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Writer's pictureAndywin08

Journey to Heaven and Hell V 2-21 Attendance to a Hearing at the Court of Yama

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Guan Yin Citta Journey to Heaven and Hell V2-21




On the 10th of December 2018, I had a dream, and I was summoned to the court of Yama to attend a hearing. When I arrived, a senior Yama and two junior Yamas were there waiting for me. That day’s case was solely judged by the senior Yama.

Beside Yama were many officials who stood beside him and were each holding a notebook to check whether the sinned spirit lied during their confession. If they act stubbornly and refuses to accept their wrongdoings, then the judge will summon a large monitor out of thin air and play back the scenes, so that the sinned spirit becomes convinced sincerely. The notebook used in the underworld is different to the human realm, it could only be opened by the judge or Yama’s intention, and it will reveal the deepest parts of the sinned spirit’s consciousness and unconsciousness mind - the foundational consciousness. Master once said that the foundational consciousness is where the seeds of our wholesome and unwholesome thoughts and deeds are stored. After I listened to Yama’s explanation, I finally understood. All of the wholesomeness and unwholesomeness that we experience in the human realm are the consequences of our own making.


The senior Yama told me, “Guan Yin Bodhisattva have mercy that the people in the living do not understand about karma and that consequences will appear in the same form as it was sown, and as a result, countless sentient beings had committed unwholesome acts and descended to the lower realms. Thus did Guan Yin Bodhisattva summon his disciple XX Bodhisattva (Yama had said that this couldn’t be disclosed), who had attained fruition of the Tenth Ground (who is currently Master Jun Hong Lu), to act on behalf of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s vow to descend to the Saha world to spiritually awaken sentient beings who possess affinity and guide them back on the path of reform and wholesomeness to avoid descending into the lower realms. The people nowadays are difficult to become spiritually awakened and take refuge in Buddhism by simply propagating the Buddha-Dharma to them. That’s why Guan Yin Bodhisattva had given your Master authorisation in demonstrating supranormal powers to spiritually awaken sentient beings during the age of dharma decline. You Buddhists in the human realm must not seek supranormal powers or supernatural experiences. If you accidentally invited an evil demon to enter into your body, the consequences would be dire. You can’t imagine how many people in hell were originally cultivators who deviated due to their pursuit of supranormal powers. Do you know that if one uses their supranormal powers and interfere with the karma of the sentient beings in the human realm, after their death, they would be taken and transferred to hell by the courts? I wish that the Buddhists in the living realm will properly cultivate, and refrain from doing things that your Master had forbidden. I can tell you that in Guan Yin Citta, only your Master had received official authorisation from Guan Yin Bodhisattva to use the powers of Totem reading to save others. In the future, nobody will inherit this supranormal power. If any disciple from Guan Yin Citta proclaims that they have the supranormal power of Totem reading, you must not believe it.”



I nodded my head to show that I understood, and also reminded myself that when I return to the realm of the living, I must properly read Master’s ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’ to use for cultivation. I then witnessed a sinned spirit summoned to the court who was once a psychic whose cultivation had deviated and was sentenced to hell. The process was quite frightening.

The senior Yama said, “Summon [Name of the sinned spirit] here before me to make his confession.” The sinned spirit arrived and knelt. “Even though you were a teacher when you were alive, you have never done any good deeds and acted nothing like what a teacher should. You were even initiated and became Master Lu’s disciple, yet you didn’t adhere to the disciplinary rules of the Buddha-Dharma, and you retreated, then you spoke offensively. In [Name of the country], you shared leaflets which accused your Master’s Dharma door as not an orthodox Buddhist practice. You have received the grace and blessings of your master, yet you were ungrateful and disloyal. When you were still cultivating, you had received the blessings of the Buddha, your parents were peaceful and healthy, and they recovered from their chronic illness. But for the sake of your ego, you were consumed by anger, and you started to slander your master. What’s the difference between you and Devadatta during Gautama Buddha’s time? If you don’t hurry up and be honest with our guest, I will order the executioners to return you to the hell of Avici to continue your punishment!”


Sinned spirit A, “I beg for Yama’s forgiveness, I confess. My name is Zhang XX from XX. I am a part-time teacher in a tutoring class. In 201X, I was introduced to Guan Yin Citta from a relative of mine, and I followed others in learning Buddhism and reciting sutras. After I recited and offered Little Houses to my parents, they recovered from their chronic illness. I had also dreamt of Master and Guan Yin Bodhisattva curing my parents. In 201X, I followed a fellow practitioner to Hong Kong and went through the initiation ceremony and officially became Master’s disciple. When I returned, I was diligent; I had put a lot of effort. I regularly propagated the Dharma with my fellow practitioners and helped old mothers call into the radio show and asked questions. When I visited Master at the Australia Oriental Radio station, he saw that I was a teacher and so he encouraged me that I should use my role in my career to advise and spiritually awaken more people to learn Buddhism and recite sutras, and help improve the understanding of unknowledgeable fellow Buddhists. Afterwards, I became proud and started to seek the knowledge of other Dharma doors to enrich my knowledge. I felt that I already knew a lot and proclaimed that I’m a senior and sought supranormal powers and spiritual experiences. I was unaware that my cultivation had deviated.


