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V 1-2 Hell of Avici (Hell of Buddha Defamation) 无间地狱(谤佛地狱)

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Journey to Heaven and Hell Hell of Avici

问: 弟子于 2018 年 8 月 3 日在观音堂拜佛结束后,接到 一个关于谤佛地狱(无间地狱)的开示。观世音菩萨告 知弟子可以将当天接受到的意念发送给师父,请师父确 认过后转发在网络,提醒世人切勿诽谤任何正法、正信 法门(任何宗教)及任何弘扬正法的弘法人,堕落此地 狱者凄惨无比,切记切记!在世学佛人不要恶意诽谤三 宝(佛、法、僧),不可敛财,就算不修也不要任意中 伤弘扬正法的弘法人。


On the 3rd of August 2018, after I prayed to the Buddhas at the Guan Yin Temple, I received a thought message regarding the hell associated with slandering and defamation of the Buddha (Hell of Avici). Guan Yin Bodhisattva told me that I’m permitted to share my spiritual experience with Master, and after Master has approved what I saw was right, I should share it online to warn others not to slander nor defame any right Dharma Doors (cultivational practice) or any orthodox religions. One should also not slander any propagators of any right cultivational practices. Those who descend into that hell will experience unparalleled pain and suffering. You must keep it in mind! Buddhist practitioners must not slander and defame the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) with unwholesome intentions, and one must not profit from the Buddha. Even if they don’t cultivate, they must not harm any propagators of any right cultivational practices.


大银幕布满整个观音堂佛台前方,一个地狱景象出 现。几个罪灵被护法神压制跪在护法菩萨前面,护法菩 萨一脸严肃,观音堂上空布满天兵天将,个个威严无比。 在地府官员宣判罪名后,观音堂地板出现一个黑色通道, 黑色通道开启后,凄厉的叫喊声立刻传了上来(可以说 是鬼哭狼嚎),非世间任何恐怖片的音声可以形容,可 怕至极,听得我汗毛直立。

Hell of Avici (Hell of Buddha Defamation):

A silver monitor appeared out of thin air and stretched across the front of the Buddhist altar, and it began to reveal the scene of hell. A few sinners knelt on the ground by the immense pressure radiated from the Dharma protectors’ aura. The Dharma protectors looked solemn yet strict, and an army of heavenly soldiers appeared in the sky above the Guan Yin Temple. All of them looked dignified. After the Underworld officials declared the names of the sinners, a dark portal gradually expanded and appeared on the ground of the Guan Yin Temple. After the portal stabilised, I heard echos of terrifying and frightening screams coming out of the portal; it sounds even more bloodcurdling than the screams you sometimes hear in horror films. All the hairs on my body rose up in fear.

罪灵立刻被投入黑色通道中,直堕无间大地狱。护 法告诉我,这个地狱是不管任何人,只要你诽谤正法、 正信法门(任何宗教),都会送去这个地狱执行惩罚。 罪灵堕落地狱后,一脸惊恐,罪灵的意念传送到观 音堂银幕中,所有感觉,包括地狱热度,地狱景象,罪灵的恐惧、痛苦,我都好像亲入此境,不是世间任何科 技可以发明出来的(这是地府的)。

The sinners were then taken into the dark portal which directly teleported them to the Hell of Avici. The Dharma protector told me no matter who you are, as long as you have defamed or slandered any right Dharmas or right cultivational practices or orthodox religion, then the sinner will be taken and punished in this hell. After the sinner descended in this hell, their face looks terrified, and their thoughts were transmitted on to the silver monitor. All of their sensations, including their sensation of heat in hell, what they saw in hell, their mental and emotional fear and pain, were transformed into a visual form for me to see, as if I was watching a live broadcast. It’s not something that can be invented by modern technology in the human realm. It was from the Underworld.

一个不同于其他地狱的鬼差出现(和其他我观看到 的地狱不同,其他地狱的鬼差像我们在阳世的人,有穿 古代官服的,有穿现代制服的,根据地域不同,管地狱 的鬼差是不一样的),长得好像七八个人那么高大,有 黑肤色的,有红肤色的,样子很凶,你只要看一眼就会 很害怕,不像人的脸,有点像牛的样子,可是身体是个 人。

An executioner suddenly appeared in front of the sinner. (It looked different to all the other executioners in other hells. The executioners from other hell look similar to the people in the living realm, some of them were dressed in clothes from the ancient past, and some from the modern-day era. Depending on which country they were from, the executioners looked different). This executioner has a height of seven to eight men standing up, its skin was red and black, and he looked very ferocious. If you looked at it, you would be very scared, it doesn’t look like a person at all, but his face looked similar to a bull. But its body was a man’s body.

