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V 10-9 By Emptying your Mind completely, where do Contaminants settle? 心空一切 何处惹尘埃

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

菩萨不怕因果,但菩萨还在因果之中。虽然说菩萨 的果报来了,他因为知道因,但是菩萨也没有离开因果。 没有一个人是可以逃离因果的,就算你已经开悟了,你 也离不开因果,你开悟了,你明白了,当你做这件事情, 一定会有这个果报出来的,你知道有果报来了,你逃得 掉吗?连佛陀在人间的时候,他也生病,佛陀身体不好, 也是在因果上面啊。你们要记住,种什么因,一定会结 什么果。

Bodhisattvas are not afraid of karma, but they are still at the centre of karma. Although the karmic consequences have appeared, they know the reason, they know the karmic cause. But they can’t be unaffected by karma; nobody can escape from karma. Even if you have awakened, you are still affected by karma. But because you’re awakened, you have understood. Whenever you do something, you already know the consequences, and you know it will come, how could you escape? Even Gautama Buddha, when he was still alive, fell ill and his health was bad. All of this is part of karma. You must remember, you will definitely reap what you sow.

既然逃不脱因果,那么我们修行有什么意思呢? 大家都逃不脱,为什么还要修行啊?修行知道因果,就 是要修出,你在面对因果时,只是你的肉身付出代价, 而不是灵魂要付出代价。比方说,你上辈子欠人家的, 你这辈子在还人家的债,你付出辛苦的劳动照顾别人, 你要面对,你可以用你的肉身去打工、帮助他等等弥补, 付出代价,但是你的灵魂必须要觉悟,知道这些我以后 不能再种因了。

Since you can’t escape from karma, what’s the meaning of cultivation? Why should we cultivate? When you cultivate with an awareness of karma, then that means you intend to liberate yourself. So when you encounter your karmic consequence, you would only repay using your physical body, but you won’t be repaying mentally. For example, you owe somebody in the previous life, so in this life, you must repay back to him/her. You might just suffer physical hardship and labour to take care of the person, or go out and work hard to earn money to pay the person etc. But your spirit must be in an awakened state; you must realise that you mustn’t continue to sow karmic seeds.

要懂得,如果灵魂觉悟了,就不会再有痛苦了,精 神上的痛苦比肉体上的痛苦要多得多。如果一个人面对 因果,在灵魂上付出的多,精神上付出的多,那么这个 人一定会很痛苦。师父给大家举个例子,当一个人牙痛 时去看医生,治疗时会更痛,为什么?虽然他的牙痛, 但是他在治疗的时候,他害怕磨牙、补牙,他的灵魂更 痛。肉体再痛,当治疗完后很快就会不痛了,首先你的 精神上不痛了,但是你的肉体虽然还在痛,你的牙还在 痛,可是你已经知道你的牙补好了,很快牙就不痛了, 所以你的精神上已经先得到解脱,就算你的肉体上还有 一些痛苦,那也会过去的。

You must understand that if your spirit is awakened, then you will no longer feel suffering. Mental pain is far worse than physical pain. If a person, when encountering their karmic obstacles, has to repay back spiritually and mentally, then it will be significantly more painful for them. Here’s an example: when somebody has to visit the dentist due to a toothache, it will be more painful for them during treatment, why is that? Although the person already suffers from a toothache, they’re afraid of the drilling and filing. So they’re mentally in pain. No matter how much the body suffers, when the treatment is over, it won’t feel any more pain. If your mind doesn’t feel any pain, but you only feel pain physically, you know it will gradually go away, so you’ve already liberated yourself mentally.

不要渗透人间的一切事业。也就是说,对人间所有 的事情都不要执著,我一定要怎么样,觉得这个事情一 定应该是我做的,最后你就受到污染了。要用空去对待 所有的烦恼。空是什么?就是把自己的心掏空,就是不 去想,没有瞋恨,也没有爱,一切都没有,空了。只要 你用空去对待所有的烦恼,你的烦恼也没有了。你说你 今天烦恼吗?明天就没了。

Don’t involve yourself too deeply into all matters within the human realm. In other words, don’t be attached to anything in the human realm. If you constantly think that something must be like that, or something must be done by you, then you’ll be contaminated in the world. You must be in a state of emptiness to confront all afflictions. What is the state of emptiness? It’s to empty your mind; it’s not to have any expectations or thoughts about something. It’s to be devoid of hate or love. Nothing is there, and therefore it’s empty. As long as you use the state of emptiness to confront all afflictions, then your afflictions disappear. Your afflictions of today might disappear tomorrow.

