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Writer's pictureAndywin08

JHH V 2-31 Attendance to a Hearing at the Court of Yama sentencing a Lustful Male Director

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Guan Yin Citta Journey to Heaven and Hell V2-31




On the 28th of December 2018, that morning, I received a thought message from the Dharma protector to attend a hearing at the underworld courts about a male film director who used the media to take photos of a large number of erotic photos. He also led a promiscuous lifestyle and had sex with both men and women. He was the male director who was involved in the 6/12/2018 hearing of the celebrity.

My spirit was then wrapped inside a shroud of golden light and was taken to Heaven to the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva, where I was permitted by the Dharma protectors guarding the entrance to enter and meet Guandi Bodhisattva. I paid respects to Guandi Bodhisattva, Zhoucang Bodhisattva, Guanping Bodhisattva, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Nanjing Bodhisattva and Gautama Bodhisattva and waited for further instructions at the side.



Guandi Bodhisattva said, “Golden child, take this scroll and deliver it to Yama in the underworld courts. Yama will deal with the case as instructed.”

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, “Today when you go to the underworld, the executioners will take you to the Hell of Ghost-Eyes to personally witness it (this hell’s real name is the Hell of Ghost-Eyes, not Hell of Flaming Eyes). Just in case the dark aura of that hell will cause harm to your spirit, I will bless you with the protection of indestructibility. Go and return quickly. Yama is waiting.”



Then, my spirit was surrounded by light again, which took me to the underworld. Inside the court of Yama, there was a male sinned spirit who had just finished his sentence in the hell of excrement. His body was covered by countless insect bite marks and scars. He was shaking profusely as he waited for Yama’s judgement.

The senior Yama said, “Speak! In the living realm, you were false-hearted, and you had committed many unwholesome acts. Even if you had enough wealth to last a few lifetimes when you were alive, after death, you would not be excused from judgement nor punishment.



The male sinned spirit said, “Because my identity is a producer (later he invested his money into making his own films), and also a director, I get approached by many male and female celebrities. I take advantage of this to get sexual favours from them behind the scenes. Insiders who knew me for a long time, know about my preferences that are not publicly known. I also had some relationship with criminal organisations. If I happened to come across any newcomers in the entertainment industry, I would think of whatever methods to get them to satisfy my lustful urges, whether it’s drugging, blackmailing or scaring them. Like so, I’ve been in the entertainment industry for decades and then retired to return to a normal lifestyle. When I was alive, cancer was spread in four different areas of the body; I was skinny, and I was tortured by physical illnesses that made me unable to eat, so I was afflicted with suffering. When I died, I was taken to the courts of Yama by the executioners (Court of [Name of the country], before death, he immigrated outside of the country he was born in, so the local Yama dealt with his case. His record that has all his sins in the country he was born in was passed to the court of the country he immigrated to). After Yama has broadcasted everything on the monitor and passed judgement on me, the executioners took me to the enormous cesspit (hell of excrement) where I was bitten by countless insects. Every day I wish I could just permanently die.” (He cried.)



I sighed at how karmic retribution comes back to us at how it was formed. Who once was a tall and strong man is unable to stop himself from crying and screaming in the face of hell.

The senior Yama said, “Once your punishment in the hell of excrement is over, you will be sent to the hell of ghost-eyes. Now our guest will follow you to the hell of ghost-eye and observe your punishment there, then warn the sentient beings in the living realm. Those who use the internet and social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Youtube, Entertainment websites etc.) to advertise large quantities of pornographic content, like videos, photos or literature, then they will receive the karmic retribution of being punished in the hell of ghost-eye when they die. After you have served your full sentence and is released from hell, because you have given your testimonial and shared your experiences in the realm of the dead, the merit-virtues accumulated from this deed will allow you to reincarnate in an impoverished family in the human realm. If you hadn’t done so, according to the laws of the underworld, you would be reincarnated in the animal realm due to your vile promiscuity and your acts of capturing and sharing pornographic content!”



I caught a glimpse of his notes in Yama’s records, which wrote ‘[Name of the country], in a remote mountainous area, female body’. It is what Master had mentioned in ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’ that those who are reincarnated in remote mountainous areas are due to their karma.

The sinned spirit was dragged away by an executioner, and from Yama’s court, he had set off on a long and arduous journey where he had meandered through many cliffs, mountains and jungles. The area of the realm of the dead seemed vast and boundless. I, on the hand, was enveloped in a golden light after Yama had sentenced him, and I was floating in the sky. So I followed them in the air until they reached the hell of ghost-eyes.


This hell has an incredibly huge pit that goes in very deep; it looks kind of like the Vredefort crater. A great mud wall surrounds this hell, while the guards of the entrance were wearing a strange outfit. After the guards had identified our reasons for coming, they opened the gates and allowed us to enter. I have been to this hell before on my trip on the 26th of September 2018. At the time, it was still being constructed, but now, it’s already completed.


Within the hell, an uncountable number of ghost-eye rings were already constructed. Each ghost-eye ring consists of five massive oval-shaped objects (ghost-eye machine) that surround it in a circle. Each ring could accommodate over a hundred people inside to be punished. The sinned spirit was taken to one of the ghost-eye rings, and the executioner of that hell took out a steel ring and threw it towards the centre of the ghost-eye ring. Every oval-shaped object in the ring was activated and revealed a small hole in the middle. And the steel ring shot a blue-coloured beam into the small holes of the ghost-eye machines, which then triggers it to open up its outer steel casing like eye-lids, which revealed a tidal surge of electrical currents that formed something like a screen, while there was a black floating ball in the middle conducting all that energy, and it looked like a giant eye.


The five ghost-eye machines started to float midair and then formed a great halo of energy that connected each other, which was used to collect all the lustful thoughts and images of the sinned spirits from their foundational consciousness. After approximately a few minutes, it has finished collecting all of their information. Then it started. The five ghost-eye machines shot out a vortex of flames straight at the sinned spirits, and they started to burn and incinerate. In an instant, they were all charred black. The sinned spirits let out a howling cry, and their pain was indescribable. But they were unable to escape from the ghost-eye ring, and they were rolling about on the floor. The length of time which the ghost eye machines fires the flames at the sinned spirits depends on their sins.


Not long after, the flames disappeared. The current of energy in the ghost-eye machines turned blue, and then it shot out a countless number of silver needles (which were formed out of the energy it had been accumulating) at the sinned spirits. The entire body and also the eyes of the sinned spirits were stabbed with countless silver needles. The entire hell echoed with constant screaming, which made me tremble with fear.



弟子 2018-12-29

The sinned spirits will be constantly punished like that in the ghost-eye ring until all of their negative karma has been eliminated. The executioner told me because the male director had made a lot of pornographic videos, and also he didn’t practise restraint in his private life, he would be imprisoned inside for a minimum of fifteen years. If he owned a pornographic website or was the head of a pornographic group, and the more popular and traffic it had accumulated, then it meant more sentient beings were harmed in the process, and his sins are greater. So his imprisonment will be longer, approximately thirty to one hundred years until his negative karma is eliminated.

I’m grateful Master.

29th of December 2018.


Master’s reply:

That place (Hell of Ghost-Eyes) should be new. I told you this before; all of the technology you see in today’s society also exists down below. Everybody must be careful. There are no benefits to promiscuity.

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