Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation based on my understanding of his teachings. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. I am not an enlightened being like Master Lu, but I will treat his teachings with my utmost respect and do my best to convey and translate it to the best of my (limited) abilities for my friends and people who can’t read Chinese. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.
今天跟大家讲意识和思维。大家都知道,意识是看 不见的,思维也是看不见的,意识和思维是有区别的, 意识除了指意识本身,还有一个叫下意识,下意识是什 么呢?你没有任何地去想象,然后碰到一件事情,你马 上想到某一件事情,并且很快会去做,这就是下意识。 而意识呢,它是我有意地去想这件事情应该这么做。
In this chapter, Master will explain about the conscious mind and thoughts. Everybody knows that the conscious mind is invisible, and thoughts are also invisible. What are the differences between consciousness and thoughts? For consciousness, apart from the conscious mind itself, there’s also the unconscious mind. What is it? They are the processes of the mind that are automatic and not requiring one’s conscious thoughts. It’s when you encounter something, and you mentally react to it quickly and instinctively. That is the unconscious mind. While the conscious mind is state where you are intentional and aware of your mental response.
一 个是自然的,一个是非自然的。意识之后,才产生思维, 思维就是思想上的东西,所以一个人如果做错了事情, 或者想错了问题,首先是外界意识对你的影响,外界对 你的影响力。举个例子,你看见某件事情有利可图了, 你在意识当中就想我要跟他多接近,我要跟他多联系, 意识来了,然后进入你的思维,我怎么样跟他联系,我 怎么样能够让他帮助我,这叫意识思维。
One is natural; the other is not. When one is conscious, they will then begin to have thoughts. When one makes a mistake, they must realise that it’s due to the influence of the external world. For example, you saw somebody that you could take advantage of, so you consciously want to get closer to that person and build a relationship. That intent is born and enters into your thought processes, and you begin to think how to build a relationship with the person and get them to help you. That’s called conscious thoughts.
要经常观察自己的内在意识,自己才能够生出智慧。 你经常要观察自己,我这个意识对不对啊?我是不是占 人家便宜了?我是不是怎么样了?经常这么想,我不能 这么做,智慧就出现了,所以,常观察自己的毛病,就 能常生出智慧。
One must regularly introspect their internal consciousness, and they could develop wisdom. You must regularly ask yourself, “Is that conscious thought wholesome? Am I looking to take advantage of others? Am I like this and that?” Regularly think in that manner, and if you’re determined to reform yourself constantly, wisdom develops. That’s why regular introspection of one’s shortcoming will develop wisdom.
要让心中减少污染,就是心中不要有肮脏的东西。 看不起别人,怀疑别人,嫉妒别人,还有瞋恨别人,这 些都是污染啊。污染是什么?就是自己的心已经不干净。 要让自己的心没有污染,慢慢地你的智慧就会越来越多。 要拥有智慧,要让自己的智慧犹如烛光一样,大风也吹 不倒。也就是说,今天这个人,人家再怎么挑拨离间, 他是没有反应的,那么这个人就是能如如不动。如果被 人家一说,马上这么做,被人家那么一说,我应该那么 做,这个人就没有分量了。
One must purify the defilements within one’s mind. When one is arrogant, suspicious of others, jealous of others or have resentments, all of these are considered to be defilements. One must purify their mind and remove these defilements, only then would you gradually develop greater wisdom. One must harness their wisdom so that it’s akin to a pillar of light that wind can’t blow left and right. In other words, if somebody tried to sow discord between you and somebody, you won’t be moved by their words and don’t respond. Then you would be practising ‘immovable suchness’. If somebody said something and you immediately react to it and thinking this and that, it means that you’re weak-minded.
一根蜡烛被风一吹,一会儿 这样,一会儿那样,飘来飘去,飘到后来就熄灭了。你 去看风来的时候,有些大蜡烛立在那里巍然不动,好了, 接下来,它就不会灭掉。经常会被人家说动心的人,这 个人就不是一个有智慧的人,被人家一说,自己的思维 马上就跟着人家跑了,这种人会有智慧吗?人家一挑拨, 你就跳起来了,人家一说这个人不好,你怎么看他就是 觉得他不好,你本身自己没有主观意识,而是被客观意 识所缠绕。
When a lit candle is placed in a windy room, the flames would be moving all about and become extinguished in the end. While a large flame will not be easily moved by the wind and will not be extinguished by it. If somebody is easily persuaded by somebody else, then it means that the person lacks wisdom. If a single word could cause somebody’s thoughts to run amok, would they be considered to have wisdom? If you quickly react when somebody agitates you, for example, if somebody told you that this person is bad, then you become prejudiced towards that person, then it means you lack subjective consciousness and you’re completely dictated by objective consciousness.
