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V 1-0b Depictions of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands 心灵净土圣境(二)

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Depictions of the Pure Lands

问:接连数日接到观世音菩萨传于弟子的极乐圣境景象, 弟子文笔有限,无法非常仔细地描写出净土圣境,请观 世音菩萨、诸佛菩萨、龙天护法菩萨原谅。


Over the past days, Guan Yin Bodhisattva had given me the privilege to observe the wondrous scenes of the Pure Lands. My writing skills are limited; it’s impossible for me to describe and depict the realm with the utmost detail. I pray for the forgiveness from Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the Dharma protectors.

2018 年 10 月 23 日心灵净土世界:

云雾飘渺在群山里,空中有金色凤凰飞舞,飘着长 长的尾巴,金光闪闪,好看极了。 有菩萨飞至一处群山的亭台楼宇上空,亭内有大菩 萨在给小菩萨说法,闪闪发光的黄金色的屋顶,白玉的栏杆,地上也是白玉铺设而成,白净明亮,不染一尘。 亭台楼宇的走廊外是清澈无比的池水,池底铺着闪闪发 光的金砂,原本空无一物的池中,突然涌出一群群的鲤 鱼,颜色各异,鲤身闪闪发光,游转数圈后没入金砂中, 化成金砂。

23th of October 2018 – The Realm of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands

Soft clouds and mist were drifting over a mountain range, golden-coloured phoenixes were flying and dancing in the sky. Their long tail was glittering in gold, looking absolutely stunning. There were Bodhisattvas passing by in the sky towards a pagoda that sat atop of the mountains. Inside, the greater Bodhisattvas were teaching the lesser Bodhisattvas. The roof of the pagoda was gold and sparkling, the railings were made from white jade, and even the pavements were made from white jade. It was an untainted glossy white colour. Outside the corridor of the pagoda is a small pool of incomparably pure water, and at the bottom of the pool was a bed of silky, golden sand that glittered. Then, within the empty pool, a group of carp suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Its colours were different from each other, and their body was shining. After the group of carp swam around the pool several times, it disappeared into the bed of golden sand.

白玉石桌上,有大菩萨用手一挥,显化各个星相宇 宙世界,在给前来听法的菩萨讲解。 有菩萨飞起,飞到群山里一座规模庞大的道场,道 场入口的匾额写着“观音村”三个字,中央供着一尊硕 大的东方台观世音菩萨圣像,菩萨跪下礼拜,观世音菩 萨圣像闪闪发光,显化在菩萨眼前。

On top of the white jade table, with a wave of the greater Bodhisattva’s hand, a holographic image of the universe and various galaxies appeared. It was part of the lesson that the greater Bodhisattva was teaching. Some Bodhisattvas flew towards a massive Wayplace that was situated inside the mountain range. Outside the entrance of the Wayplace was a plaque that wrote the words ‘Guan Yin Village’. In the middle, there was a gigantic statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva of 2OR. The Bodhisattvas knelt and paid their respects. The Guan Yin Bodhisattva statue was shining with an array of dazzling colours.

道场外,有菩萨们在诵经,或坐或站,有些在绕佛 念诵。净土世界的菩萨们可以聚在一起诵经研法,也可 以在净土独自入定禅修。 这就是将来修成的众弟子们居住的心灵净土。菩萨说,希望众佛子能够一心一意念佛,命终往生到心灵净 土,还有很多殊胜景象将来都会让我们弟子知道。

Outside the Wayplace, some Bodhisattvas were reciting sutras while sitting, standing or walking around. The Bodhisattvas in the Pure Lands could assemble and recite sutras together or discuss the Dharma. Or they could choose to meditate and cultivate their concentration alone. That is where the disciples who have attained fruition will go to in the future. The Bodhisattva said that they wish that all Buddhists could sincerely and wholeheartedly recite and practise Buddhism, and they would enter the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands when they pass away. There are also many wondrous things that will be shared with the disciples in the future.

2018 年 10 月 24 日心灵净土世界:

群山围绕的净土世界中,有白云围绕在群山中,山里忽隐忽现地闪现金光,金光闪闪处是一座宫殿楼阁。 净土世界到处都有宫殿楼阁。宫殿中间有数个巨型水池, 莲花生长在池中,池边两侧有长廊围绕。刚往生到净土 的僧人走进喷水池中,干净的池水瞬间发出一阵阵金光 包围着圣者,金光退去后,莲花自池底涌现,僧人乘坐 在莲花中。

24th of October 2018 – The Realm of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands

Mountains covered the entire Pure Lands while the mountains were covered by white clouds. Golden lights flickered periodically within the mountain ranges, and where the lights flickered were great palaces. Throughout the Pure Lands were many palaces that sat among the mountains. In the middle of the palace were a few huge pools of water where divine lotuses were grown. The pools were surrounded by a corridor. Monks that were brought to the Pure Lands after their death immersed themselves into the pool of water. The pristine water would emit a golden light that would bathe and envelope the monk. After the golden light has retreated, a divine lotus would emerge from the depths of the pool and the monk would be sitting on top of it.

