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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 1-9 Burning Hell (Punishment for profiting in the name of the Buddha) 火热地狱(敛财地狱)

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Burning Hell Punishment for profiting in the name of the Buddha

2018 年 8 月 28 日早上迷迷糊糊之间听到一个声音, 说:“我是济公活佛,接观世音菩萨旨意,带你去游地 府一趟。你莫怕。” 迷迷糊糊中跟着济公菩萨来到了地府的一处地方, 有一座特大的城门现在眼前。两个长得很高大的鬼差(大 如城门)拿着武器挡着我们,问道:“是谁?此乃地狱 重地,不得擅闯。” 济公菩萨大放金光,对鬼差说道:“我乃济公活佛, 接观世音菩萨旨意,带心灵法门佛弟子游此地狱,回阳 世后告知世人借心灵法门敛财及乱念小房子的地狱果 报。”

In the early morning of the 28th of August 2018, in a daze, I heard a voice. It said, “I’m Jigong Bodhisattva. Under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s orders, I’m here to take you to the Underworld. Don’t be afraid.” Then I muddle-headedly followed Jigong Bodhisattva to a place in the Underworld, and there seemed to a large city in front of us. Two very tall and muscular guards (as tall as the city gate) used their weapon to block us. One of them said, “Who are you? This is an important place in the Hell Realm; you can’t pass.” Jigong Bodhisattva unleashed a torrent of golden light and said, “I’m Jigong Bodhisattva. Under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s orders, I’m here to take this disciple of Guan Yin Citta to this hell, so that when she returns to the world of the living, she will share her observations and warn others about the karmic retribution of using Guan Yin Citta’s name to profit in the name of the Buddha, and the consequence of reciting Little Houses insincerely.”

说完,鬼差打开大门,让我们进去。我随着济公菩 萨转进一条小路。地府与阳间的环境很像,只是在地府 的环境是我们阳间的晚上,不见光亮。济公菩萨身放金 光,我跟着菩萨来到一处高地,就不再往前走了。济公 菩萨指着远处一座现代化的建筑,一座大概有三四十楼 高的高楼大厦,不远处还有工程在实施,有鬼差在建着 新楼房,那是最近地府建给借心灵法门敛财及乱念小房 子的现世阳人将来往生投地狱后居住。

Afterwards, the guards opened the gates and allowed us to pass through. I followed Jigong Bodhisattva along a small narrow path. The Underworld and the world we live in are very similar, but it looks like night-time in our world. There’s no sunlight. Jigong Bodhisattva was constantly emitting a golden aura, and I followed him to higher ground. Then we stopped. He pointed at a very modern-looking building that was afar. It was approximately 30-40 stories high, and nearby, more buildings were being constructed. It was a new site planned to punish sinners who took advantage of Guan Yin Citta to make money and those who insincerely recited Little Houses.

我看了一下,这和我之前观看的地狱不一样啊(之 前被带下去看无间地狱、邪淫地狱、谤佛和口业地狱, 回到阳世后,不舒服了好几个小时),好像一点都不恐 怖,为什么是地狱重地?我也不见有罪灵在这个区域受罚。 济公菩萨笑了笑,摇摇扇子,扇子金光一闪,化成 一个荧幕在我前方,“我让你看看现在在那幢高楼大厦 的罪灵”。一个又一个的小空间,关着很多罪灵,我看 到这里大惊失色,我问菩萨:“为什么这么多法师呀?” 大部分都是法师,也有小部分是和我一样的普通人。

I took a look. It was different from the other places I observed in the Hell Realm. (Before, I went to the Hell of Avici, Hell of Sexual Misconduct, Hell of slandering of the Buddha and other verbal misdeeds. When I returned to the world of the living, I was nauseated for a few hours). But this hell doesn’t seem to be scary, why is it considered an important place in the Hell Realm? I also don’t see any sinners being punished in this area. Jigong Bodhisattva smiled. He waved the fan he was holding, and a wave of golden light came out from it, and it created a monitor that was hovering in the air. “Take a look at the sinners that are currently residing in that tall building.” There are saw many small rooms inside that imprisoned many sinners. I was shocked, and then I said, “Why are there so many venerable monks?” A majority of them were venerable monks, while a few of them were ordinary people.