你说你今天痛苦吗?被人家 诽谤,如果你想不通,心灵就会受到折磨,你想得通了, 那就空了。想想过去很多事情过不来,时间一长,全部 都过来了。要懂得,烦恼、障碍、诽谤、心灵折磨,人 世间的一切苦痛一定要运用佛性的空性来对待,不染着, 这是什么意思呢?就是我不去想障碍,虽然有烦恼来了, 很快就会过去。人家讲你不好,一个月之后说不定就没 事了。一定要空,才会不染着。

Are you currently suffering? If you had been slandered and your mind is obsessed about it, then your soul would feel tormented. If you could clear up your mind, then it becomes empty. Think about all the hardships in the past that you once thought you couldn’t get out of, but after a long period of time, all of that has passed. One must learn to use the emptiness of the Buddha-nature to confront afflictions, obstructions, slander, mental torment and all other sufferings, and don’t get contaminated, what does it mean? It means that if you don’t think about the problem, although it will appear, it will quickly go away. If somebody talked badly about you, if you wait for a month, maybe it goes away. You must empty yourself in order not to be defiled.

改习性就是要去除污染,这就是修行。习性是什么? 就是习惯,去除污染,就是没有坏习惯。一个人有一个 习惯,但是污染了,那么就是恶习,如果一个人的习惯 没有被污染,那么就是修行。学会空性是什么?要懂菩 提心,就是佛子因。就是要学会懂得菩提心、慈悲的心, 那就是我们佛子种下的因。当一个佛子拥有慈悲心的时 候,他就种下了菩提心。

To change your habits is to remove your defilements, that is cultivation. What are habits? They are a routine of behaviour. When one removes their mental defilements, then they won’t continue their bad habits. Everybody has a habitual behaviour, but if they are defiled, then they are considered as bad habits. If a person’s habitual behaviour is not defiled, then that’s cultivation. What does it mean to learn the nature of emptiness? It’s to understand the Bodhi-mind and compassion; they are the Buddhist’s karmic seeds. When a Buddhist possesses compassion, then they have sown the Bodhi-mind.

要知道,上求佛道,下化众生,上面求佛菩萨给我 们的慈悲,下化众生就是要懂得怎么样度众生,怎么样 度众生呢?一边求佛,一边度众生,才能拥有菩提心, 要以慈悲的心和菩提心为本愿,什么意思啊?就是非常 仁慈地去可怜别人,去慈悲别人,既有慈悲心,又有菩 提心。菩萨的心是什么心啊?忍让、忍辱、精进、努力。 什么叫本愿?本愿就是本性,就是最内涵的学佛人应该 拥有的愿力。因为慈悲心可以让你产生愿力,因为菩提 心可以成为你的愿力,所以要广结善缘,去滋生心中的 利益众生之心,要去利益别人,要去利益众生的心。很 多人不懂这句话,就是说要在心中养成经常去帮助别人、 想方设法去帮助到别人的心。

One must know to pursue the path of Buddhism while awakening sentient beings. You must seek for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to bestow us with compassion, and also know how we should awaken sentient beings. How should we do so? By praying to the Buddhas while awakening sentient beings, then you’ll possess the Bodhi-mind. One must use compassion and the Bodhi-mind as the original vow, what does that mean? It’s to pity others and be merciful to others; it’s to have compassion and a Bodhi-mind. What kind of mind is the Bodhisattva’s mind? It’s endurance, forbearance, diligence and effort. What is the original vow? It’s related to one’s inherent mind; it’s the inherent power of vow that all Buddhists should have. It’s because compassion could help you develop the power of vow (determination), and because the Bodhi-mind could become your power of vow, that’s why you must form positive affinities far and wide and nourish your desire to benefit other sentient beings. Many people don’t understand how to carry that out. It’s to proactively and regularly think of ways of how to help others and also do it.