A fellow practitioner noticed that my condition doesn’t seem normal, and so emailed to ask Master. He replied that my cultivation had deviated, there was a deviated celestial spirit in my body, so I had to recite Little Houses to help it ascend, and instructed me to stop watching the talks of other Dharma doors and don’t cultivate impurely. I didn’t heed his advice. I viewed myself as a teacher, and an intellectual, all of my other fellow practitioners are illiterate and elderly people or ignorant children. So I continued with my method to cultivate and learn how to gain supranormal powers.”




The senior Yama turned on the monitor to show the scene to me. There was a black-coloured spirit whose figure looked like a wretched old man, and it was he who occupied Mr Zhang’s body and had been constantly channelling misguided thoughts to him. Master’s email response was right; there was an evil spirit inside Mr Zhang’s body.

“Not long after, I discovered that I couldn’t control my aroused sexual thoughts, and I couldn’t control myself from masturbation. Even when I’m teaching, and I see a few beautiful female students, I would fantasise about it. As a teacher, I hated myself from doing so, yet these sexual thoughts constantly appear in my mind.”

The senior Yama turned on the monitor, and it showed the evil spirit used its intention to make him want to masturbate and also saw that although Mr Zhang watched pornographic videos discreetly at home, it was because the evil spirited wanted to watch it himself.



My views became divided from my fellow practitioners’ views, and out of pride and arrogance, I quit and decided to no longer cultivate nor recite sutras. Then I started to commit sexual misconduct, and soon developed a relationship with one of my female students in my tutorial class. She was underaged at the time; I’m seriously an animal! Consumed by my arrogance, I started to publicise on the internet that Guan Yin Citta is not an orthodox Buddhist practice, and used many preachings from other Dharma doors to attack Master’s teachings. I created leaflets to propagate that Guan Yin Citta is a cult. Some of the cases were fabricated by myself and were not true. Yama, I was wrong. After death, I descended into the hell of Avici and were constantly forced to swallow molten lava, and the pain from the burning of my throat and innards is excruciating. I have wronged Master; my ego has ruined me! Master once said that the karmic obstructions from the deeds of sexual misconduct stemmed from my previous life were significant, and told me that I must properly reform my arrogance and refrain myself…” (The sinned spirit cried).

The senior Yama showed me a scene on the monitor. When Mr Zhang was driving at night through an underground tunnel, two executioners pursued him and pulled his spirit away from his body. As a result, he lost control of his car and crashed into the tunnel wall. His skull was fractured, and he became unconscious while losing a lot of blood inside the car. When a passerby discovered him, and he was sent to the hospital to be rescued, he died.




弟子 2018-12-11

The senior Yama said, “As a teacher who tempted an underaged female student, even if she was willing to develop a love relationship with you, the court will view it as rape. After you have finished your sentence in the hell of Avici, you would be transferred to the hell of embrace and continue your punishment. Guan Yin Bodhisattva is mindful that when you were still cultivating Buddhism, you had accumulated merit-virtues in reciting sutras and spiritually awakening others. Hence you were transferred here before our guest so that after she has heard your testimonial, she would warn others when she returns to the living realm. After you have finished your sentence in the hell of embrace, as the Bodhisattvas pity you that you were ruined by an evil spirit, you will be transferred here again to give your testimonial of the suffering in the hell of embrace so that the sentient beings of the human realm will be warned of the consequences. With the merit-virtues accumulated from that deed, you will reincarnate in the human realm instead of the animal realm. Such lustful behaviour is unfitting for a teacher or a master!”

After he finished, an executioner took the sinned spirit away to the hell of embrace. I received the senior Yama’s permission to leave, and my spirit returned to the realm of the living. When I woke up, it was 4 am, and the sky was gradually becoming brighter.

I’m grateful Master.

11th of December 2018


Master’s reply:

I have checked this person afterwards; the Bodhisattvas want to reveal some things about Guan Yin Citta through him. If you don’t believe it, you could find out who this person is. Remember, don’t fool around. Many people learned improperly and had become reckless. They start to start to misguide others and say that they could commune with the spiritual world. They are ruining others! It’s absolutely meaningless. What’s the point of having people surrounding you and praise you, if, in the end, you go to hell? When you feel pain inside your dream, doesn’t it feel real? The experiences he feels is exactly like what he experiences in a nightmare; it’s very painful.

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