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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 1-17 Attendance to a Hearing at the Court of Yama about a Sinner who used Supranormal Powers

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

问: 2018 年 11 月 3 日,弟子今天在观音堂拜佛结束诵经 时,观世音菩萨嘱咐弟子今晚地府让我下去听审:“今 天审判的这个罪灵是个前世修行出偏差之人,在阳间利 用修行神通给人看因果、改命运(就是师父所讲的通灵 人),乱动在世阳人因缘果报,现被地府追捕。你此趟 地府之游恐怕会有危险,在提你魂体下去之时会用金光 罩着你灵体免受伤害。此罪灵在阳世用邪术修行一段时 间,神通甚是厉害。”


On the 3rd of November 2018, after I finished reciting sutras at the Guan Yin Temple, I heard Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s voice telling me to attend a hearing at the court of Yama that night. She said, “Today, there’s a hearing about a sinner who had deviated in his cultivation. He used his supranormal powers to help other people check their karma and change their destiny (these are the shamans that Master talks about) and interfere with their karmic affinities and consequences. He has been arrested. This time when you’re there, there might be a danger. When you go down, I will create a golden aura to shield your spiritual body so that you won’t be harmed. This sinner has cultivated the deviated path for some time; his supranormal powers are quite strong.”

当晚弟子入睡前,魂体一轻,数道金光围着弟子把 弟子送进地府阎王办事处。今天的阎王殿守卫十分严格, 从其他殿调动数位非常高大、凶悍的鬼差到殿前守着。 阎王满脸震怒,怒目瞪着被押在地上的一个罪灵。这个 罪灵不像其他灵体,比较高大,有一人半的高度(生前 修邪术,所以灵体比一般人高大,是深黑色的灵体), 被两个鬼差(押这个罪灵的鬼差是比普通人的灵体高出 4~5 倍)强硬压制在地上。阎王告诉弟子在派鬼差去追 捕这个罪灵时,罪灵使出神通与鬼差大打出手,追捕过 程甚是艰难。

That night, when I slept, I felt myself float out my physical body, and a circle of light wrapped around me. Then I was sent to Yama’s office in the Underworld. That day, the guards in the Underworld were highly vigilant, and a lot of guards were transferred there from other courts. The more intimidating and aggressive looking executioners were allocated to the entrance of the court. Yama furiously glanced at the sinner that was detained. This sinner was unlike the others; he was much bigger. His height was about one and a half man’s height. (When he was alive, his cultivation in the deviated path is at a high level, that’s why his spiritual body is a lot bigger than other typical spirits. He was completely covered in a pitch-black colour). He was forced on the ground by two executioners (these executioners were 4-5 times bigger than the typical executioners). Yama told me that when he dispatched some Underworld officers to arrest this sinner, the sinner used his supranormal powers and fought with the officers, that’s why there was some difficulty in capturing him.

阎王过后怒斥罪灵:“你生前不懂佛法因果,心术 不正,给人看事情乱动在世阳人因果,用旁门左道邪术替人驱赶鬼魂,还收取信众钱财供养,你知不知此事在 地府极为忌讳!有些阳人本就罪业滔天,阳寿未尽时身 体、事业呈败坏落魄之相,本就是自身所造之因缘,是 自己的报应,更何况有些阳人做尽伤天害理之事,冤魂 索命。你乱用神通邪术,替人更改命相,窥探地府因缘 果报,此乃天地大忌!我命鬼差捉拿你,你乱用神通邪 术斗法。有些阳人本就犯罪大恶极之罪,你乱用神通帮 助他们,动他们因果。现在无情可讨,判入无间地狱受 刑。”

Yama then scolded at the sinner, “When you were alive, you were ignorant of karma, and your intentions were not righteous. You helped others check things they shouldn’t know of, and you interfered with their karma. You used heterodox cultivational methods to drive out spirits, and you accepted your followers’ monetary offerings. Do you know that all of these actions are considered taboo in the Underworld? Some people are basically sinful; although they still have years to live, their health and careers are on the decline and in a desolate state. It’s the result of the deeds they did; it’s supposed to be their karmic retribution. Not to mention, there are people who have committed all kinds of evil, and the souls of the innocents want their revenge. You recklessly used deviated supranormal powers and changed a person’s destiny and pried into the records of the Underworld, that’s a great taboo! When I ordered the Underworld officers to catch you, you retaliated with supranormal powers. Some people have committed great sins, yet you helped them with supranormal powers and interfered with their karma. You may not appeal, you are sentenced to be punished in the Hell of Avici.

罪灵过后被带走,满脸愤恨,那个凶狠表情让弟子 在旁看得后怕不已,还好弟子有金光罩着。阎王告诉弟 子:“心灵法门现在阳世的修道者,一定要谨记阳人因 缘果报是自作自受,有些心灵法门修道者如果修佛法后 还在给人看相、看因果,乱改在世阳人命运,收取钱财, 地府对这些人极为反感。现在让你下来听审,希望你回 阳世告诉心灵法门修道者,再不改掉这个行为好好遵照 你师父卢军宏台长的话语修行,这个就是他们以后的下 场。

The sinner was then taken away. His face was filled with rage; his expression was so frightening that even I became scared, although I was far away and standing at the side. Fortunately, I was protected by a golden aura. Yama said, “The cultivators of Guan Yin Citta must bear in mind that everybody reaps what they sow. If there are cultivators who still help people perform destiny reading, interfere with their karma and change their destiny while making money from it despite practising Buddhism, the courts of the Underworld will find them extremely repulsive. The reason for you to be here is that we hope you could tell other cultivators of Guan Yin Citta that if they don’t reform their ways and properly abide by your master Lu Jun Hong’s teachings, then they will bear the same consequence as that sinner.

千万莫与我阎王开玩笑!天有天律,地有地律。你 师父是奉观音菩萨旨意替人看图腾道因果,让你们阳世 之人懂得善有善报、恶有恶报,行佛道救人慧命灵魂。 小丫头,你好好修行,要多读你师父的《白话佛法》, 天地的因缘果报道理就在里面。好了,你回阳世去吧。” 语毕,弟子被金光送回阳世。

You mustn’t fool around with me! Heaven has its laws, and the Underworld also has its laws. Your Master was delegated by Guan Yin Bodhisattva to use his Totem reading powers to teach about karma so that you know that the good will be rewarded and the evil will be punished, and from then on walk on the path of Buddhism and save your wisdom-life. Lass, you must properly cultivate, you must read your master’s book ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’. Everything about the principles of karma is written inside. Alright, you can return to the world of the living.” When it’s over, I was enveloped in a golden light and returned.

答:这个人已经很多次很多次到地狱去看,我曾经给她 看过,这是真的。你们要好好修,就是告诉你们因果。修心学佛你们求得灵不灵?如果不好好修、不好好学, 报应灵不灵?只要灵的事情,反面不好的一定也灵的。

Master’s reply:

This person has journeyed into the Hell Realm many times already. I have checked her once, and everything she said is true. You must properly cultivate, it’s to tell you about karma. When you’re cultivating your mind and practising Buddhism, do your wishes get fulfilled quickly? If you don’t properly cultivate and practise, do your karmic retribution come quickly? Whatever you do, good or bad, the consequences will happen quickly.

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