有多少人说,我一定一门精进,一心好好修。说的 时候斩钉截铁,一碰到事情人都不见了,所以,人的心 要有智慧,就要常常问自己,这样你就可以让自己的心 放得真一点。经常问问自己:第一,我有贪心吗?第二, 我有恨心吗?最近有没有恨人家?如果你还在恨人家, 好,你这个人就是没有智慧。第三,问问自己最近有没 有发痴?有没有不是你的东西你去想得到啊?看看人家 老婆好看,有没有想去得到啊?没有,好,那你就是有 正知正念。看着人家的房子很大,想想自己怎么没有房 子啊,这就是痴心啊。
Many people said that they would cultivate wholeheartedly and diligently. When they said it, they were resolute about it, but then when something unfortunate occurs, they disappear out of sight. That’s why one must possess wisdom. It comes from regularly introspecting oneself; that way, you’ll be able to know what you’re doing. Regularly ask yourself the following questions:
1. Am I greedy?
2. Do I have resentments? Recently did I resent anybody? If you did, it shows you’re still lacking.
3. Have I recently showed signs of delusion? Is there something I desire that doesn’t belong to me? For example, you saw that somebody’s wife is pretty, have you imagined about being with her?
If your answers are no, then it means that you possess right mindfulness. When you see how big somebody’s house is and you start thinking about why you haven’t got a house yet, that’s delusion.
第四,问问自己的心是否散乱了?心散乱的人自己 是会知道的,我的思想不能集中,烦得不得了,说明你 没有智慧。师父要你们稳稳当当做事情,不要话多,少 说话。一个女孩子要给人家看得起,就不要话太多,整 天呱呱呱,怎么像学佛人啊?天上菩萨都是这样的吗? 你不讲话,人家不会把你当哑巴的,心中有解释已经够 了。心中想不通的时候,自己跟自己解释就过了,这就 叫意识思维。
4. Is my mind is scattered? It’s easy to discover because it means that you’re easily distracted and your thoughts aren’t focused, and you have many afflictions. What this implies is that you lack wisdom. Master wants you to do things steadily and don’t speak too much. If a girl wants to be highly regarded, then she shouldn’t speak too much and chatter away. Would she look like a Buddhist? Do Bodhisattvas in heaven behave this way? If you don’t speak, others won’t say that you’re a mute. It’s sufficient to have an explanation within your mind. When your mind is unclear, you can explain to yourself within your mind, that’s a conscious thought.
比方说,今天老公回到家里,你冲着他说,谁把家 里弄得脏兮兮的?你发脾气了。老公说,又不是我弄的, 今天是你的孩子弄的啊。算了,没办法,都是一个家, 我自己把家里弄干净好了,我自己对家也是有责任的。 心中已经有思维了,对不对?心中自己化解了,犹如跟 老公讲过了一样,这件事就结束了。如果你真的讲出来, 这又不是我搞的,是你自己的儿子弄脏的,你怪我干吗? 接下来,说不定还要吵架的,自己心里讲掉了,很舒服 的。说得不好听一点,他真的不讲道理,你心中骂他两 句,也过来了,对不对啊?为什么非要讲出来呢?否则 要你的心干吗?这些都是心散乱的条件。
For example, when your husband returns home, and you rush towards him and complain about who had made the place dirty and lose your temper. Then your husband might say that it wasn’t him who made the place dirty; it was the child who did it. Then you’ll let bygones be bygones as it can’t be helped, you’re a family, and you’ll move on and think about cleaning the place again and that it’s your responsibility. This inner dialogue happens consciously inside your mind, right? Now that your mind has an explanation, just like how your husband explained, then the unpleasant situation is ceased. If instead, you argue that since it’s not you who made the place dirty, why should you clean up, then what follows might a continuation of arguments. When you have an explanation inside your mind, you’ll be at ease. Another not-so-good example is that if your husband is unreasonable, then you could swear at him inside your mind and then you’ll forget about it, am I right? Why must you explicitly complain verbally? If you do, what’s the point of having a mind? These are all conditions that would make one’s mind to scatter.
第五,你的心宽大吗?问问自己的心量大不大?人 家骂你一句,你就不能想开吗?人家讲你一句,你好像 憋在肚子里难过得不得了,不找个地方出出气就很难过, 对啊,很多人就是这样的。没有人的时候,被人家讲一 句没有关系,一有人在,死要面子活受罪,一定要争一 句,最后更倒霉。你在马路上跟人家吵架,跟人家对骂, 看一个人像流氓一样的,可能会打人的,被人家骂两句, 因为边上没人,你忍耐,马上保证没事了。
5. Am I tolerant? Ask yourself how tolerant are you, when somebody scolds at you, are you able to remain indifferent? Could you refrain yourself from arguing back? When somebody scolds or verbally abuse you, you would feel the urge to let off some steam, otherwise, you would feel uncomfortable. That’s right; many people are like that. When there are not many people around, if somebody says something you dislike, you could brush it off. But when there are many people around who heard you being offended, then you have your pride to defend, and you would feel that you must fight back. In the end, you might encounter even more misfortune. When somebody starts hurling insults at you on the street, and they look like a hooligan who might hit you, then because nobody is around, you would forbear it, and nothing would happen.
