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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 3-43 Disciples should be wary of their Behaviour, Speech and Intentions (pt 2) 弟子应注意的“身口意”二

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


Whoever can sit quietly, then they have the power of concentration. The Buddha-Dharma has expounded about precepts, concentration and wisdom. If you can concentrate, then you have wisdom. If you can’t, then you lack wisdom. When Master talks about some common shortcomings of a person, some people will take it personally and feel that Master is talking about them. It doesn’t matter if you do, but you must feel ashamed and have thoughts like, “I must properly cultivate myself, so I can concentrate.” For an uncultivated individual, they may start to fidget around. When you look at Master’s disciples, they don’t move, why is that? It’s because even though they might think that Master is talking about them, or not, it is indifferent to them. As long as they are in the process of reforming, then it’s fine. But for typical people, if Master starts talking about something that may relate to the listener, then they would fidget around. Everybody makes mistakes. You must follow Master to cultivate and thoroughly make reforms. Change is painful. Those who like to chatter must stop chattering. Those who like to badmouth others must stop badmouthing. Those who like to listen to compliments must stop listening. Those who like to look at beautiful things must stop looking. Those who like to eat the best must stop eating it.


Only suffering eliminates negative karma. If you want to say whatever you want, then that’s not cultivation, that’s called throwing your temper. Just because you want to say it, can you say it? If you want to criticise whoever you want, is that cultivation of the mind? Do you get irritated by your husband? That’s not good. Do you get irritated by your wife? That’s not good. If you’re cultivated, then you can’t become irritated. If he doesn’t cultivate, then he’s the one who suffers misfortune. Those who complain are like the grass that sways with the wind, and lack capacity. Those who can remain silent have great capacity. You are following Master to cultivate, not to become a government official or to receive gains. There is nothing for you. If you’re beside Master and don’t properly cultivate your mind, then you’re wasting your time as well as Master’s energy.


When the disciples are respected by others, Master is very happy. If they don’t properly cultivate and irresponsibly speak their mind, then they are uncultured. That’s because they are condescending towards the other party. If someone sees you whispering to another person, they would think that you are talking about them. That’s also an uncultured behaviour. What are you learning Buddhism for? Why can’t you speak about it in public? If you’re not badmouthing somebody, what’s there to be afraid of? If you really want to speak about it, do it at home. If you do it in public, then it’s rude.


In the past, many visitors at the 2or Radio station didn’t cultivate. They would say, “So what, I’m allowed to speak my mind.” Straightforward people must change themselves and cultivate. If they’re wrong, then they’re wrong. If one apologises, they will look more civilised instead. If one doesn’t apologise, people will criticise them behind their backs. They won’t be liked, and they won’t earn other people’s respect, and they would not be a good role model. They lack even the basic humility, compassion, tolerance and sense of honour that a Buddhist should have. But if one is willing to reform, then it’s fine.


In any religion, the notion of wanting to reform oneself is associated with ‘repentance’. Repentance is very important. When you repent, you can be saved. If you’re not willing to repent, then you can’t be saved. Master is very strict towards his disciples. A person’s behaviour and way of speaking indicate their progress in cultivation. Go and cultivate properly. Only by setting yourself high standards would you be praised. Cultivation requires real effort to dig out one’s shortcomings. Only by exposing the wound could you apply medicine to it. Do you think that Master doesn’t care about you and doesn’t care about your progress? Who wasn’t raised and taught by one’s teacher? Sometimes, you just have to grit your teeth and bear with it. If the wound is festering, you have to remove it.


If one day you decide not to cultivate anymore, Master will not beg you to continue. In the end, just see whether those who cultivate well go to heaven or not. You just need to observe a person’s family condition, and you would know whether they have cultivated well or not. You must believe that the Bodhisattvas won’t wrong anyone. If Master cultivates badly, would Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless Master to have over 10 million followers? If you say that the Buddha-Dharma you are currently learning is an orthodox one, all one needs to look is your current situation. Do you think that the Bodhisattvas are unaware of things? Are they truly inefficacious? Reflect on it. The happiness and blessings that happen to a family is the result of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s care about them. When you are congregating together and feeling happy, that’s a karmic affinity. When you are beside Master, that’s also a karmic affinity. And you still don’t go and properly learn? If you cultivate too late, it’ll be too late to be saved.


Master expounds all of this to you is not to vent out his frustrations but his disappointments. It’s because Master has seen many people not cultivating properly. Master’s biggest wish is that everybody properly cultivates. If they don’t, then Master would remain worried. If everybody properly cultivates, then Master would be very happy. Take note; when you are with Master, every moment counts. It’s not definite that Master be the first to pass away; many people pass away much earlier than him. But every time you listen to his lectures, that’s one more moment to listen gone. Master hopes that you cherish it. Don’t wait until when calamity befalls on you, and then you begin to change your bad habits. Master tells you, it will be too late for regrets.


Take note; if there’s a problem with your family, then you’ll also have a problem personally. Just like if something happens to one of your parents or children, then you’ll become anxious too. Master tells you that when negative karma is triggered, and the karmic conditions of it have not matured, then the karmic consequence won’t be severe. Just like if something was accidentally set aflame inside the house, but the surrounding area was properly cleaned, then the flame won’t spread as quickly. If your house typically has match-sticks or other flammable objects lying around, then if something was set alight, then the whole house will blow up. So it isn’t that if a karmic consequence happens, then it will definitely make you suffer. Many people are still fine after they tripped up, right? That’s why Master has high expectations from you all, and you must look out for yourself. You should introspect and promise that you won’t badmouth other people. Those who regularly badmouth others in their lifetime will be reborn as an animal in the future. Many people can’t articulate clearly, or they may stutter, these are the karmic consequences of the actions they did in the past life but were able to reincarnate as a human. Don’t keep creating issues for yourself; don’t take your life as a joke.

你们真的应该好好修,不要用一种小聪明来跟师父学佛法。有事情发生了,专门来修了,而自己不是真正地修,这是没用的,因为自己的毛病如果不从里面挖掉的话,在外面一定会爆发出来的。一定要好好地修。老年人的要加紧修,年轻人也要加紧修,如果真有灾难来临的话,你们谁能说,你能躲过这些灾难?好了,师父今天跟你们讲的这些都是肺腑之言。师父有个毛病,真的是为人家好,你们的缺点,师父讲过就忘记了。师父希望你们不要记恨师父,因为师父是真心地把你们当孩子一样,只有父母才会替孩子着急,师父是真着急啊!好好地改正,身上 的毛病太多了,好好地修,否则的话,你们对不起观世音菩萨,也对不起师父。

You should really properly cultivate, don’t try to be witty when learning the Buddha-Dharma from Master. When you only cultivate if something bad happens, that’s not real cultivation, and it’s useless. That’s because if you don’t excavate out your shortcomings from the inside, it will definitely cause problems one day. You must properly cultivate. Old people should hurry up and cultivate. When calamity does befall on you, can any of you confidently say that you will avoid it? Everything Master has expounded this chapter are words from the bottom of his heart. Master has a shortcoming, and that is he really want others to be well. After Master has criticised you, he’ll forget about it. He wishes that you won’t hate him, and that’s because he really does treat you like a child. Only parents would be worried and anxious about their child. Master is really anxious. You must properly reform yourself; you have too many shortcomings and bad habits. Properly cultivate, otherwise, you’ll be disappointing Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master.

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