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Writer's pictureAndywin08

JHH V 1-22 Journey to the Palace of Guandi Bodhisattva; Attendance to a hearing at the Court of Yama

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Guan Yin Citta Journey to Heaven and Hell V1-22




On the 14th of November 2018, that night, I dreamt that I was enveloped by a golden light, and it took me through the sky, and I passed many gates of heaven. In the air, I saw Victorious-Strife Buddha’s golden form. Victorious-Strife Buddha wore golden armour and looked slightly different to the last time I saw him in the heavenly realm. However, he still looks solemn and dignified. Victorious-Strife Buddha was afraid that I would be lost without a guide in the heavenly realm, so specially came to guide me to the direction of Guandi Bodhisattva’s palace. Just when I was distracted by the beautiful sights and scenery around the heavenly realm (rainbow clouds surround different designed towers and palaces, every palace contains different unique portals to different domains where its associated Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and celestial maidens reside), Victorious-Strife Buddha sent me a thought message to remind me that if I got lost because I got distracted, he wouldn’t care. I immediately focused my attention on following Victorious-Strife Buddha, and we arrived at the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva.



That day, the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva was very lively, many Dharma protectors and celestial maidens came. There was an enormous lotus flower pool in front of the entrance, and there were wisps of clouds faintly floating inside the pool that showed images of the human realm. The Dharma protectors in heaven monitor and protect the cultivating disciples in the human realm. Once they discovered that a disciple had committed an unwholesome deed, they would immediately report it to Guandi Bodhisattva. The celestial maidens in heaven were very beautiful and wore many different coloured light gauze dress.

Gautama Buddha, Jigong Bodhisattva, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Nanjing Bodhisattva and Master’s dharma form were also there. I paid my respects to every Buddha and Bodhisattvas there. Jigong Bodhisattva asked me, “Last time when you journeyed to heaven, you answered that the human mind is the blackest, then what under the heaven is the whitest?” I replied, “The human mind is the whitest.” Jigong Bodhisattva laughed and said, “Why do you say so?” I replied, “It’s because the human mind can create wholesomeness.” Jigong Bodhisattvas questioned again, “So how is it that human mind is both blackest and whitest? Isn’t that a contradiction?” I replied, “It’s because the human mind has been deluded and defiled in the human realm; that’s why it generates unwholesome dharmas and turn black. If one cleans away the defilements on the surface and discovers the inherent mind, one will find that it’s inherently wholesome. So there’s no contradiction.” After I finished, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas there laughed. I don’t know if my answer was right or wrong, so I foolishly laughed with them.


Guan Yin Bodhisattva told me, “All glory, splendour, wealth and rank in the human realm becomes empty in a blink of an eye. Humans are greedy for fame and wealth; they don’t cultivate wholesome deeds while creating committing many different kinds of unwholesome deeds that lead them to the lower realms and suffer significantly. Even if you attained a human body, you would still suffer hardships, and your life would have its challenges. Hell isn’t scary; what’s scary is the negative karma created by the human mind. All Dharmas are created from the mind; the mind could create wholesomeness and unwholesomeness. Today, a sinned spirit has been transferred from a hell associated with sexual misconduct over to the court of the underworld to be judged. Take this order and join the hearing, then after you return to the human realm, you must hurry and write down what you observed and send it to your master. So that the people of the world understand that fame, wealth and sex are poison, you mustn’t pursue it excessively; you must warn the people in the human realm. Go now.”


Suddenly, a swathe of golden light teleported me to the court of Yama. In front of Yama, there was a male sinned spirit kneeling before him who was weeping and wailing. Looking closer at him, his whole body was covered in bite wounds from small insects. The sinned spirit spoke, “When I was alive, I was a businessperson, there was a period where business was quite successful. I was married. After my spouse gave birth to my child, I disliked and gave her the cold-shoulder, expressing that she was becoming unsightly and her body’s out of shape. Then I would go out with my business partners or friends to night clubs and other places of entertainment to pick up girls. My wife can’t financially support herself, so she had no other choice but to obey my every whim. After I died, Yama summoned a monitor which showed all the unsightly activities that I did, and I saw how heartbroken my wife and how she cried and complained to her family and friends. I regret my actions. My wife married to me when I was very poor, and helped me take care of and educate our child, and we’ve been through all the toughest times together. I haven’t treated her well; I know that I was wrong. I hope that you can tell all the men in the human world, all the girls in the night clubs aren’t sincere, they’re only there for the money. After you die, you will be held responsible for all the bad things that you committed. The most pitiful is my wife and child who’s heartbroken because of me.


