Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.
问: 2018 年 11 月 18 日,当天在观音堂上晚香时接到菩 萨意念,地府有事请我下去一趟。晚上在家中,意识陷 入昏睡时被金光带往天宫,到达关帝殿,见到斗战胜佛、 观世音菩萨、佛陀、南京菩萨、关帝菩萨、关平菩萨、 周仓菩萨正在商议。我向诸佛菩萨一一请安后,斗战胜 佛问弟子:“佛弟子们意见不相同,如何处之?”弟子 答:“师父说过以和为上,不要有私心杂念。私心会导 致自己杂念纷飞。”斗战胜佛又问:“杂念又何以处之?” 弟子答:“以无念代替有念。师父说无念即是德,没有 念想就不会造业。因为我们还在修行,起心动念还不到 正觉,一旦心中魔障,恶念现前,一念错就是业障。一 言不合就念经,这是弟子看萌宝佛言佛语学到的。”
On the 18th of November 2018, after I have paid my respects at the Guan Yin Temple, I received a thought message from the Bodhisattvas that the Underworld court has requested me to go there that night. When I returned home and went to sleep, I found myself enveloped in a golden light and was taken to the Heavenly Realm, and I arrived at Guandi Bodhisattva’s palace. There, I saw Victorious-Strife Buddha, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Gautama Buddha, Nanjing Bodhisattva, Guandi Bodhisattva, Guanping Bodhisattva and Zhoucang Bodhisattva, and they were discussing something. After I paid my respects to every one of them, Victorious-Strife Buddha asked me, “When there are different opinions between fellow Buddhists and disciples, how should one deal with it?” I replied, “Master once said that retaining harmony should be the biggest priority, and one must not allow their selfish distracting thoughts to take hold. Selfish motives would induce one to be filled with distracting thoughts.” Victorious-Strife Buddha asked again, “How should one deal with their distracting thoughts?” I answered, “We should get into the state of no-thoughts to replace the state of thoughts. Master said that the state of no-thoughts is virtuous. If one has no thoughts, then they won’t create karma. It’s because we are still in the process of cultivating, our thoughts that arise are still not at the state of perfect enlightenment. If we still harbour any inner demons within our mind, it will hinder us and manifest unwholesome thoughts. When the thought deviates, it will create karmic obstacles. If you get yourselves into conflict, then you must immediately recite sutras. That is what I learnt from reading Master’s book ‘Words of Wisdom’.”
说完,南京菩萨微微一笑,弟子也不知道答对与否, 只好站在一旁等候。不久,佛陀传意念与弟子:“人间 父母对孩子百般宠溺,以物质名利喂养子孙,导致孩子 无明习气,跟着父母造作恶业,乃至堕落恶道,实为可 悲可怜。人间阳人长此下去,恶气甚重,以后会恶道轮 回苦。你今前去地府听审,回阳世尽快书写与你师父, 让阳世众生警惕。父母应当以身作则,以德养身,积善 积德,修习佛法,才为正,才能造福子孙后代。”
After hearing my answer, Nanjing Bodhisattva smiled slightly. I didn’t know whether I answered correctly or not; I could only stand waiting for further instructions. Not long after, Gautama Buddha said telepathically, “The parents in the Human Realm pamper their children too much. They overindulge their children and grandchildren with material goods that it leads them to form bad habitual behaviours out of ignorance. They then soon follow their parents to commit unwholesome deeds and eventually descend into the unwholesome realms. It is a very pitiful sight. If the people develop as such, their negative karma would be so great that they won’t be able to avoid the suffering of the unwholesome realms and the pains of reincarnation. After you have attended the hearing at the Underworld court, write and send your observations to your master with haste when you return to the world of the living so that others are warned. Parents should lead by example, be noble and virtuous, accumulating benevolent blessings and virtues, cultivating Buddhism, that is the right way which will sow blessings for future generations.”
弟子过后就被金光带入地府。阎王殿前,跪着三个 罪灵。阎王一脸威严看着其中一个女罪灵,说:“不知 妇德为何物,自己纵欲堕落,已经是结婚的妇女还要在 外面不知检点,爱跑娱乐场合、喝酒,和不同男子发生 关系,有些还是有妇之夫,以为自己时髦、潮流,知不知这些淫荡、伤风败俗之事天地不容!自古万恶淫为首, 淫乱一人都要受报,更何况你长期淫乱?还要在本王面 前百般辩解。”
Afterwards, I was enveloped in a golden light and brought to the Underworld courts. When I arrived, I saw three sinners kneeling on the ground. Yama was looking at a female sinner seriously and said, “You completely lacked any sense of morals, and you fell into depravity by your own desires. You were married yet you lacked self-restraint, you loved going to nightclubs, get intoxicated and had casual sex with a number of guys you met. Some of them were also married. You thought that it was trendy and cool, but you were ignorant of the fact that it's a shameless and lustful act that the heavens can’t tolerate! There’s a saying passed down from ancient times that ‘lust is the worst out of all unwholesome deeds’. Those who are promiscuous will definitely receive karmic retribution, not to mention that you had been promiscuous for a very long time? Yet you still have the gall to argue with me.”