如果边上都 是人围着,你会斗着胆子说:你到底讲不讲道理啊?结 果“嘭”的一拳就打在你的脸上,你在有人围观和没有 人围观的环境下表现是不一样的,这就是思维受到外环 境的影响而转换成的另一种思维素质。所以师父经常跟 你们讲,叫精神转为物质。精神是什么?你的嘴巴就是 精神,讲出来的话就是精神,你今天讲错话了,让人家 生气了,人家打你了就变成了物质。
If there were people around, you would have the guts to fight back and tell them what’s their problem. As a result, you might get hit in the face. Your reaction is different depending on whether other people are watching or not; that’s an example of how your thoughts are influenced by the external environment. It’s a manifestation of the mental world into the physical world. What does it mean? When you speak, you are expressing your mental thoughts to others. If you said something offensive and caused somebody to hit you, then it’s a physical manifestation.
第六,你的心在追求精进吗?你天天努力了吗?这 很重要。经常问问自己:我努力吗?我精进吗?第七, 你的心安吗?你觉得对不起别人吗?你觉得有没有愧 啊?第八,你的心里平衡吗?你觉得满足了吗?看见人 家好了,你没有去追求吗?这叫本事啊。看见人家好了, 你去嫉妒,你难过了,智慧就没有了。
6. Is your mind thinking of being diligent? Do you put effort every day? That’s very important. You must regularly ask yourself whether you are working hard.
7. Is your mind at peace? Do you feel sorry for anybody? Do you feel ashamed to anybody?
8. Is your mind balanced? Are you content? When you see that others are going well, do you also pursue the things they do? It’s all about one’s ability. When you see somebody doing well, and you’re jealous of them and become upset, it means you lack wisdom.
第九,你的心能解脱吗?解脱和平衡是什么意思? 你先要平衡,你才能解脱。解脱就是完全忘记了,无所 谓了,这件事本来就是这样的,又能怎么样呢?无所谓 了,就要想得通,你把我放在哪里,我照样发光。你把 我放在哪里,我都是一位菩萨。今天我有的,那我感恩 菩萨,今天我没有的,我一点都不想去要,那你就是菩 萨了呀,对不对?你不要以为你得到的东西不会失去啊, 因为人是会变的。
9. Does your mind feel liberated? What’s the meaning of liberation and balance? You must first have mental balance before you could liberate. Liberation is to completely forget and become indifferent about everything. If something happened in the way it did, what can I do? Forget about it, then your mind becomes clear. “No matter where I’m relocated, I will still shine, I am still a Bodhisattva. I’m grateful to the Bodhisattvas for what I have today. For whatever I don’t have today, I won’t desire it.” When you think that way, aren’t you a Bodhisattva, am I right? Don’t think that the things you gain won’t be lost, as everything is impermanent.
今天在单位里拥有了一个办公室,你不好好努力, 过两天被淘汰了,你的办公室不就被新来的人拿掉了 吗?你就失业了,不就是这样的吗?很多女人就是这样 的,以为她跟着老公十几年了,孩子都生了,老公怎么 可能不要自己啊?我就跟你闹,闹到最后老公把你给甩 了。很多男人也是这样的,觉得老婆嫁给自己这么多年 了,她怎么会离开自己呢,我打死你,你也不会离开我。 好了,后来老婆真的离开了自己。缘分到了,结束了。
Today, you have a private office in the place you work, if you don’t put effort, then you’ll be replaced in a couple of days, and your office will be given to another person, am I right? When you become unemployed, isn’t it like so? Many women are like this; they think that because they followed their husband for decades and have given birth to children, it would be impossible that their husband would break up with them. So they purposely argue with their husband until one day, then do become divorced. Many men are also like this; they think that because their wife has followed them for many years, they wouldn’t leave. So the husbands physically abuse them, until finally their wife does leave them. The karmic consequence has been realised, and their relationship ends.
第十,就是想得通啊。你们要经常围绕着这十个问 题想想自己、问问自己:心贪吗?心瞋吗?心痴吗?心 散乱吗?心宽大吗?心精进吗?心安吗?心里平衡吗? 心能解脱吗?最后想得通吗?我想通了,就有智慧了。 想不通,什么都没有结束,前面全部都白费了。听得懂 吗?
10. Is my mind clear?
You must constantly introspect and revolve around these ten questions and ask yourself: Am I greedy? Do I have resentments? Do I have delusions? Is my mind scattered? Am I tolerant? Am I diligent? Is my mind at peace? Is my mind balanced? Could I mentally liberate myself? Is my mind clear? If your mind is clear, it means you have wisdom. Otherwise, nothing will be ceased, and everything that you have achieved would be done in vain. Do you understand?