要求孩子入胎不迷,也就是说,当你要怀孕的时候, 你要求孩子入胎不迷惑,很多孩子一到肚子里就迷惑了, 在妈妈肚子里十个月昏天黑地,根本不知道自己是谁, 滚来滚去,叫入胎。求一切事情要离开贪瞋痴,也就是 说,要求自己离开一切烦恼,然后要离开贪瞋痴。你们 求佛菩萨的时候,可以求观世音菩萨让我离开烦恼,请 观世音菩萨慈悲让我离开贪瞋痴。有一句话说学佛之后 你才会拥有新的生命,要用自己学佛后的新生命断恶修 善,因为你重新生活了,你拥有新的生命了,你才能断 恶修善,把恶完全去除,你才能修善心。

You must pray that when your child’s consciousness enters the womb, they don’t become deluded. Many children become deluded once they enter the womb, as they live in complete darkness for ten months or so. They don’t who and what they are, just tossing and turning around. You must pray that regardless of what you encounter, you’ll keep at a distance away from afflictions and away from greed, hatred and delusion. When you are praying to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, you can pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to mercifully help you get away from afflictions, and greed, hatred and delusion. There’s a saying that after you practise Buddhism, you will have a new lease of life. You must use your new life after practising Buddhism to cease all unwholesomeness and cultivate all wholesomeness. Because you are in the process of changing your lifestyle and reforming your habitual behaviours, that’s why you can gradually eliminate all unwholeness completely and cultivate your mind.

一个人在求佛的时候,要上求佛道,下化众生。你 一边求佛,你一边必须要度众生。如果你只求佛,不懂 得度众生,你这个人成不了菩提心。因为佛是众生心所 生的,你度人时不懂得怎么样让自己化解,那你一定会 出事,所以,要经常地持戒修心改变命运,就是你必须 要持戒,我什么不能做、什么能做,你才能改变命运。 人的命运是怎么改变的呢?是因为你持戒了,你不杀生 了,你不贪了,你没有瞋恨心了,你懂得慈悲了,你的 命运才开始慢慢地改变,你的福分也会自然来了。福分 是怎么来的?福分就是自己慢慢地修来的,所以叫修福、 修寿,福气可以修,寿命也可以修。福是怎么修的?经 常给人家福,你就有福了。寿命是怎么来的?经常帮人 家放生去延寿,你自己的寿就来了,这就叫修福修寿。

When you are praying to the Buddhas, you must pray to pursue the path of Buddhism while awakening sentient beings. If you only pray to the Buddhas, but you don’t awaken sentient beings, then you won’t be able to form a Bodhi-mind. It’s because Buddha manifests itself from the desires of sentient beings. When you are awakening others, but you don’t know how to solve your own problems, then you’ll definitely get into an incident. That’s why one must regularly discipline themselves by observing the precepts to change their destiny. You must know what you can and can’t do; then you could change your destiny. How does one change their destiny? It’s because you now observe the precepts, you don’t kill, you harbour neither greed or hatred, you know how to be compassionate, then your destiny will gradually change, and your blessings will naturally develop. How does one develop blessings? It comes from your cultivation, that’s why in ancient China, people talk about cultivating blessings and longevity. One’s blessings and longevity can really be cultivated; how? If you regularly give blessings to others, then you’ll receive blessings. If you regularly perform life liberations and save lives, then your longevity will increase.