济公菩萨答:“乱念小房子,骗天地鬼神。小房子 乃天地所传,是观世音菩萨的大愿力,乃佛门法物,世 间人以为是区区一张黄纸,不好好念诵(有些法师和现 世阳人是随便念几遍就把经文直接点满整张),还借佛 门法物敛财(菩萨挂坠、小房子、护身卡、心灵法门菩 萨圣像、佛珠在网上售卖),这个就是他们的地狱果报。”

Jigong Bodhisattva replied, “Those who recite Little Houses insincerely are cheating the heavens and spirits. The Little Houses were passed down from the heavens; it was created from the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s great vows. It is a Dharma-tool of Buddhism, yet the people in the living world only see it as a piece of yellow paper, and they don’t properly recite. (There are some venerable monks and ordinary people who only casually recite a few sutras but then dot up the entire Little House). They also take advantage of the free Dharma-tools and make money from it (like selling the Bodhisattva necklaces, Little Houses, protective amulets, Bodhisattva portraits and prayer beads online). This place is their karmic retribution.

不久,上空一个声音传来:“时辰到,点火!”不 知哪来的火光冒出,瞬间包围整个高楼。我看到关着罪 灵的小房子里,惊恐声四起,这些罪灵是活活被烧死在 里面啊,真是可悲又恐怖。我看了很不忍心,就对菩萨 说道:“我不想看了。”济公菩萨就把扇子收掉。远处 传来罪灵们的尖叫声,我泪如雨下。这里每到一个时辰 就会点火烧这些罪灵,依他们在阳世造业的程度大小, 关的时间也不一样,有些关一年,有些要关二三十年, 每日都要受那火烧之苦直到刑满出狱。 菩萨见我难过,就把鬼差叫来带我出去,我跟着鬼 差走到一个电梯前面(这是通往阳世的电梯,现在地府 都是现代化建筑),按下“1”楼键,电梯上升,门打开, 我醒过来了。 弟子 2018-08-28

Not long after, a voice resonated from the sky and said, “It’s time, light the fire!” Then suddenly, flames appeared out of nowhere and engulfed the entire tall building. I saw all the sinners that were locked up inside the rooms screaming in horror. Those sinners were being burnt alive inside; it was pitiful and terrifying. It was unbearable to watch, so I said, “I don’t want to watch anymore.” Jigong Bodhisattva then closed his fan, and the monitor disappeared. We could hear the screams from afar, and my eyes swelled. There, the building will go up in flames every couple of hours. Depending on the level of sins they committed, the length of imprisonment is different. Some of them are imprisoned for a year, while some are imprisoned for 20 to 30 years. Every day, they must bear the punishment of being burnt alive until their sentence is over. The Bodhisattva saw that I was upset, so he told the Underworld guards to take me back. I followed the guards to the elevator (this is the elevator that connects this place to the world of the living. The Underworld is very modern). I pressed the button labelled ‘1’ and the elevator ascended. When the doors opened, I woke up.

28th of August 2018.

问: 2018 年 10 月 22 日在观音堂礼佛结束,坐下念经时, 不久意念陷入昏睡,魂体被济公活佛提起把我带入一处 地狱中。

On the 22nd of October 2018, after I finished paying respects to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas at the Guan Yin Temple, I sat down to recite sutras. Soon, my consciousness began to enter into a deep slumber, and my spirit was taken by Jigong Bodhisattva to a place in the Hell Realm.


Burning Hell: A place to especially punish those who recite Little Houses insincerely and use Guan Yin Citta’s name to make money.

来到一处高地,低地下是一座座现代化的建筑,还 有工程在实施,有鬼差在建着新楼房,那是最近地府建 给借心灵法门敛财及乱念小房子的现世阳人将来往生投 地狱后居住。

I arrived on a high ground of the area, and I saw many modern-look buildings and some new buildings being constructed by the Underworld officers down below. It was recently built to punish sinners who used Guan Yin Citta’s name to make money and recite Little Houses insincerely.

