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V 3-20 How to Change Fixed Karma and Aggregate Karma 转定业,改共业

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

懂得因果的人,他不会去做坏事,他不敢做恶事, 因为他知道今天做了坏事一定会有果报的。犹如在人间 告诉你们要懂得法律一样。如果你不懂法律,你不知道 这个世界上还有法律的话,你这个人什么都不怕,就会 造出很多的恶因出来。所以师父给你们讲的最重要的就 是要懂得因果。因为恶果灾难你不让它的恶果种子长 大,它就不会成熟,不会有报应。所以我们不要去动坏 脑筋,动坏脑筋实际上就是在动恶因。如果我们再去做 坏事情,就是又在碰它了。

Those who understand karma won’t commit unwholesome deeds not would they dare to. That’s because they know that if they did it, they would experience an unwholesome consequence. It’s like telling you to be mindful of the law in the Human Realm. If you don’t know about the law, and you don’t know that the law exists in society, then you won’t fear anything, and you will create many unwholesome karmic causes. That’s why Master has said that the most important thing to know about is karma. That’s because if you don’t let the unwholesome karmic seed grow, then it won’t mature and the karmic retribution won’t appear. That’s why we mustn’t think evil things; otherwise, you would be stimulating the unwholesome karmic seeds. Then if you do take action, you would be triggering it.

就像我们碰癌细胞一样,不 要去碰,它就不会长大,对不对?你今天碰碰它,明天 去碰碰它,会越碰越痛。如果身上长了一个小疙瘩,你 拿这个手不停地去触摸就会越摸越大,你不要去碰它, 它就不会长大。如果你的思想经常去想“它会不会是癌 症呢?”这个疙瘩它就会慢慢变成癌症。如果一个人的 意念出差错,实际上就会让他的行为出差错,意念控制 行为。因果就是这样,你控制了因,你就制止了果。所 以要记住:我们不要去碰癌细胞。我们身体哪个地方痛 了、不开心了,先不要去想到自己会不会生癌症。明白 了吗?

It’s just like our cancerous cells. If you don’t stimulate it, then it won’t grow bigger, isn’t that correct? If you stimulate today and stimulate it again tomorrow, then it will become increasingly painful. If you grew a small pimple, and you keep touching and agitating it with your hands, it will grow bigger. If you don’t touch it, then it won’t grow big. If you keep thinking whether this pimple would become a tumour, then it will. If there were something wrong with a person’s thoughts, then their actions would also become wrong. The mind dictates actions. Karma is just like that; if you can control the cause, then you will control the consequence. That’s why you must remember; we mustn’t agitate our cancerous cells. If there’s any area in our body that hurts or feels uncomfortable, don’t think whether it is cancer, you understand?

另外,任何事不要有意的、人为的去触动它。就 是说任何不好的东西,不要人为的去造成它不好,比如 今天这个人来了,朝你看了看,而且很不开心。你看到 他的眼神后,不要人为的再去触动这个事情。人家不开 心了实际上是人家家里不开心,你看见之后用你人为的 想法去想:“哎哟,他今天对我有意见了。”接下来脑 细胞就开始转了:“我得罪过他吗?我讲过他什么了 吗?我怎么样怎么样……”就这样不停地转。

Also, don’t intentionally trigger something out. For example, let’s say somebody was walking past you, and they looked at you while looking upset. Don’t intentionally trigger a reaction. Maybe they looked upset because they had a bad day, but when you looked at them, you might have thoughts like, “Oh, today he seemed to have some opinion about me.” Then other thoughts would follow like ‘did I offend him? Did I do something to make him unhappy?’ etc., and you would linger on this issue.

第一,死 脑细胞;第二,就动了不好的因了。你去想它干什么 呢?你去动它不好的因干什么呢?因为你动了之后你肯 定会想出一个偏思维。不是正的思维叫偏思维。这个思 维出来之后会害你。你以为是这个原因呢,你就会报复 他,或解释,实际上就是你这个不好的因在你的脑子里 开始运作了。所以不要人为的去触动那些不好的东西。 明明知道自己在男女关系上控制不住,就千万不要去乱 看去乱动。如果是钱财方面控制不住,就不要去接触钱 财。所以师父给你们讲,因为你触动任何事情才会加速 它的发展。

If you do, firstly, you will exhaust your brain. Secondly, you would trigger unfavourable karmic causes. Why must you think about it? Why must you trigger it? That’s because when you have triggered it, you would certainly create a series of prejudiced thoughts. Thoughts that are not right are considered prejudiced. You’ll get hurt once this thought arises. You assumed the wrong reason for that person’s behaviour, and you want to take revenge or make an excuse. In reality, all of these came about because a bad karmic cause was provoked inside your mind. That’s why you mustn’t intentionally provoke unfavourable things. If you clearly know you can’t control yourself with the opposite sex, then you mustn’t recklessly focus on the subject or prompt it. If you can’t control yourself in matters of money, then don’t make contact with it. That’s why Master has mentioned that when you make contact with certain things, it will trigger the development of these aspects.