菩萨在度众生的时候,无论人多人少,菩萨都会把 握住自己的心,因为菩萨不会让自己的心有贪瞋痴。不 管发生什么情况,菩萨的心是纯洁的心、善良的心,所 以他能把握住自己的心。要懂得让自己的心仁慈、忍耐, 要用平等心去护持自己的心。你们懂得这句话的意思 吗?因为当自己的心有不平的时候,觉得别人为什么能 这样,而我不能这样做,你用平等心去想问题,例如他 成功了,就跟我成功了一样,他今天好了,就跟我好了 一样,你就不会难过了,你就拥有了平等心。

When Bodhisattvas are awakening sentient beings, no matter how many people there are, they will have perfect control of their mind. That’s because they won’t allow themselves to develop greed, hatred and delusion. No matter what happens, the mind of a Bodhisattva remains pure and kind-hearted. You must know how to make one’s mind have compassion and endurance, and remain equitable to maintain it. What does that mean? When you keep thinking about why others could be like this or achieve something while you can’t, then you’ll lose mental balance. That’s why if you can use an equitable mind to reflect about the situation, for example, if somebody is successful, then you’ll treat it as if you’re successful, or if somebody encounters something great, then you feel the same joy as the other person, then you won’t get upset, and it means that you possess an equitable mind.

你觉得他 伤痛了,你也伤痛,那个时候你不会恨他,你也是拥有 了平等心。实际上用这个心就会让众生平等,众生平等 之后,你的心就不会乱,你觉得这都是很正常的,所以, 你就会护持好你的心。这句话是什么意思你们听得懂 吗?心里嫉妒人家难过啊,恨人家难过啊,那么你用平 等心之后觉得人家就跟你一样,也蛮可怜的,这个时候 你心里平衡了,平等心就是一种平衡自己的心态。

If you can also feel the pain of somebody you hate, then you won’t develop any more hatred towards them, then you possess an equitable mind. In reality, if you use this state of mind, then all sentient beings are equal to you. When all sentient beings are equal, then your mind won’t become disrupted. You would feel that everything is very normal, that’s why you will protect your state of mind. Do you understand what Master meant? When one is jealous of somebody or hate somebody, they become upset. But then if you use an equitable mind to reflect upon their situation, and see others like themselves and could see aspects of them that are pitiful, then your mind recovers its balance. The equitable mind is also used to stabilise one’s state of mind.

不要让自己的心到处去摆动,就是说,你的心不要 看到这个也要,看到那个也要,这个也动心,那个也心 动,所以你就出事了。要懂得,一个人的心经常摆动, 一会儿看看这个,一会儿看看那个,如果不能控制自己 的心,他就很容易堕落。一个人最难的就是不能控制自 己的心,修心有时候就是不能控制自己的心,一个人控 制不住自己的心就很容易堕落,就是很容易被众生的业 力拖下水,这是什么意思呢?

Don’t let your mind waver, in other words, you mustn’t casually desire for anything you see, as that means you have a wavering mind, and that usually spells trouble. You must understand that if you mind frequently allows itself to get distracted, then it means you don’t have control of it, and it’s easy for you to become defiled. The hardest thing to control is one’s own mind; if you can’t control it, then it’s easy for it to be dragged down by the karmic forces of other sentient beings. What does this mean?

就是说,大家都在做错事, 现在社会上每个人都活在欲望当中,你很快就会有欲望, 大家都在拼命地争名争利,你很快地就会被名利所伤害, 这就是被业力所害。师父想起来小时候的一个故事,在 一个山村里经常有狼来,有一天晚上,村口突然多了一 大包东西,不知道是谁留在那里的,结果被人家发现了, 说是有一袋大米,很多贪心的人半夜里就出去了,想扛 一小袋米回来,结果出去的几个人都被狼吃了,所以贪 心会害死自己。

In laymen terms, for example, in modern society, everybody is living within their own desires, so soon you will do the same. Everybody competes with each other in their pursuit of fame and money, so you will soon be ruined by fame and money. In other words, you are ruined by the aggregate karmic forces. Master recalls a story that he once heard when he was young. There was a small cottage in the mountains that was regularly visited by a pack of wolves. One night, at the front of the cottage entrance, there was a large sack filled with something. Nobody knew who left it there, and the sack was discovered, and it was said that it was a large sack of rice. Some greedy people came out in the middle of the night to get some of that rice. As a result, when they got out, there were eaten by the wolves. That’s why greedy people will ruin themselves.

Guan Yin Citta Buddhism in Plain Terms Volume 10 chapter 9

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