之前分享过的无间地狱四周是熔岩、熔浆,热度极 高。鬼差接住那个罪灵,向地狱上空问了几句话,上空 有声音传来说明此罪灵犯了什么罪,要受刑几年。(这 个罪灵要受一万年的地狱罪,我不知道地狱的时间怎么 算,一万年等于人间几年,我问观世音菩萨,菩萨只是 流着眼泪,没有说话。)地狱鬼差用手(他的力气奇大 无比)一捶熔岩,红红的熔浆立刻从熔岩漫了出来,鬼 差拿了一个很大的物器盛住熔浆,另一只手抓住罪灵的 口,任凭罪灵怎么挣扎都无用(鬼差力气很大),把熔 浆倒了一口进去罪灵的嘴巴。

Previously, I shared what I experienced in my journey to the Hell of Avici and described it as a place surrounded by red hot slag and molten lava, and the temperature was extremely hot. The executioner firmly grasped the sinner and shouted a few words at the sky. Then a voice echoed in response which listed out all the crimes that the sinner committed, and how many years that the sinner must be punished for. (I heard that the sinner was sentenced a 10,000-year punishment in hell, as I don’t know how hell-years were calculated. I asked Guan Yin Bodhisattva, “How many years in the Human Realm equate to 10,000 years in the Hell Realm?” Guan Yin Bodhisattva only cried and didn’t reply). The executioner used its hand (his power was incredibly strong) to blast a hole into the slag, and molten lava seeped out from it. It took a large cup by the handle and dipped it into the lava with one hand, and used the other to pry open the sinner’s mouth. The sinner retaliated and tried to break free, but the executioner’s strength was immense. It then poured the molten hot lava into the sinner’s mouth.

罪灵立刻从口中发出撕心裂肺的哭喊声(太可怕了, 其他地狱受刑的罪灵都不曾这么痛苦),罪灵意念传到 银幕前:“太痛了!观世音菩萨,我从熔浆入口那一刻 就痛不欲生,熔浆像火一样在我五脏六腑烧啊,外面的 皮肤立刻冒黑,全身冒烟,眼、耳立刻流出血水,太疼 了!每一刻都好像一万年那么长,我一秒都不想待在这 个地狱,我不应该诽谤心灵法门的菩萨和护法,造大恶口业,不该说心灵法门是妖魔鬼怪、旁门左道。我错了!” 这个地狱的每一个罪灵都是黑乎乎的,我根本看不 到他们的脸(应该说几乎没有脸),只要体内的熔浆熄 灭,鬼差又会拿熔浆投入口中。在这个地狱每一秒都在 受惩罚,直到受刑时间完毕。 银幕消失了,这是我在最清醒的状态下接受到的意 念。

The sinner immediately screamed at the top of its burning lungs (it was terrifying, the suffering from the punishments in the other hells pales in comparison to this one). Their thoughts were transmitted to the silver monitor, “It’s too painful! Guan Yin Bodhisattva, from the moment the lava went into my mouth; I wish that I can die permanently. The lava is like liquid flames that burning through all of my organs, and my skin is blackened with smoke coming out of my pores. Blood and pus are also seeping out from my eyes and ears; it’s unbearable! Every moment of it feels like a thousand years have passed. I don’t want to stay in this hell for a second longer. I shouldn’t slander and defame Guan Yin Citta and the Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors. I shouldn’t have spoken so irresponsibly and committed such severe deeds of verbal misconduct. I shouldn’t have said that Guan Yin Citta was an evil cult. I was wrong!” Every sinner I saw in this hell looked charred, and their faces were not distinguishable (one can even say that they looked faceless). Whenever the lava inside the body of the sinner cooled, the executioner would pour another cup of molten lava into their mouth. In this hell, they were punished every second until their sentence was over. Then the silver monitor disappeared. That’s the thought message I received when I was clear-headed.

答:诽谤佛法者一个个都要受罚的,早点晚点,不是不 报,时候未到。师父弘法到现在,有讲过任何法门不好 吗?这(谤佛地狱)就是嘴巴乱讲的结果。如果你们梦 到的话,害怕不害怕?诽谤,最后吃苦的时候就知道了。 罪孽到报的时候,菩萨都救不了。地狱里面很高大的鬼 差,就是牛头马面,是地府专门执行刑罚的。

Master’s reply:

All those who slander and defame the Buddha-Dharma will be punished; it’s just a matter of time. Master has been propagating the Dharma for a long time up till now, have you ever heard me criticise or accuse any other cultivational practices and religions? This Hell of Buddha Defamation is the retribution of speaking irresponsibly. If you dreamt yourself inside that hell, wouldn’t you be scared? You will realise the consequence of slander when you are punished. When one’s karmic retribution manifests, even the Bodhisattvas are unable to save you. The huge executioners that you see in hell are the specialised executioners of the Underworld that executes the punishment. Their face looks like a horse, and they have a pair of horns like a bull.

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