楼阁内,菩萨们聚在一起,精致膳食、水果随菩萨 意念显化在眼前,菩萨们用意念饱食,美味至极。净土 世界的菩萨们不会去臆想荤食,都是清净念、清净语, 吃荤的念佛人是没办法往生净土世界的。这里不像人间 需要烟火烹煮,想什么有什么。 人间各处的观音村道场会是直通心灵净土世界的通 道,观音村道场会显化在净土世界中。

Inside the pavilions, Bodhisattvas congregate and dine together. Exquisite dishes and fresh fruits would manifest and appear in front of the Bodhisattvas with a single thought. They would use the power of thoughts to consume it and enjoy it. The Bodhisattvas in the Pure Lands would never think about consuming meat dishes. Their thoughts and the words they use are pure. Buddhists who eat meat could never reincarnate in the realm of the Pure Lands. Unlike the Human Realm, there’s no need for tools to cook food. Everything will appear with a single thought. The Guan Yin Villages in the Human Realm will have direct access to the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands, and the Wayplaces of the Guan Yin Villages will manifest itself in the Pure Lands.

2018 年 10 月 25 日心灵净土世界:

晨起,净土世界没有白天黑夜之分,白天黑夜的净 土世界都是明亮如白天,只要一日已过,会有晨钟响起 在净土中,已入甚深禅定的菩萨甚至听不到晨钟声,专 入在自己的意境中。菩萨们在净土世界不会有倦意,白 天黑夜都在修习、听法、诵经。净土世界的诸菩萨摩诃 萨寿命是无量寿,非人间所能得知。

25th of October 2018 – The Realm of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands

It’s morning; there’s no differentiation between day and night in the Pure Lands. The sky would be bright at any time of the day. When a day has passed, the morning bell will ring to signal a new day. Bodhisattvas who are deeply immersed inside their mediation may not even hear the sound and are concentrated inside their own mental realms. Bodhisattvas in the Pure Lands will never feel tired; they will still cultivate, learn the Dharma and recite sutras at any time of the day. The lifespan of the Bodhisattvas living in the Pure Lands is incalculable; it’s not something that people can comprehend.

有一处白玉雕刻而成的石柱栏杆,金龙金光闪闪地盘绕在石柱上,童子走近金龙,金龙从盘绕的石柱飞下, 童子乘坐在金龙身上飞向远方的山峰。山峰处是观音村 道场,童子和龙停驻在一处凉亭里,龙身又盘绕在凉亭 的柱子上,数位童子与龙一起在亭内听大菩萨讲解经藏。

There was a huge stone pillar that was crafted with white jade. A shiny golden dragon wrapped itself around it. I walked closer to the dragon. It sensed my approach and slowly crawled down from the pillar. I got myself on to its back and we flew towards a mountain peak far away. At the mountain peak, there was a Guan Yin Village Wayplace. The dragon and I stopped at a large pavilion, and the dragon wrapped itself around one of the pillars there. Inside, many other Golden children and dragons were listening to a greater Bodhisattva discussing and explaining the sutras.

不远处,假山流水,流水过后一分为二倾斜流入池 水里,流水能缓能急。池底一群群大鲤鱼,金光闪闪, 忽隐忽现,不久金光散去,没入池底的金砂中。净土世 界都是意念所化,假山流水,金色鲤鱼,都能随菩萨意 念幻化转变。 水池里一座莲花喷泉水柱,清澈的喷泉水柱或转换 成金光色,或转换成七彩奇异光芒,或直或转圈或静止, 奇妙无比。草地上,有孔雀张开尾翼,金光闪闪的雀身, 咏唱经文,经文流转在净土中。净土世界的奇珍异兽都 是非实体,非恶道众生所化。曼陀罗花飘撒在净土世界,有粉色,有白色。大树 下,菩萨进入禅定修习,随空中流转的法音提升自己的 意境。

Nearby, there was an artificial mountain and a flowing river. The flowing river was separated into two, and some of it flowed into a pool. In the depths of the pool were many groups of large carps, and they were shiny and golden. They flickered periodically, and not long after, the golden lights disappeared, and they retreated into the bed of golden sand. Everything in the Pure Lands is created with the power of thoughts. The mountains, rivers, golden carps could be transformed according to the thoughts of the Bodhisattvas. There was a lotus flower-shaped water fountain in the pool that jetted out pristine water into the air, which is then transformed into a golden mist that also changes into an array of different vibrant colours and it danced around in the air. It was incredibly wondrous. Peacocks roamed on the grassy field and erected their trains to form a shimmering golden fan and sang the sutras that sounded through the air. All of the exotic and magnificent creatures in the Pure Land were not material or physical, and it’s not formed by unwholesome sentient beings. Petals of Datura flowers scattered and drifted in the air throughout the Pure Lands. There were pink-coloured petals and white-coloured petals. Below a great tree, Bodhisattvas were cultivating in a meditative state and were increasing their level of spirituality according to the Dharma sounds that resonated in the background.

