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V 1-28 Observation of How a Spirit Reincarnates; Attendance to a Hearing about Two Sinners

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

问: 2018 年 11 月 26 日,今天拜佛结束时,关平菩萨传 意念于弟子晚上有卷轴代交给地府处理。晚上在家中闭 目,魂体被菩萨带往阎王殿,弟子把卷轴交给阎王像往 常一样立在一旁听审。今天阎王殿案下跪着两个男罪灵, 全身被火烧过的痕迹,浑身发抖等候阎王审判。


On the 26th of November 2018, after I finished praying to the Buddhas, Guanping Bodhisattva transmitted a thought message to me that I was to deliver a scroll to the Underworld courts that night to deal with. Then when I laid on the bed to sleep, my spirit was taken to the court of Yama by a Bodhisattva. I handed over the scroll to Yama, and like usual, I stood at the side to listen to the hearing. That day, two sinners were kneeling in front of Yama. Their body was covered in scars that showed signs of being burnt. They were shaking feverishly as they were kneeling and waiting for Yama’s trial.

阎王看完卷轴,在上面盖章,告诉弟子:“今天本 王给你看转世投胎的魂体在母胎的情形。”阎王手一指, 银幕上显现画面:已经被地府批准投人身的灵体由鬼差 送去投胎的地点,魂体轻轻飘入受精卵中,十个月后胎 体成长就可出生。“打胎(不管有意还是无意)在地府 是记录为杀生害命,”阎王告诉弟子,“有些畜生道灵 体劫难受尽也可投人道,一般畜生道众生要转世很久才 能投人道。也要看此畜生道众生的因缘,有些受劫时间 长,有些时间短(根据这个灵体在还没投畜生,为人之 时所造罪孽大小而定)。

After Yama finished reading the content in the scroll, he stamped a seal on it and said, “Today, I will show you what happens when a spirit has reincarnated and enters into the womb of the person whose soon to be its mother.” With a flick of his fingers, a silver monitor appeared out of thin air, and it showed a scene. There were some spirits who obtained the Underworld court’s approval to reincarnate as a human being, and they were being taken by officers towards the location of where they will be reborn into. Then their spirit gradually diffuses into the fertilised egg of the mother. Then in ten months, their form would be fully developed, ready to be born. Abortions (regardless if it’s intentional or not) are considered and recorded as a deed of killing. There are also animal spirits, of which after having completed their punishment to be in the form of an animal and suffer the tribulations associated with it, they could also be reborn as a human again. Typically, a spirit of the Animal Realm must reincarnate countless times within the Animal Realm before they could reincarnate into the Human Realm. It’s also dependent on the karmic affinities of that animal spirit, some of them remain as an animal for a long time, while some are relatively shorter. (This was in accordance to the deeds and sins of the spirit when it was still a human before it was banished into the Animal Realm).

一般灵体越大的动物(牛、狗、 狮子、老虎、猴子等等)能投人道的机会比较大,所以 如果在世人杀害这些大动物,罪业会很大。从畜生道转 投到人道的灵体,在母胎会惊恐不安,让母体受苦,也 是这个母亲善福报不具足才得此子。若在世母亲为已受 魂的胎儿念诵经文,胎儿灵体得佛力加持会比较安定, 也会让这个母亲少受苦难。”阎王给弟子看银幕:怀孕 七个月的女师兄在家中拜完观世音菩萨后,给自己的腹 中孩儿念诵《大悲咒》和《心经》,从母亲口中念诵出 来的经文转换成一阵阵金光进入胎中的灵体,原本深灰 色的灵体渐渐变浅。佛菩萨的经文确实能净化灵体。

Typically, a large animal (like a cow, dog, lion, tiger and monkeys, etc.) have a higher chance of reincarnating as a human after their death. That’s why if a person kills these large animals, their sins will be severe. When spirits from the Animal Realm is reincarnated into the Human Realm and enters into the mother’s womb, it would be restless and anxious inside the womb, and it will cause its mother to be in pain. It is also because the mother’s wholesome blessings are insufficient, and that’s why she has received this spirit as her child. If the mother could recite sutras for the baby inside her womb, the baby’s spirit would be blessed by the power of the Buddha and would be calm. This way, the mother also benefits and would suffer less pain.” Yama pointed at the silver monitor. It showed a scene of a female practitioner, who’s currently pregnant for seven months, reciting the Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra to her baby inside her womb. An aura of golden energy from the recited sutras gradually entered into her womb and diffused into the baby’s spirit. The originally grey-coloured baby spirit slowly became a lighter colour. The sutras of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas can certainly purify spirits.

