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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 3-47 See through Conditioned Genesis to know about the Ignorance of the Dharma Realms 看破缘起,才知法界无明

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


In this chapter, Master wants to expound that all conditioned geneses are inherently empty. When you can sense that a karmic affinity has appeared, in reality, it’s empty. One person asked Master, “Master, when will I find a boyfriend.” He replied, “You’ll find one in August.” Then in August, she really did find herself a boyfriend and started dating. But they broke up after three months, and then the affinity disappeared. That’s why all affinities are inherently empty. For example, when you see a bubble, you see it, but then it disappears. Soap bars are the same. When you use it daily, it will gradually disappear. When soap bubbles float around in the air in an array of different colours under the sun, it looks beautiful. But when it bursts, it disappears. If your mood is currently good, can you guarantee that it won’t change? If it does, isn’t it empty?


If you wear a beautiful dress constantly without taking it off, then eventually it will be worn out, and you have to throw it away. Isn’t that the same principle as seeing it through and letting it go? All affinities are empty. Master never thinks about how others will treat him. He continued to work hard, and he finally has achieved some level of success at present. When you see the large crowds at his Dharma conventions, he doesn’t know any of them, yet each of them said that Master had saved their family. Why do they say that? It’s because it was he who passed down this Dharma door and he had been propagating the Dharma across the world. People received the Dharma, and it improved the wellbeing of their family. So all the fellow Buddhists felt grateful. If you ‘till the land without asking for the harvest’, then you will definitely be rewarded. If you’re working while thinking about when you’ll be rewarded, then your reward won’t be bountiful. These are all the words of wisdom passed down by the Buddha. Master is now passing down the essence of the Buddha-Dharma to you all. Take note, only those who wish to be liberated can become a Buddha.


You must see through the empty-nature of conditioned genesis, if you don’t, then you’ll be troubled. For example, if you were very poor and you found a lost wallet beside the street, and inside were $1000, then you must see the nature of this incident. The person who dropped the wallet would definitely report to the police, and then there will be an investigation. Then what follows is that you’ll be in trouble, is that right? So you must see the true nature of things and all affinities. When you see the $1000 inside the wallet, you think that you hit the jackpot, but you didn’t see the true nature of it, which is that it will attract a police investigation to you. If you took the money, maybe it will even lead to a criminal sentence. So you must get to the bottom of it. The problem is that you only look at the surface of a problem, but you don’t get to the bottom of it.


That’s why you must remember that if you can’t see the empty nature of conditioned geneses, then you will fall into the trap of attachments. It’s because you don’t see the end of it, that’s why you become very attached. To continue with the previous example, because you didn’t see that the police are looking for you and you didn’t see how anxious the owner of the wallet is, you would be thinking thoughts like, “I didn’t steal this money. Since I’m the one who found it, it’s mine.” You become attached to it, so when the police do find you, you would even argue with them in a justified and pompous tone, “Why can’t I take it? I found it on the street, and there was nobody around.” In the end, you’ll get arrested. That is attachment; you insist that the money is rightfully yours because you didn’t see the true nature of the object. Do you understand?


That’s why a person who is too attached will never be free from their karmic obstructions. If they can’t clear their mind over any matter at all, it means that their negative karma is quite significant. What is attachment? It’s one’s constant belief that their views are right, even if they are clearly wrong. Even if there’s something that you don’t know whether it’s right or wrong, you can’t be attached, and you shouldn’t do it. Even if you mistake that you are right, that is an attachment. If you mistake that you are always wrong, that is also an attachment. The thing is that when you make a mistake about something, it’s always due to some form of bias or attached view that cause you to mistake about something. That’s why your thoughts and actions weren’t clear, and you become trapped within your attachments. Just like how many people tell you not to be like that, but you reply that you are the way you are. “Don’t be like that; they didn’t mean that way when they treated you like that.” “No, they were treating me with malice.”


That’s also attachment, when you’re trapped in your attached views, you can’t get out, and you become stubborn. Then you won’t be able to escape from your fate. The problem with many people is that they are very stubborn and attached. Many people die in the past because they’re unwilling to submit, isn’t that right? If some of the current leaders of China didn’t go with the flow of time when they were young, then they would’ve disappeared, and the country wouldn’t see the prosperity it sees today. One can’t be too stubborn, whatever circumstances that arose were what the heaven wills, and so one must follow. You just have to accept that it is what it is. For example, if your employer says that you made a mistake, then you just have to accept it, what’s there to argue about?


Ignorance of the Dharma realms is the same as ceaselessness. In other words, this world is empty because everybody doesn’t understand it. Everybody is pursuing their desires; everybody is attached, so everybody is living muddleheaded. Everybody only cares about money and could abandon everything else. Everybody else is doing the same. That’s why the Dharma Realm is filled with ignorance; everybody is living muddleheadedly. Do you understand? Just like the countries in the Middle East who advocates war and all the residents there want war. Why is that? It’s because everybody is filled with hatred and ignorance. If they were all understanding and clear-minded, would they still want war? They should understand that as long as they keep on waging war, it will continue to bring chaos to their descendants.


If only they would think about their descendants. If war continues, then schools would get blown up, there won’t be a place for children to learn and they won’t receive a good education. If their parents got killed, then their children would become orphan. If the child got killed, how could they face them? If they have these thoughts, would they still continue with the war? It’s because they didn’t think that way, that’s why it’s regarded as ignorance. If it’s only one or two ignorant people, then we can ignore it. But if the entire population in the country are ignorant, then that is an ignorant country. That’s why one must see through clearly and let go. That’s because ignorance is ceaseless. If there is no end to something, then don’t do it, do you understand? The thing that leads to an end is to liberate from samsara. If something has no end to it, then what’s the meaning of pursuing it?


Today, something seemed to end, but then you find out that it hasn’t ended tomorrow, then it seemed to end again in the following day. Just like the quarrels between married couples; sometimes they’re lovey-dovey, then after a while, they get mad at each other. Whether it develops into an unwholesome affinity depends on the frequency, isn’t that right? If one of them had a foreign spirit occupied within their body, then it will be over after a minor quarrel. If the couple argues because of a clash in personality, or somebody is bad-tempered, then they will keep arguing with each other, seemingly endless, until the day they die. Then, they might become a married couple in the next life, and they will continue the ceaseless argument. Is there an end to it? There isn’t, do you understand? Lectures are also the same, you attend one day, and you don’t attend in another day, isn’t that right? These examples are there so that you understand the principle; you must properly learn and practise Buddhism.


Master tells everybody to propagate the Dharma and benefit others, but it’s not easy. No matter what others say to you, you must persevere with your ideals. No matter what you hear, just ignore it. Otherwise, you’ll develop afflictions. In reality, you have received a malicious aura from the other person. If your husband irritates you at home, and you become provoked, then afflictions develop. In reality, it indicates your lack of mental stability and wisdom. Do you understand?


Would Master become muddleheaded or influenced by somebody else? Who does he listen to? He listens to Guan Yin Bodhisattva. If you want to do something and Master doesn’t accept it, then you could pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva to change his opinion. If you could do so, then you have succeeded. One could achieve their goals as long as they’re determined enough. If you understand about the ignorance of the Dharma Realm, then it means you have understood the real truth. In the Dharma Realm, it’s very difficult for human thoughts to change reality. In layman terms, it means that one can only do what they can think of. So if you want to liberate yourself from the afflictions of the Human Realm, you must increase your level of spirituality. When you are looking at the big picture, then you can think much clearer, and you will not be embroiled in other distracting thoughts and afflictions.

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