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V 1-7 Great Burning Hell 大火热地狱

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Journey to Heaven and Hell Volume 1 Chapter 7

2018 年 9 月 29 日,弟子拜佛结束念经时,观世音菩 萨传意念于弟子:“孩子,你莫害怕,多次领你魂魄下 地狱是因为现世的阳人恶业深重,以后地狱会一层又一 层地加建,也是地藏王菩萨慈悲这些造恶业果的人,也 慈悲怜悯我法门子弟,希望他们不要堕落地狱。为师现 在看到在网络上(微信、Facebook、WhatsApp、QQ、微 博等等)借佛敛财的弟子,为师很心痛。我现叫护法带 你去惩戒敛财及杀业的大地狱,待会儿回阳间记得写出 来让大家警惕,莫造恶业!莫造恶业!现在天时已经很 快了。” 关帝菩萨说:“如若不好好忏悔,我会叫护法惩戒。 慎之!慎之!”

On the 29th of October 2018, after I have finished praying to the Buddhas, Guan Yin Bodhisattva had transmitted a thought message to me. She said, “Child, don’t be afraid, I’ve ordered your spirit to journey down to the Hell Realm many times is because the people of the living are committing many grave sins. In the future, the Hell Realm will keep on expanding. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is pitiful towards those sinners, and also pitiful to the disciples of our Buddhist practice. He hopes that they won’t descend into hell. As one’s master, when I see those disciples profiting from the Buddha online, my heart truly hurts. I will now tell the Dharma protectors to take you to the Great Hell where people, who committed deeds of killing or profiting from the Buddha, are punished. When you return to the world of the living, remember to write it out and share it with others as a warning. Don’t commit unwholesome deeds! The rate of divine judgement is quick.” Guandi Bodhisattva said, “If you don’t properly repent, I will order the Dharma protectors to punish you. Be warned!”

大火热地狱:惩戒敛财、大杀业,尤其是靠杀生害命赚 取利润。

Great Burning Hell: It’s the place that punishes sinners who profited from the Buddha, and those who had committed serious deeds of killing, especially who kill to make money.

来到一座城墙前,还没进去就已经感觉到闷热的空 气,古老黝黑的城门紧闭,火红的天空,里面传出男男 女女哀嚎呼喊的声音,感觉这个城可以容纳大概一万余 人(来自世界各地的罪灵)。今天门外没人看守,我等 了许久,一个鬼差急急忙忙走来,向我问话:“没接到 指令说有阳人魂魄游地府,哪里来的?”我回答:“我 是心灵法门子弟,接菩萨指令下来描写地狱景象。”鬼 差向上空问了几句,沉默了几秒,就点头让我进去。

I arrived outside an old city. I’m not inside it yet, but the air already feels hot and stuffy. The dark and ancient-looking city was closed off, the sky above it was glowing red, and I could hear an echo of screams coming from inside the city. I felt that this city could accommodate around 100,000 people. That day, nobody was guarding the entrance. I waited for a long while, and then an Underworld officer hastily came. It said, “We didn’t receive any news about a spirit from the living realm coming to pay us a visit, where are you from?” I replied, “I’m a disciple of Guan Yin Citta. I received orders from the Bodhisattva to come here to depict the scenes from this hell.” The Underworld officer then looked up in the sky and said a few words, seemingly talking to somebody high up. After a moment of silence, it nodded its head and allowed me to enter.

城门打开,我站在阶台上,旁边两处阶梯是通往城 里的。从上面可以看见下面是很大的一片空地,没有其 余建筑物,很多火锅在冒烟(因为放得零零散散,我也 不知道多少),有很多执鞭的鬼差。我走下去,看见一 个女罪灵跪在地上,全身没穿衣服,很多结痂的伤口。

The city gates opened, and I stood on top of the terrace. On both sides, there was a ladder that allows one to climb down into the bottom of the city. From the top, I could see that it was an incredibly large open space down below. There weren’t many buildings or monuments below, only a lot of hot pots that was billowing smoke. (Because the hot pots were very scattered around the area, I don’t know how many there were). Many executioners were carrying whips. I climbed down, and when I reached the bottom, I saw a female sinner kneeling on the ground. She was completely naked and was covered in wounds and scabs.