2018 年 10 月 26 日心灵净土世界:

净土世界的孔雀、金龙、凤凰无比法喜,不断在净 土到处咏唱。有佛、圣者、尊者自西方极乐而来,请净土诸佛菩萨前往净土某处听法。 净土诸佛菩萨停止诵经,已入定的菩萨们出定,具 足神通的菩萨们纷纷乘莲花飞向净土一处空旷的广场上 空聚集入座,花雨缓缓落下,清香阵阵。净土世界的圣者们恭迎拜访心灵净土的西方极乐世界诸佛菩萨,佛菩 萨们大放光明,法音流转,净土世界处处法乐。

26th of October 2018 – The Realm of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands

The peacocks, golden dragons and phoenixes that roam the Pure Lands are incredibly happy, and constantly singing cheerfully. There were Buddhas, sages and noblemen who visited from the Western Pure Lands. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from the various Pure Lands usually travelled to other Pure Lands to listen to the Dharma. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas stopped reciting and those who were meditating awakened. The Bodhisattvas who possessed sufficient supranormal powers stood on top of their divine lotuses and flew towards an empty plaza. There, high in the sky, they sat down on their divine lotuses, and slowly a crowd gathered. Petals scatter across the sky and light, and alluring fragrance filled the air. The Bodhisattvas of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands greeted the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from the Western Pure Lands. All of them were glowing and Dharma sounds resonated in the background. The entire realm was filled with Dharma bliss.

2018 年 10 月 27 日心灵净土世界:

远处,金光涌现在心灵净土入口处,净土世界迎来 一位刚往生到心灵净土的居士菩萨,由诸佛菩萨护持, 护送这位刚往生到净土的菩萨到一处功德池入浴。 很大的八宝功德池,池水金光闪闪,居士菩萨双脚 站在池水上,脚下池水涌动,从脚踝处开始包围菩萨全 身,洗掉尘世污垢,灵体恢复本性光明。这位居士生前 一生茹素,念佛静修,终身持善念,勤做功德,往生佛 国意念坚定,寿终后由诸佛菩萨护持,一念即得往生佛 国净土。

27th of October 2018 – The Realm of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands

In the distance, golden light beamed at the entrance of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands. The Pure Lands welcomed a secular Bodhisattva who just recently passed away in the Human Realm and was brought to the Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands. The secular Bodhisattva was blessed by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and he was escorted to the Merit-Virtue Pool to bathe in. The Eight-Treasure Merit-Virtue pool was very big, and the pool of water was golden and sparkly. The secular Bodhisattva stepped into the pool and stood upright while his legs were immersed inside. The pool suddenly looked as if it became alive. The water around his legs swirled and slowly engulfed his entire body, and all the residual defilements that were on his spiritual body was cleansed. Afterwards, his spiritual body recovered its original brilliance. This secular person was a permanent vegetarian when he was alive. He recited sutras and cultivated in isolation. He possessed wholesome thoughts throughout his life and was diligent in performing meritorious deeds. His desire to reincarnate in the world of the Buddha was firm. At the hour of his death, he was blessed and protected by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and with a single thought, he reincarnated into the Pure Lands of the Buddha.

洗浴过后的居士菩萨慈祥意态,脸上没有皱纹,光 洁嫩滑。 亭台楼宇内,老者菩萨用手轻点白玉石桌,桌面显 现娑婆国土的众生法界形态,品阶较低的菩萨们在聆听 微妙法音,看到恶世众生迷惑颠倒,叹息连连,心生怜 悯。 净土世界的诸佛菩萨都是清净念,无恶念、恶语在 心,念想都是清净无比。欲往生佛国者必需修清净妙语, 净土无恶形恶相。

After he was cleansed, the secular Bodhisattva showed an expression of compassion and joy. All the wrinkles on his face disappeared, and his complexion was smooth and vibrant. Inside the pavilion, an old Bodhisattva lightly touched a white jade stone table, and holographic images of the Saha world and the state of the sentient beings living there appeared. Bodhisattvas of a lower level of spirituality listened attentively to the wondrous teachings. Seeing the pitiful sight of the sentient beings being deluded and confused about what’s right and wrong left the Bodhisattvas somewhat sad, and they sighed. All the thoughts of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Pure Lands are completely pure and devoid of unwholesome thoughts in their mind. All of their thoughts are incomparably pure. Those who desire to be brought to the Pure Lands of the Buddha must cultivate pure mind and speech. There are no unwholesome forms in the Pure Lands.

答:心灵净土世界和西方净土世界一样,只是两个地方 而已。就像现在很多干净的城市,每个干净的城市都是 一样的。这样的净土哪来的恶形恶相?现在人间有多少 恶形恶相?

Master’s reply:

Guan Yin Citta Pure Lands and the Western Pure Lands are the same; they are just two different placed. Just like many clean cities, all clean cities are the same. How could any unwholesome forms appear in the Pure Lands? But in the Human Realm, can you count how many unwholesome forms there are?

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