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V 3-39 Discussion about Tolerance and Capacity of Tolerance 谈包容与包容量

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


Many scientists think that they have created and invented many things in this world such as electricity, microorganisms etc. In reality, all the scientists did was confirm the existence of things that have already existed and inform the public about it. They then publicise their thesis regarding the material substance. But the fact of the matter is that their thesis is but their personal and subjecting view. They will say things like they have discovered that there are so and so microbes that remain in the air. But isn’t that biased? They think that only those microbes reside in the air. But who can be certain about how many different kinds of microbes there are in the air? Maybe after many different mutations over a period, a new kind of microbe would appear. Then when you discover this microbe, you say that you’ve invented it. Isn’t that biased?


Like how people are taking medicine nowadays. The doctor advises them to take so and so calcium supplement to improve their teeth. But there are others who say that taking calcium would harm their stomach. Some also say that supplements have a degree of toxicity in them. In reality, any kind of substance has an equilibrium point. Many people are ignorant; they think that taking medicine will definitely cure their disease. But when they finish their medicine, they develop another kind of illness. Who simply gets better by taking medicine? It depends on the person’s physical and mental ability to adjust, like the ability of one’s internal organs to keep the various nutrients inside the body within a certain range and maintain it.


That’s why any kind of bias will put one at a disadvantage. Why does Master expound this to you? It’s because like what the Buddha-Dharma says, people have a tendency to believe that the Dharma door they’re learning from is absolutely right. Like how people think that if they take this medicine which is specialised in treating this disease, they will get better. In truth, this is a bias. One must be open-minded and tolerant when learning and practising Buddhism. They must be able to endure hardships and tolerate all the slander towards them. How many of you can confidently say that you have never been slandered before in your life?


The ability to tolerate is indicative of one’s capacity. From a material view, it’s like a container and how much you can contain inside it before you can’t. But a person’s capacity isn’t just limited to a container, but it can also fit the entire universe and everything that resides in it. How great could a person’s capacity of tolerance be? If a person can tolerate other people’s mistakes, and other people’s ill-behaviour and slander towards them, then it means that they can tolerate and contain everything.


How many of you won’t get angry when somebody scolds at you? If somebody talks badly about you behind your back or provokes you, can you stay calm? A person’s capacity of tolerance could be as tiny as an ant. People nowadays can’t tolerate a single word of antagonism or opposition. Their face immediately flushes red, and they will look for ways to fight back. “If you say a word about me, I will return the favour threefolds.” That’s the behaviour of an animal. That’s people animals have the instinct to retaliate after being attacked. People, on the contrary, possess a capacity of tolerance (in varying degrees), especially Buddhists. That’s because Buddhists possess an inherent quality and foundations of a sage. It’s because you have these qualities, that’s why you can tolerate others.


Can you tolerate others? You’ve listened to many of Master’s lectures already, do you think every one of you can practise what you’ve learnt? Some of you will immediately retaliate or think of having revenge after you’ve been scolded or criticised. While some will try to make different excuses to deflect the blame or accusations. These people have a very small capacity of tolerance. If you can stay indifferent even when others badmouth you, then that’s something to compliment about. Your face shouldn’t have any expression and remain smilingly, and you must truly forgive them and not withhold their faults within your mind. That is a true sage.

有的人被人家讲了,马上怒发冲冠,拍桌子,马上吵架;有的人被人家讲了之后,脸红脖子粗,什么都讲不出来,心里气得不得了;有的人当时笑笑,马上冷言冷语就上去了;有的人当时回答不出,记在心里,等找到机会就报复你;还有人,被人家诽谤,被人家骂的时候,没有办法,只有笑嘻嘻地 ,“我没有这么说,”拼命地解释。所有这一切都是因为心胸不够宽大。

Some people immediately throw a fit of rage, slams the table and shout at others when somebody badmouths them. Some people’s face flushes red immediately and gets so angry that they’re unable to speak. Some will smile but then make sarcastic remarks on the person. Some may not be able to respond at the time, but they will keep this to heart and will wait for a chance to take revenge. Some may have no choice but to face people’s slander and accusations, and so they try to make excuses and deflect. All of this happens because they aren’t tolerant enough.