女罪灵一脸委屈不服气,哀哀哭泣:“我那丈夫打从我年轻嫁给他,跟着他辛辛苦苦养家,看顾孩子。我 丈夫年轻出轨,我忍受不了这口气,我有自己的姐妹淘, 原本只是诉诉苦,后来自己也是不甘心,想我这么辛苦, 外面男子又对我甜言蜜语。我本来就面临婚姻苦恼,阳间大家都如此,我身边几个姐妹也曾出轨,我又不知因果,哪懂这些道理!”
The female sinner showed a mixed expression of grief and recalcitrance. She cried and said, “Ever since I married my husband, I had endured hardships with him and helped take care of the family and raised our child. When my husband was young, he already had an affair. I couldn’t stand it and complain to my close friends. Originally, I just wanted to speak out all my pains, but I wasn’t willing to accept it. I thought about how much suffering I endured, and all the guys I met were really good with their sweet talk. I was already faced with a problematic marriage; everybody in the living is like this. All of my close sisters and friends had affairs. I don’t even know about karma, who would know about these things!”
阎王接着说:“那也不能如此堕落!罢了,本王不 与你多说,判铁床地狱受罚。” 阎王过后指向另一个男罪灵:“你家中富贵,父母又对你百般溺爱,满足你的物质欲望,要什么给什么, 可是却不曾好好教养你。你在世刁蛮任性,下来见到本 王还要如此,在本殿放肆无礼,我才叫鬼差杖打你。你 在世父母不懂,可是你所犯之罪难道能逃过本王法眼?”
Yama replied, “Even so, you should be so depraved! Forget it; there’s no point of me discussing with you any further. You are sentenced to be punished in the Hell of Iron Beds.” Afterwards, Yama pointed at the male sinner beside her and said, “Your family is very wealthy, and your parents doted you very much. They satisfy your every material desire and give you whatever you wanted. But they did not educate you properly. You became rude and wilful. And you are still acting as such now in front of me, and you dared to act impudently in my court, that’s why I ordered the executioners to beat you up. Your parents were ignorant, but did you think that the crimes and sins you committed could avoid my eyes?”
说完,银幕上播放罪灵生前的罪业。罪灵生前与亲 戚合作生意,生意失败后在父母面前撒谎,把生意失败 过错推到自己亲戚身上,挑拨离间,害亲戚全家经济出问题。罪灵生前与亲戚在某地合作时,出去花天酒地,淫乱女子,又喜在网络看情色资讯。对修学佛道的女子, 不顾她的意愿,强行淫乱,毁女子清白。罪灵的父母亲 做生意不老实,孩子有样学样跟着父母欺骗亲戚股份产权,在文件上做手脚,霸占不属于自己的财物。
Then, a silver monitor appeared and started to broadcast the sins that the sinner had committed when he was alive. Before, he cooperated with his relative in the business. When the business failed, he lied in front of his parents and shifted all the blame towards his relative. Then he sowed discord between them and created financial difficulties for his relative. When he was still cooperating with his relative, he would regularly go clubbing and have casual sex with the girls he met there. He also liked watching porn on the internet. Even when he met girls who were Buddhists, he wouldn’t care about their wishes and forced his way to have sex and ruined her virginity. The sinner’s parents were also dishonest in business. They had once cheated their relative regards to how the shares were divided, and their son did the same. He tampered with the legal documents and seized assets that shouldn’t be his.
阎王怒目瞪着罪灵:“我现判你入铁床地狱、拔舌 地狱、电眼地狱。刑罚完毕后,投贫苦女身。唉,你知 不知你前世有修行才会今生投富贵人家做大少爷,可你 造业连连,才短命早夭,现在堕落地狱。”鬼差不顾罪 灵反抗硬拖下去。 阎王过后对另一个跪着的男罪灵说:“你不懂佛法 因果乃至造下杀业,现在堕落地狱受罚,在你七七四十九天期未满之时,你家中有修习心灵法门的亲人给你做 功德了,为你放生,现在本王用此善功德免你一些地狱 罪行。”
Yama stared at the sinner angrily and said, “I now sentence you to be punished in the Hell of Iron Beds, Hell of Tongue Carving and the Hell of Eye Shock. Once your punishment is over, you will reincarnate into an impoverished female. Sigh, did you know that it was due to your cultivation in your previous lifetimes that you were blessed to become a princeling in a very wealthy family? But you had committed a series of grave sins, that’s why your life is so short, and you have to go to hell.” With no care nor concern, the executioner dragged the sinner out despite his struggling. Yama then turned to another male sinner and said, “ You were ignorant of the Buddha-Dharma and karma, so you committed deeds of killing, and currently you still have a sentence in hell. During the 49-day initial period after your death, one of your relatives who is cultivating Guan Yin Citta had performed life liberations and offered the merit-virtues accumulated from it to you. So I will use these merit-virtues to reduce your punishment sentence in hell.”
