – ‘Anti-Guan Yin Citta – A fake Buddhist cult’. I would give out letters and articles and successfully persuaded many people to follow and abandon their cultivation. Then I died in a car accident.”

阎王播放荧幕,弟子看到罪灵驾车超速,下雨天车 打滑失控撞向安全岛,昏迷在车内,路上又没有其他车 子经过,等到天明亮,有人报警叫救护车送去医院急救, 可是脑颅内失血昏迷太久,抢救无效死亡。

Yama showed the scenes on the monitor, and I saw that the sinner drove very fast during a rainy day. Suddenly the wheels skidded, and he lost control of the car. As a result, the vehicle rammed into a safety island and he became unconscious inside it. There weren’t any passing cars throughout that night. It wasn’t until it was morning when somebody called the ambulance and he was rushed into the hospital. But because he lost too much blood while being unconscious, all rescue measures proved ineffectual, and he died.

罪灵 B:“我死后阎王审判直接丢进无间大地狱受苦 刑,弟子知道错了,弟子真的知道错了!” XX 国阎王:“可悲,为那极为可笑的理由——利益 退转不修也就罢了,还要到处影响别人,拉人退转,害 别人和你们一起造下恶业重罪。

Sinner B said, “After I died, Yama sent me directly to the Hell of Avici to be punished. I know that I was wrong! I was wrong!” The Yama from country Y said, “What a shame, for such a laughable reason such as profit, you abandoned your cultivation. But not only had you done so, you even affected others to retreat, and you ruined them to commit grave sins.

心灵法门是天地正法, 阳间人不懂,可你们是已经蒙佛救度的佛门子弟,难道 不懂五逆四重罪?诽谤佛法、正法乃五逆四重之罪。现 在在我面前哭泣也无用,我们地府依法惩戒,童子手上 是观音圣旨,让童子游地府听审转告阳世以明世人。尔 等会等天上公文宣告才放你们出狱。” 说完,XX 国阎王让鬼差押送罪灵回他们所在的国家 地府。弟子得阎王批准,魂体被送回阳世。 弟子 2018-11-28

Guan Yin Citta is an orthodox Buddhist practice from heaven, you people in the living don’t understand. But you are already a Buddhist who knows of the teachings of the Buddha, surely you must know about the five offences and four grave prohibitions? The action of slandering the Buddha-Dharma and the orthodox cultivation practice is considered one of the five offences and four grave prohibitions. Weeping and crying in front of me now is useless, the Underworld courts will deliver punishment according to the laws. The Golden child holds a decree from Guan Yin Bodhisattva allowing her to journey into the Underworld and share her observations with the world of the living. Once we have received the orders from the Heavens to pardon you, then you shall be released from hell.” Afterwards, the Yama from country Y ordered the Underworld officers to escort the sinner back to the Underworld courts of their own country. After I received Yama’s permission to leave, I returned back to the world of the living.

28th of November 2018.

答:大家看见了吗?刚刚讲的几个例子,死掉的人,我有两个都知道。因为我天天在上面,上面就说谁谁要死 了,让我加持,希望不要死,我一看就知道没用了。看 见了吧?我再三跟你们说,要学就好好学,还跑出去诽 谤心灵法门?!我再三跟你们说,心灵法门是正法,是观世音菩萨的法门,你不学就不学了,还去诽谤干吗? 脑子都有问题!

Master’s reply:

Do you all see? The two cases involving the two disciples who died are people I know. It’s because I’m constantly in Heaven, I would receive news about who’s going to die, and hope that I could give my blessings so that they won’t die. When I observe them, I know that it’s useless. Do you all see? I’ve repeated myself time and time again; you must properly learn. Yet you guys go out and slander Guan Yin Citta? I’ve repeated myself time and time again; Guan Yin Citta is an orthodox Buddhist practice, it is passed down by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. If you don’t want to learn then you can choose not to, but why must you slander and defame it? There must be a problem with your head!

她刚才讲的都是真的,魂体被送回阳世, 全部要阎王同意才能送回来,所以很多人昏迷,像植物人一样的,他就是魂送到地府的,阎王不同意他就回不 来,就算阳间的人给他接氧气,留他一口气,他也只是 一个植物人,他什么都不知道。大家现在懂了吗?作假 的有什么用?我天天跟你们讲,要当心,要当心,不听 的,撞死了就知道了。你们说这些会是假的吗?这种描 述,造得出来吗?开玩笑。这些都要编成书发出去的, 要让很多人能够知道地府的事情。很多人都不知道怎么 死的呢。

Everything she said is true. For her spirit to return to the world of the living, Yama must give permission in order to send her back. That’s why when people enter into a coma, they are the same as a vegetative patient. Their spirit is in the Underworld, without Yama’s permission, they can’t return. Even if the person is given oxygen so that they are still alive, they are still in a vegetative state. But the person doesn’t know that. Now, do you all understand? What’s the point of faking it? I’ve constantly told you to be careful but you don’t listen, and you realise everything after you die. Do you think that everything written here is fake? Could somebody fabricate such detailed depictions? What a joke. All of this must be turned into a book and shared with others so more people know about the affairs of the Underworld. There are still many people who don’t even realise how they would die.

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