When you speak ill about the Bodhisattvas, would they care about it? If you are narrow-minded, could you learn and practise Buddhism well? Master doesn’t want to criticise you. If he does, then you won’t come anymore. If you can’t even tolerate Master or your own family members, then who can you tolerate? How could you learn Buddhism? If you can’t even tolerate a word from your mother, or if you can’t tolerate your child’s mistake, could you tolerate other fellow Buddhists? Practising Buddhism is not an easy task. That’s why the Bodhisattvas expound that forbearance and diligence is even more difficult than asceticism. The merit-virtues accumulated from it is greater. Even if you have performed a lot of meritorious deeds, it’s still inferior to forbearance and diligence. That’s because forbearance is the most difficult thing to do.


Diligence is easy; forbearance is difficult. When you get badmouthed, you must not get angry. In the past, whenever Master sees one of his disciples make a mistake, he would test them by removing them from their current work. They would then immediately start to cause trouble and not cooperate. Do you think that Master doesn’t know about it? This is to test them. If they diligently cultivate properly, Master would then quickly give then more meritorious deeds to do. Of course, because many of them aren’t able to control themselves. They have thoughts like, “Since you have removed me from my current job, I’m upset, so I’m going to make it hard for you.” Sorry, but you will have to leave.


When was being a morally-upright person or practising Buddhism easy? If it were that easy, then everybody would go to heaven. If it were that easy, then you wouldn’t experience so many nightmares, nor would your deceased relatives come to find you. If you’re capable, then try cultivating yourself to become very pure. How many people are there who can dream about drifting into the sky while their body stays on earth? They are consciously aware that their body is too heavy.


In reality, what they saw wasn’t their soulless mortal body, but it's their soul itself. The soul has a weight to it. It contains the negative karma and any other foreign spirits that are clinging on to it, which makes it heavy and unable to ascend. Have you watched the video of Apollo landing on the moon? When people walk on the moon, don’t they seem to be drifting? The higher you go in heaven, the less weight you have. Drifting in heaven is actually the same sensation, do you understand? It had been published before in a news article that there was a special plane made for US president so that when the world ends, they can still work in the sky. In other words, American scientists and many other scientists have already known that Earth will one day face a great calamity. But they can’t make this public.


Just like how Master knows about a lot of things, but he can’t reveal it. So he’s only left to be anxious about it. When he sees every one of you is slacking, he becomes very upset. Because when the time comes, you’re the one who will suffer, not him. Just like how parents keep telling their children not to do this and that, but they don’t listen. In the end, it’s the child who suffers. From antiquity to the present, when many young girls are dating somebody they love, their parents tell them not to be with that guy. Yet they still insist and got married. In the end, the girl comes back home crying while holding to her child.


Who’s more observant? You or your parents? When you are dating, your intelligence goes out the window, how can you know what future awaits you? What kind of life awaits you? While knowing nothing, you recklessly marry. Then, in the end, you ruin yourself, not your parents. That is why currently, the divorce rate is so high globally. Think about it; negative karmic affinities are what brings people together seemingly now. That kind of marital relationship didn’t form out of wholesome karmic affinity. In reality, it’s a relationship where one party owed the other karmically in the previous life, and so they must continue to repay their karmic debts in the present life.


We must get rid of our bias. We mustn’t think that we are the ones who created something out of nothing. That’s because our world is something that was made out of the collective consciousness and awareness of the known. And all we’ve done is discover the unknown and made it known. In this world, everything already exists; it’s only a matter of time when a specific substance is discovered. For example, scientists in recent years have discovered medicine that could treat diabetes and cancer. Then in the 1960s, when the medicine was not discovered yet, does it mean it didn’t exist at the time?


It existed at the time, but it’s just that it wasn’t discovered. So it wasn’t able to treat your disease. Now, such an amazing Dharma door has appeared right at your doorstep, yet you don’t cherish it and say things like, “It’s not yet proven that it’s a good Dharma door in the age of Dharma decline.” Doesn’t that sound like if a scientist said, “If I didn’t discover something, then it doesn’t exist.” Doesn’t that rationale sound wrong? Why do some scientists revoke their previous discovery or dissertation and put forward a different hypothesis? That’s because the states of equilibrium are always changing when new things arise in the material world.

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