Don’t commit deeds of sexual misconduct; it won’t give you any benefit; it will only lead you down to hell. Us men are foolish. We think that these kinds of things are something to be proud of. I was obsessed with women’s beauty and body and committed many sins. I didn’t know about the Buddha-Dharma when I was alive; I didn’t know then when I die, these kinds of actions will take me to the hells associated with sexual misconduct. After I died, Yama ordered the executioners to take me to the hell of eye shock. I followed the executioners through a dark and narrow path and arrived a very large and very spacious place. The executioners handed me to the executioners in charge of this hell and then left. The executioners then dragged me and pushed me into a large enclosed area. On the outside, many other executioners were guarding the place who made sure that we sinned spirits do not escape. I was shivering all over because I didn’t what kind of punishing was waiting for me, so I was fearful.


The surrounding environment was dark and gloomy. There were many sinned spirits, and there were constant flashes of light. Not long after, I suddenly heard a painful cry out of the blue. After I walked a short distance, I halted, not daring to move further. Suddenly a light was shining on the top of my head. When I looked up, I saw clips showing all the different women I had intimate relationships with and also all the pornographic videos I watched being played inside my mind. In approximately less than a minute, two intense electric currents shot straight into my eyes, which coursed through my whole body thoroughly, making me unable to move. Buzzing sounds emitted out of me, my skin was also being burnt black, and smoke came out of it – it was very painful. If you haven’t been electrocuted before, you wouldn’t understand the pain. When I was alive, I thought that I was a tough guy. I couldn’t imagine that the punishment from hell was so excruciating. I can’t control myself from crying and screaming. The electric current continually coursed through me for I don’t know how long, 10 minutes or 30 minutes, but I felt that it was as long as a year, it’s too painful.” He then wept.


After a brief moment, he continued, “I don’t even remember how long I’ve been inside that hell, it could be a few days or a week. After I fainted due to the electric shock, I would wake back up and endure the same punishment over and over again. Then an executioner yelled my name and the electric current ceased. I was then dragged out of that hell and escorted on another narrow and crooked path. After we walked for a while, I was handed over to another pair of executioners, and I followed them. At a distance, I began to smell something foul like the scent of excrement. I was extremely unwilling to take a step further, but the executioners were tall and strong, and forcefully dragged me into a large cavern. Inside, there was a gigantic pool of excrement; it looked exactly like the huge cesspool we have in the human realm. There were many people immersed in it, there were men and women, and you couldn’t distinguish their faces because they were entirely covered in faeces. They were constantly wailing. I was shivering profusely with fear, and I was thrown into the pool of excrement. I tried to endure the foul, pungent stench, which almost made me faint inside the pool of excrement.


When I was alive, I was good at swimming. When I was swimming inside the pool of excrement, the executioners nearby just looked at me. In reality, it was impossible to pull yourself out of it and get on to the shore. Our body was completely covered in faeces so we were slippery and couldn’t get a grip. After swimming for a while, the liquid of the pool of excrement gradually made me feel extremely itchy. When I looked closely, I was terrified; there were many small bugs inside the pool which latched on to our body and bit us and that pain shook me right into my core. It was very itchy and painful. When I was alive, I thought that I was very capable of enduring hardships. I never imagined that these small bugs in this hell could make a tough guy like me cry and wail inside the pool of excrement. Like that, nobody cared about us sinned spirits and just left us floating inside the pool of excrement. It was too late for regrets.”