阎王给弟子讲解完毕后,脸色微沉,指向右手边的 男罪灵,怒斥:“生前是个执法部门高官,唉,却做出 这么多罪孽之事才堕落在地狱里边。生前为人全无正气, 为攀高位富贵,贿赂、敛财,为不法之人掩盖许多罪孽。 利用权势与人淫乱,出入娱乐场所,有家室还要包养情妇,教唆情妇堕胎。在阳世还自称是个佛教徒,简直是 亵渎佛门!”

After Yama has finished explaining, his face darkened and pointed at the male sinner on his right-hand side. He said furiously, “When you were alive, you were a high-ranking law enforcement officer, yet you have committed many sins, and thus you have descended into hell. When you were alive, you did not have the slightest sense of righteousness, you only cared about mingling with the wealthy and the noble, took bribes, involved in embezzlement and helped many criminals cover up their crimes. You used your authority and reputation to live a promiscuous life. You went to nightclubs frequently; you are already married yet you keep a mistress. You had also instigated your mistress to abort your child. You did all that, yet you call yourself a Buddhist, that’s utterly preposterous!”

说完,银幕上播放罪灵生前的种种恶事:暗中在隐秘场合签署不合法文件;带高级官员去娱乐场所应酬, 饮酒后和酒店小姐做苟且之事;欺骗妻子,和情妇淫乱, 情妇怀孕,不顾她意愿强迫她去打胎,伤害家中妻子和 情妇感情。过后,车祸身亡,死后因为所作之恶转入火 烧地狱惩戒(签署违法文件敛财、贪污枉法,为个人利 益污蔑有德行的人)。

After he finished, the silver monitor began to show scenes of the sinner’s unwholesome deeds when he was still alive. He had signed illegal documents in secret. He took other high-ranking government officials to nightclubs to socialise. Then after he’s intoxicated, he would go and have sex with girls he had met at a hotel. He cheated on his wife and kept a mistress to live a promiscuous life. When his mistress became pregnant, whether she was willing or not, you forced her to abort the child, and you have hurt both your wife and your mistress. Afterwards, you got into a car accident and died. Then your spirit descended into the Hell of Burning Flames to be punished (associated with his signing of illegal documents to embezzle money and was an act of corruption. He had ruined many virtuous people for the sake of benefitting himself).

阎王:“现在你火烧地狱刑满,现判入铜床地狱(酒 店淫乱)、粪池地狱(邪淫,包养情妇)、铁山地狱(教 唆情妇堕胎)。你前一世是个大善大德之人,转世投胎 才得今生大富贵,可惜却沉迷在名利富贵里面,非但没 有慈善之心还在人间为非作歹。XX(鬼差名字),带他 去粪池地狱。”

Your punishment in the Hell of Burning Flames is over, so now you will be sentenced to the Hell of Iron Beds, the Hell of Excrement, and the Hell of Iron Mountains (for his promiscuous acts and for instigating the abortion). In your previous life, you were a very kind-hearted and virtuous person; that is why you held tremendous wealth and power in this lifetime. It’s a pity that you were intoxicated inside fame and wealth. Not only did you not show a shred of compassion, but you were also corrupt and reckless. XX (Name of the Underworld officer), take him away to the Hell of Excrement.”

罪灵苦苦挣扎,可是力气还是抵不过鬼差,被鬼差连拖带拉强硬带离阎王殿。 阎王指向左手边的男罪灵,说:“自己坦诚吧。” 男罪灵开口:“我不是马 XXX 罪灵,被鬼差带过来 这里才知道这里是马 XXX 地府。我生前和妻子一起修心 灵法门,可是我没有真正去守佛法戒律。我背着妻子在 外面找小姐,淫乱。我收佛友钱,表面上弘法度人好像 很精进,可是在放生钱款上拿了一些利益,我知道这个 是出佛身血,敛财。

The sinner struggled, but he was not as strong as the Underworld officer. In the end, he was overpowered and forced out of the court of Yama. Yama then pointed at the other male sinner on the left-hand side and said, “You, speak honestly.” The sinner said, “I’m not a sinner from country X; it was only when the Underworld officers took me here that I realised that this was country X’s Underworld court. When I was alive, I cultivated Guan Yin Citta with my wife, but I didn’t properly abide by the disciplinary rules of the Buddha-Dharma. I secretly had a lover behind my wife’s back and had a promiscuous life with her. On the surface, I seemed very diligent at propagating Buddhism and spiritually awakening others, but when I received money from fellow Buddhists to perform life liberations on behalf of them, I would embezzle some of it. I knew that this was considered as profiting in the name of the Buddha.