阎王过后告诉弟子:“亡人过世未满七七四十九天, 只要家中修习佛法的在世亲人给亡人做功德(善事、放 生)能快速消减亡人在世所犯诸多罪业。可是一旦七七 四十九天期满,罪业定型,只能依靠经文的能量才能达 到超度亡灵的作用。心灵法门是用佛教经典组合(小房 子),其他法门也各有他们超度的方式。切记不可法门 与法门之间说来道去,每个法门都有他们超度亡灵的经 咒,一样灵验。 “
Afterwards, Yama said to me, “During the 49-day initial period after a person has died, as long as their relatives who are cultivating Buddhism perform meritorious deeds for them (like life liberations), then it will help to quickly remove the negative karma from the deceased person’s spirit. But when the 49-day initial period is over, their negative karma would be finalised, and only the energy from the sutras would have the capabilities to help then ascend. Guan Yin Citta uses a combination of Buddhist sutras (Little Houses), while other cultivational practices have other methods to help spirits ascend. You must remember not to compare nor speak unwholesomely about other cultivational practices. Every cultivational practice possesses sutras and mantras that help the decease ascend; they are also effective.”
小房子之所以能快速起到超度亡灵、消罪业的作 用是因为你们心灵法门的观世音菩萨大悲愿力所化,如果在世念诵者胡乱念诵,严重没有念满遍数(念几遍经 文就随便点),我们地府会根据你们烧送下来的签署名(念诵的人),地府会有仪器追查,假的小房子张数 达到一定数量或者地府接到灵体投报收不到足够经文遍 数,就会上报天庭,天上会书写公文卷轴,我们地府执 行。希望你转告阳间的人,好好念诵经文,不要用这些 佛门法物敛财骗人,这些是佛门法物,不要和地府开玩 笑。超度的佛事你们可不要等闲视之,哪天下来见我阎 王,跪在我面前,我也只能依法制裁。” 说完,弟子被金光送回阳世。 弟子 2018-11-18
The reason why Little Houses can help spirits ascend so quickly and possess such a high rate of negative karma removal is due to the great power of vow that Guan Yin Bodhisattva possesses. If anybody in the living dare to recite and offer recklessly, like those who had completed all the dots of the Little House despite not having recited that quantity, then the Underworld courts will record it under the name of the person who signed it. We have the equipment to examine it. When the number of fake Little Houses have reached a certain quantity, then we will report it to the Heavenly courts. The Heavenly courts will write an official document to authorise us to act. I hope that you could share with the living that they must properly recite the sutras. Don’t use Dharma tools to make money or cheat others. It’s not a joke. Tools that are used for spiritual ascension shouldn’t be treated lightly. One day, when you have to come down and kneel before me, I could only act according to the laws.” After he finished, I was enveloped in a golden light and brought back to the world of the living.
18th of November 2018.
答:这个非常好。你们好好记得,里面能学到很多东西。 你要是烧了质量不好的小房子亡灵拿不到,他就可以去 阎王那里告你。过去你们看戏里面都有,告到阎王那里, 阎王就可以判。比如焦桂英怒责王魁,焦桂英死了变成 鬼了都要去追这个男的,阎王爷同意她去阳间把他拉走。 很多事都是这样的,如果骗人,小房子数量不够,一定 会有罪,真的要当心。上次在这里读的一个案例,也是 这个人写的,在博客上发表后,前天就有人在广播里反 馈,真的对上号了,我们一个佛友就是这样走掉的,讲 的和他生前的事情一模一样,已经在地狱里了,在阎王 老爷那里跪着呢。学佛不是开玩笑的,学佛不容易,不 是念念玩玩的,要真的真修。
Master’s reply:
That is very good. You must properly take note; you could learn a lot from her observations. If you have offered Little Houses with very bad quality, the spirits will not receive it. They could then complain in front of Yama. In the past, some dramas showed this. When they appeal to Yama, then Yama could initiate a hearing. For example, in the Cantonese opera ‘Wong Kui and Guiying’, when Guiying died, she became a ghost and wanted to take revenge on the guy. Yama had approved her to go to the world of the living to take him away. Many situations are like that. If you cheated somebody, and the Little House quantity isn’t enough, it would be considered a sin. So you must be careful. Last time, the person wrote a similar case on my Weibo page. Then after a few days, a person gave feedback on my radio channel and the circumstances matched. We had a fellow Buddhist who passed away this way. What the person wrote and what the person on my radio channel said exactly the same thing and the deceased person is already in hell. Practising Buddhism is not a joke, nor is it easy. Don’t fool about; you must cultivate sincerely.