我走进附近建好的一栋楼房。楼房内一片漆黑,里 面都是一排排的单间牢狱,关着几十个罪灵,牢房外没 有门,都是一根根铁条竖立在门外。我走进其中一个单 间房,一具被烧得很黑、我几乎认不得脸孔的灵体躺在 地上哀嚎着。这里每到一个时辰就会点火烧这些罪灵, 依他们在阳世造业的程度大小,关的时间也不一样,有 些关一年,有些要关二三十年,每日都要受那火烧之苦, 直到刑满出狱。

I went inside one of the buildings. It was completely dark inside, and there were many corridors with small rooms on both sides that imprisoned around a dozen sinners. There were no doors but a metal chain that prevented them from leaving in each room. I went into one of the rooms. When it sets on fire, the floors and walls become charred black, and all the sinners would be roasted alive, indistinguishable and howling in pain. Here, all the sinners would be set ablaze every couple of hours. Depending on the level of sins they committed, the length of imprisonment is different. Some of them are imprisoned for a year, while some are imprisoned for 20 to 30 years. Every day, they must bear the punishment of being burnt alive until their sentence is over.

灵体意念传来:“我是死于车祸,生前我一直狂造 心灵法门口业,说了很多不好听的话,其实我对佛法了 解也不深,根本不知道心灵法门是观世音菩萨所传。我 生前造了很多恶果,也不懂佛法戒律,你发发慈悲,可 怜可怜我,求求观世音菩萨和护法菩萨,让我死后能把 这些话传回阳世,让我减轻刑罚,早点出狱,免投畜生。”

One of the sinners transmitted a thought message to me. He said, “I died from a car crash. When I was alive, I was constantly badmouthing about Guan Yin Citta. But my knowledge of the Buddha-Dharma was shallow; I didn’t know that Guan Yin Citta was passed down by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I committed many unwholesome deeds, and I was ignorant to the disciplinary rules of the Buddha-Dharma. Please be merciful to me. I beg Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the Dharma protectors help me relay my words to the world of the living so that my sentence can be reduced and I can be set free from hell and not reincarnate as an animal.”

这时,另一个单间房的罪灵传来意念:“我是 XX 国 家的 XX 法师,我修为不到,实不知这些是天上所传佛门 法物,死后被打入地狱,因我在世有诵经做功德,关的 时间比较短,还可投在有佛缘的家庭,可每日火烧之苦 实在难忍。我日日忏悔,您是心灵法门弟子,您替我求求情,我已知忏悔,求佛菩萨恩慈,网开一面。” 看到这里,我泣不成声。向灵体合十告别后,找到 电梯回到阳世。

Then, a sinner from another room transmitted a thought message to me. He said, “I’m a venerable monk from country X, my cultivation is insufficient. I didn’t know that these things are Buddhist Dharma-tools passed down from heaven. When I died, I was sent to hell. Because when I was alive, I recited sutras and did meritorious deeds, that’s why my sentence is relatively short. I can also reincarnate into a family that has an affinity with Buddhism. But every day, I have to experience the pain of being burnt, and it’s unbearable. I repent every day. You’re a disciple of Guan Yin Citta, could you please plead for me? I know I was wrong. I pray for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ mercy and grant me succour.” Here, I cried and choked from the weeping. I bowed and said my goodbyes, and I went to the escalator and returned to the world of the living.

答:我跟你们说不要造口业,造口业的人一定下去。很 多人过去就是乱卖小房子,有的法师念了一遍《大悲咒》 就全部点满,等到走掉了就知道了。地狱真的很苦,做 人不要不知道未来,你现在做的每一个动作都会影响到 你的未来。就像现在很多人抽烟,他怎么知道以后会得 肺癌?很多人年轻的时候拼命喝酒,怎么知道以后会得 肝癌?道理就是这样的。你骂人,不知道哪一天就被别 人骂。大家真的要当心,不可以这样做的。心灵法门现 在是越来越好,修的人越来越多,想一想就知道了。

Master’s reply:

I’ve said many times that you mustn’t commit deeds of verbal misconduct. Those who do will descend. In the past, many people irresponsibly sell Little Houses. Some venerable monks dot up the entire Little House despite reciting only a single Great Compassion Mantra. They know the consequences only after they pass away. The Hell Realm is very painful. You must learn to be aware of the consequences of your actions; everything you do now will affect your future. Just like the people who smoke, do they know that they will get lung cancer when they’re older? That’s the principle. When you scold at others, you must expect to be scolded by others one day. You must be careful, and you mustn’t live recklessly. Guan Yin Citta is getting better; more people are cultivating every day. You know when you think about it.

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