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V 3-23 The Benefits of Compassion 慈悲的益处

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


There are thirteen benefits to compassion. Firstly, those who are regularly compassionate towards others will become more beautiful, and they won’t look as fierce. Secondly, blessings will follow them around. Those who are compassionate regularly are constantly followed by blessings. The more compassionate you are, the most blessed you become. Those who aren’t willing to be compassionate towards others will lack blessings. Thirdly, one will sleep well. Those who are regularly compassionate will be able to sleep well. They won’t be upset nor fearful. Fourthly, one will be at peace. Those who are compassionate will always feel peaceful. To illustrate this with an example, if you treat somebody badly, you won’t feel peaceful because you would be afraid of potential retaliation. If you scolded at somebody in the office, you might think that they will talk behind your back afterwards. You would feel uncomfortable and unrest. Fifthly, one won’t have nightmares. Those who are regularly compassionate will never have nightmares. Only those who are filled with hate experience nightmares.


Sixthly, one will be protected by Heavenly deities. When one possesses mercy, the Bodhisattvas and the Dharma protectors of heaven will protect you. If no Bodhisattvas protect you, then it indicates that you lack compassion. How many people are there who are truly compassionate? It’s not easy to be merciful; one must possess a degree of magnanimity. Seventhly, one will receive the adoration of others. Anybody who sees you will like you. It’s because you’re kind-hearted and compassion, so they’re willing to become friends with you. Eighthly, won’t get poisoned. In other words, compassionate people will not get poisoned. You may have heard somebody ask you whether you know anybody who had been ruined by someone.


Ninthly, avoid warfare. In otherwise, compassionate people won’t get hurt by weapons and soldiers, nor be involved in warfare. Tenthly, won’t get drowned. Compassionate people won’t drown to death. Eleventhly, won’t get burnt. Compassionate people won’t die from flames. Twelthly, they will gain from all ventures. As long as you’re compassionate, you will gain from everything you do. Those who lack compassion and thinks devious things to profit from others will ultimately lose. Thirteenthly, one will ascend to the Brahma Heavenly Realm.


What kind of people are those who are good? They are usually capable and are willing to help others. They are people who know that there are things that must be done and other things that must not be done. In reality, a person’s capabilities are dependent on their dream, what they want to accomplish and state of mind. Some people say that they don’t want to become an entrepreneur, while others feel satisfied by helping others out of the spotlight. Some people would just like to live an average life. Some wealthy people have a saying that life is something you should enjoy and indulge in whatever you want. Different people have different levels of spirituality, what kind of person do you want to be? People who want to live a mediocre life are those who want to be a sage.


Animals also possess a spiritual nature. It had been on the news where there was a dog who knew how to prostrate themselves. Dogs are closest to humans. In fact, the chance that a dog will reincarnate into a human is very high, while when a person who possesses a small degree of negative karma has a high chance that they will reincarnate into a dog after they die. It’s very pitiful. If you look closely at a dog’s eyes, don’t they look like a person’s? If you look closely at the eyes of a horse, cow, lamb, don’t they also look like a person’s? Then look at other people, some of their faces look like a bull, some looks like an ape, their appearance looks like an animal that has not completed their evolution. In reality, if a person doesn’t cultivate, then they’re finished. Once they have reincarnated into an animal like a dog, then they’re only aware that they should follow their owner.


Compassion has thirteen benefits. Think about how important it is to be compassionate. If a person isn’t, then they don’t know how to cultivate their mind nor behaviour. Compassion is also one of the fundamentals of cultivation. It’s only when you feel pity towards somebody that you take the initiative to go and help them. Master has slimmed down significantly over the past two months due to the intensity of his work. Also, many people came to him with emergencies; they have a lot of foreign spirits in their body; most of them violent ones. Master must have compassion and can let go of everything. We are all here to perform meritorious deeds and support Guan Yin Bodhisattva to propagate the Buddha-Dharma. We must have thoughts like, “If you let me do more, then I’ll do more. If you let me save others, then I’ll do it. I’m thankful for Guan Yin Bodhisattva.”


The Guan Yin Temple is a place for people to cultivate their mind and pray to the Buddhas. It’s not a place for gossiping. People who thought that Master didn’t see them doing so are foolish; he just didn’t bother to mention it. Master has shown his incredible abilities in his radio programme, so do you really think that he can’t see what kind of thoughts you have? Not to mention other things, but Master can see what kind of thoughts you have. You have to understand who you are dealing with. As long as you properly cultivate your mind, regardless of whether you are Master’s formal disciple or not, you are considered his disciple. If you aren’t behaving like one, then you must cultivate diligently. Everybody’s the same; they have to depend on themselves, so properly cultivate. The Bodhisattvas are in heaven overlooking us. Do you still dare to commit unwholesome deeds? To talk maliciously of others? To squander away your life?


We all have a karmic affinity developed over the past lives; it’s nothing special. Whoever we deal with today is just a karmic affinity, it’s just an appellation. Like, “In this life, you’re my wife, you’re my who and who,” in reality, all of it is just a continuation of the relationships from the previous life. How great is Master’s power now? When he kneels, looks at Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and raises his hands, he feels as though he’s holding the universe, and the energy field on his hands is unimaginably great.


Any negative consequences are the result of the karmic causes you created. Everything you experience now is just the consequence of the actions you did in the past. Arguments with your wife came from something you did in the past. Your lack of money is also a result of something you did. Your misfortune is also a result of something you did. Master can now save others with intent alone. That’s why Master must cultivate his mind wholeheartedly, and so he must be especially careful not to offend others. He must grit his teeth and not get angry. Everybody must properly cultivate. If you can cultivate to the point that all your wishes come true, would you be afraid of becoming ill? Guan Yin Bodhisattva regularly tells Master to take care of his body so that he could live for how long. How could the Bodhisattvas not be compassionate towards Master? At the same time, Guan Yin Bodhisattva also wishes every one of you to live your daily lives peacefully.


A listener told Master that ever since he had been teaching others how to recite sutras, the Australian government should thank him because many people don’t become ill because of him, and so had helped the government save some money. Many illnesses can be treated just from reciting sutras. That’s why you must persevere in reciting sutras, and your body will improve. If Master’s radio programme could continue for another decade, there will be a lot fewer people eating seafood.


When you propagate the Buddha-Dharma, this action is beneficial to your body. That’s why when Master is propagating the Dharma, he’s benefitting other sentient beings. That’s why you must properly learn. As a disciple, you have more self-respect for yourself. Everything in this world is constantly changing. You may be ill today but recover tomorrow. But if you don’t do any good deeds, even if you recover today, it will eventually get worse again. Your business might be bad today, but good tomorrow. If you perform a wholesome deed today, you have created a wholesome karmic cause for yourself. You must take note; people who cultivate their mind must be humble and cautious. You have to treat others well; you must cultivate for real. Be practical and don’t show off.

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