鬼差不顾罪灵的反抗,用鞭抽打女罪灵,意念传来: “这个女罪灵生前在佛门地方靠佛赚取利润,又不守佛 门戒律,在外淫乱,死后堕地狱。”抽打完后,把女罪 灵很粗暴地从地上拉起来赶到一处台阶,命令她躺下去, 过后另一个鬼差拿了巨斧开始砍罪灵的手脚,连骨一起 砍断,随手丢地上。我看到到处都是断手残脚的肢体, 还有肉碎。女罪灵的意识还是处于清醒状态,真的是活 受罪。

The executioners didn’t care how much the sinner struggled; it kept harshly whipping at her. Then I heard a voice which said, “When this sinner was alive, she profited in the name of the Buddha in places of Buddhism, and she didn’t abide by the disciplinary rules of Buddhism. She also had casual affairs, so when she died, she descended into hell.” After she was whipped and beaten, the executioner dragged her towards an altar roughly and ordered her to lie down. Then another executioner came over with a large axe and chopped her arms and legs off; even the bones were cut cleanly. Then she was thrown off the altar. I looked around the altar and there were many chopped arms and legs, and also minced flesh. The sinner was still conscious and awake; it really was unbearable to watch.

第二天,待地府天明亮后(地府的白天是灰色的天 空,没有太阳),罪灵的身体都会自动恢复成刚下地狱 的样子,然后又开始第二天的惩戒,直到刑罚完毕。 如果阳人生前靠杀业赚取利润,因为你害众生命, 杀害它们,那么死后,这些果报也是让你一一尝受。 这里每到一个时辰就会放大火烧整个城,鬼差会从 城内退出,里面的罪灵会被活活烧死。罪由心起,因为 你心中的贪念引来这些罪业之火,可怜,可怜。(罪灵 都是为了赚取利润,才去敛财,才去赚这种黑心钱,都 是罪灵心中的贪引来这些大火烧。)

On the next day when the sky of the Underworld became brighter (during the day time of the Underworld, the sky is pale grey-coloured, there is no sun), the bodies of the sinner would automatically recover back to the form when they first came to the Hell Realm. Then their punishment will continue until their sentience in that hell is over. If a person made money from killing, because they have caused losses of life, in death, they will experience the karmic retribution of it. In that hell, the whole city will burn ablaze every couple of hours. The executioners inside will evacuate, while all the sinners will burn alive. Sins are created from the mind. The greed and desires within the sinner’s mind would turn into a flame that engulfs them. What a pity. (It’s due to a desire to make money, that’s why they profit in the name of the Buddha and make money from immoral deeds).

奉劝心灵法门的弟子们,师父讲的话是真的,不可 以利用佛友赚钱,将来下地狱可不好受。我看完后,得 鬼差点头示意可以回阳间,急急忙忙绕过那无数残骸,步向城楼。出城不久后,听见有鬼差喊:“烧城!”漫 天大火就焚烧起来,整个城被包围在火海中。 我如往常找到回阳世的电梯就醒过来了。

Here, I would like to advise all followers and disciples of Guan Yin Citta not to take advantage of fellow Buddhists and make money from them. What Master said is true. It will be unpleasant if you fall into the Hell Realm in the future. After I have witnessed the scenes, the executioners allowed me to return to the world of the living. I hurriedly went past the mounds of remains that scattered around and climbed up the ladder back to the exit. Not long after I left the city, I heard a shout, “Burn the city!” Then a pillar of flame gradually erupted out of the city into the sky, and the city was engulfed in a sea of flames. Like usual, I looked for the nearest elevator, which allowed me to return. Soon, I woke up.

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