生前觉得那么一点点利益又不是大 钱财,更何况我有一直在发书度人,觉得有度人功德这 么大,家里真的经济不好,菩萨和护法应该不会怪罪, 所以一直不当一回事。这样子敛财两年多了,暴毙死的。 我在世妻子不知道我这个事情。我死后,阎王告诉我全 部都给我记在本子上,每一次放生,我多收佛友多少钱, 清清楚楚地写着。死后就放去火烧地狱,把我肺啊、肚 肠、心肝都快烧出一个洞,疼得叫爹叫娘的,可疼了! 观世音菩萨,弟子知道错了!”(罪灵哭泣声)

I thought that it was alright since I only took a little money and it’s not a lot. Not to mention that I’ve been proactively giving away books and propagating Buddhism, so I thought that I had accumulated a lot of merit-virtues. My family at the time was facing financial difficulties, so I thought that the Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors wouldn’t blame me, that’s why I never have it much thought. After I died, Yama told me that everything had been recorded, such as how much money I took from fellow Buddhists when I performed life liberations from them, it’s all very clear. I was then taken to the Hell of Burning flames, and my organs had been burnt so much that it made a large hole. It’s so excruciating that I couldn’t help but constantly cry and scream! Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I did wrong!” (The sinner wept).

阎王瞪着罪灵:“学佛念经后还要知法犯法,现在 才来后悔,已经太晚了!观世音菩萨慈悲怜悯你们这些 犯错的弟子堕落地狱,也希望在世的佛弟子不要犯和你 们一样的过错,才一直让童子游地府把地府见闻转告阳 世众生,以此为戒。好了,下去吧。等文章分享出来后, 我会书写公文转交 XX 国家地府,再依此功德减少你的地 狱刑罚。” 弟子 2018-11-28

Yama looked at the sinner and said, “You broke the law despite knowing it after learning Buddhism and reciting sutras. It’s too late to repent now! Guan Yin Bodhisattva pities those disciples who descended into the Hell Realm, and she hopes that Buddhists and disciples in the world of the living won’t repeat the same mistakes. That’s why she permitted the Golden child to journey to the Underworld and share the information here with the world of the living so that they are warned. Alright, you may go back now. After this incident has been shared, I will write a letter to country Y’s Underworld courts, so that the merit-virtues gained from your sharing could be used to reduce your punishment in the Hell Realm.”

28th of November 2018.

答:大家看到了吧?不要以为一点点,积少成多。一点 点一般不会成为一个大罪,但是积少成多之后就拉下去 了。一般拉下去的方法就是车祸,最快,一撞车就走人 了。她讲的这些都是真的。不是开玩笑的,不要等死了 之后受到这种痛苦了才知道。要懂啊,不能敛财,不能 乱来的。现在心灵法门弘扬得这么好,有多少人在借心 灵法门敛财?在山上的坟地里,清明、冬至、七月十五 的时候,很多人去上坟,有人就过来问你,要不要小房 子,十几块钱一张卖给你,尤其是看到挂观世音菩萨挂 坠的,就知道是心灵法门的,他马上就过来问。那些人 借佛敛财,要下地狱的。希望你们好好学。

Master’s reply:

Do you see? Don’t think that it’s a little, many a little makes a mickle. Trivial unwholesome deeds typically won’t be considered a serious sin, but once it has accumulated into a large amount, then you will be dragged down. Usually, it comes in the form of a fatal car accident. It’s the quickest, you die when you get hit. Everything she said is true, don’t joke around. Don’t say that you only knew after you died and being punished. You must know, you can’t profit in the name of the Buddha, you mustn’t be reckless. Guan Yin Citta is propagating Buddhism so well, but how many people do you think are using Guan Yin Citta to profit in the name of the Buddha? In the graveyard up in the mountains during times like Tomb Sweeping Day, Winter solstice, Ghost Festival, many people go and visit the graveyards. Then somebody comes over and asks you, “Do you want Little Houses? I can sell you one for 15 RMB.” Especially those who are wearing the necklaces with the image of Guan Yin Bodhisattva on it, then they know that they follow Guan Yin Citta. They would come over and ask. Those people are profiting in the name of the Buddha, they will go to hell. I hope that you can learn properly.

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