Yama said to the sinned spirit, “When you were alive, you didn’t control your desires. Excess indulgence leads to one’s deterioration of health, and you were behaving promiscuously. Did you know that originally you were supposed to receive extremely great worldly blessings? In your previous life, you regularly donated and gave away money to the unfortunate, which would’ve caused your wealth in your present life to be sufficient with no worries, and your business would’ve flourished so that your future generations would also enjoy the fruits of your labour. But it’s a pity that you didn’t cherish your blessings. Instead, you became intoxicated within your desires and squandered your blessings, and you didn’t set an example to your children in performing wholesome and meritorious deeds. You were also fond of eating freshly killed food (the sinned spirit regularly ate freshly killed seafood in restaurants and at home, also freshly killed rabbits to serve his family, friends and important guests). You must know that their spirits are filled with resentment when they die, and they occupy your body after death. When you were negotiating business, they frequently interfere with your thoughts inside your body so that you make the wrong decision, which causes you to suffer losses in your business. You can’t really blame them, you took away their lives, so it’s normal for them to take revenge. Sentient beings of the animal realm are originally sinned spirits who had committed many unwholesome deeds and was sentenced to be reincarnated into the different life forms of the animal realm. You don’t have any knowledge of the state of the sentient beings, so I won’t mention any further.


“You also like to go to night clubs and other places that have extreme yin energy; you must understand that those women working at those premises have really dreadful auras. You only see their beauty on the surface, but you don’t know that after they die, they will become very ugly looking spirits (that’s because these misses have committed a numerous and accumulating amount of sins, so when they descend to hell and get punished after death, their looks will be distorted by horror. When I observed hell, I already saw numerous scarred and defiled-looking people who were originally beautiful). Beauty in the human realm is nothing but an empty shell in my eyes. All these women came from a very poor and impoverished background and had to sell their body to make money. So they originally lacked worldly blessings. Yet you continue to mix in with them to satisfy your lust, inducing your mind to become devoid of right mindfulness, only caring about indulging yourself so your mind became dull, which caused your business and wealth management skills to decline, and you ran into a chain of problems.


In the underworld, other than discounting the worldly blessings and money that you cultivated in the previous life spending on the deeds of sexual misconduct you committed, you would also go to hell as punishment. Only after your negative karma has been exhausted to a certain level, would you reincarnate again (Yama told me that a majority of those released from hell would reincarnate in the animal realm). You have cultivated in the previous life and have some karmic affinity with Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and it’s because of this little affinity with Buddhism, were you selected to give your testimonial to this disciple so that she could write and share about it with others in the human realm so that they understand about the situation in hell. With this meritorious deed, you could still obtain a human body. You must now go back down and experience the rest of your deserved punishment so that you can reincarnate. Don’t beg me; you bear full responsibility for the sins you committed.”



Afterwards, the executioners took the sinned spirit away. Yama sighed, “This sinned spirit was invited to attend Master Jun Hong Lu’s Dharma convention in [Name of the country] by some friends from his hometown. It’s a pity that he didn’t cultivate, if he understood about karma, then he wouldn’t be in this position. People who are too endowed with wealth and worldly blessings generally take no heed to the Buddha-Dharma and do not know how to cultivate by observing the five precepts and cultivating the ten wholesome deeds. In their previous life, they were Buddhist whose cultivation didn’t reach fruition. Thus they reincarnated back into the human realm with great worldly blessings, yet in that same life, they become deluded and sin. Now he’s in hell. Sigh, from ancient past, fame and fortune is a bubble, but your destiny in reincarnation is dependent on your deeds, whether its wholesome or unwholesome deeds, they will continue to reincarnate!”

I was then enveloped in a golden light, and I was sent back to the human realm. When I woke up, I was sighful. All glory, splendour, wealth and rank in the human realm makes one deluded. Observing the scenes of people crying in front of Yama after they were sent to hell when they died really stirred me.


Master’s reply:

People who are lecherous and commit sexual misconduct all descend. When you dream, doesn’t it seem real? In the future, when you go down, it will be like a dream. In the past, you have already committed many deeds of sexual misconduct. If you continue, you will not rest in peace. You must reform yourself completely.

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