今天你不停地去碰善因,你就会有不停地善 果出来;今天你不停地去碰恶因,你就会有恶果出来。 比如夫妻两人的感情已经不好了,天天吵架,其实就是 天天在触动那个不好的恶因,最后造成的灾难就是打 架、离婚。如果你天天去触动好的善因,两个人的感情 就会越来越好。这个就是师父想给你们讲的善和恶。善 种善因,恶种恶因是基础。人都有善恶,你今天只要成 为人,不可能没有恶果的。就像你只要是人,身上一定 会有白血球和红血球。

If you keep on triggering wholesome karmic causes, then you will keep on growing wholesome karmic fruits. And if you keep on triggering unwholesome karmic causes, then you will keep on growing unwholesome karmic fruits. For example, if the relationship between a married couple is bad, and they argue every day, in reality, they are triggering unwholesome karmic causes. So eventually it will develop into a calamity, like domestic abuse or divorce. If they keep on triggering wholesome karmic causes, then their relationship would only get better. That’s what Master has mentioned about wholesomeness and unwholesomeness. Wholesome and unwholesome karmic causes are the foundation. Everybody possesses both good and evil. So since you were born as a human, it’s impossible that no unwholesome consequence exists for you. It’s like in the human body; you will definitely have both white and red blood cells.

师父接下来给大家讲人能否改变自己的定业?人的 定业好改,而大家一起做出来的共业就很难改。个人的 定业就是定下来的业障,也就是说前世种下的恶因今世 来报的时间。然而共业很难改。大家一起做坏事,这股 恶气报应的时候是大家一起来承受的。虽然是大家一起 承受,但是我举个简单例子:如果学校一个班里有30 个同学一起做坏事,唯独一个孩子没有一起去做坏事。 老师让所有的同学全部站起来罚站的时候,有一个同学 说:“我没有做”。这个同学就能脱掉干系了。

Next, Master discusses whether we can change our fixed karma. Actually, fixed karma can be changed easily, but aggregate karma that everybody was involved in is difficult to change. A person’s fixed karma is like a timeline of when a person’s karmic consequence will trigger, as a result of a karma cause created from the individual’s previous life. While aggregate karma is hard to change. If everybody commits an unwholesome deed together, the corresponding unwholesome karmic retribution will be experienced by everyone. To illustrate this with an example: In a class, if thirty children had committed something bad together, and only a single kid didn’t participate. When the teacher declares the punishment for the children, and the single kid says, “I didn’t participate,” then this child could avoid being punished.

也就是 说,大家都在做坏事的时候你不去参与、不去做,虽然 在共业来的时候你会蒙受这个灾难,但是你可以死里逃 生。听得懂吗?就像唐山地震里面有很多好的人,也有 很多坏的人。等到地震来的时候,坏人好人他们都是受 到这个共业的。但是有些人就是躲在桌子底下,有些人 房子就没有压倒下来,有的人就出差了,这些人就是能 躲开共业的。这些人就是人家在做共业的时候,他没有 去做共业,他就不会遭受到这个恶果。

In other words, when everybody is committing an unwholesome act, and you don’t participate and do it, even if the aggregate karma is triggered and you become a victim of it, but you will be able to get out of it unscathed, you understand? Just like when the Tangshan earthquake occurred, there were both good and bad people affected by this aggregate karmic retribution. But some hid under their tables during the incident, some people’s property didn’t collapse, while some were away on a trip. They managed to avoid this aggregate karmic retribution. They are the ones who didn’t participate in the aggregate unwholesome cause while others did, and so they didn’t have to experience the unwholesome karmic consequence.

我们在这里学佛 学法,我们在救度众生,那么等到有灾难来的时候我们 就不会有事情,对不对呀?菩萨在我们每一个人的心灵 当中装了一个盒子,就像飞机上的黑匣子一样,这个盒 子记录着你的一生所做的善事和恶事。这个黑匣子要等 到这架飞机毁灭了,也就是像我们人生死掉的时候一 样,它这个黑匣子才会起作用。可以把这个黑匣子拿出 来,从头到尾知道飞行过程中所发生的一切事情,然后 来判断这架飞机为什么会失事。

When we are learning and practising the Buddha-Dharma, we are saving sentient beings. So when our tribulation comes, we won’t get into trouble, isn’t that right? The Bodhisattvas had planted a small box inside our mind, just like the black box in an aeroplane, this box records all the wholesome and unwholesome deeds we did in our lifetime. This box will have to wait until we die, just like how the black box has to wait for when the aeroplane is destroyed, for it to activate and function. You can take the black box and observe all the records and flight history of the aeroplane and judge how it crashed.

也就是说在我们八识田 中就有一个最好的摄像机,把我们的一生坎坎坷坷、做 人、做善事、做恶事全部记录下来了,等到你判到下面 的时候,你清清楚楚能够看见你自己一生所做的一切事 情。想想看你能骗谁呢?你就是头上三尺没有神灵的 话,但是在你的八识田中已经种下了因果,你这个心里 会告诉你你已经是一个罪人了。就像很多人知道自己是 一个坏人。很多人到了监狱里,你跟他讲:“你可以变 成好人的”。他说:“我已经是一个坏人了”。因为他 的意识告诉他:“你有太多的业障了,有太多的恶缘 了,因此造成了你的因果报应,所以你就是一个坏 人。”听得懂吗?

In other words, there is a very powerful recorder inside our 8th level consciousness. It contains all the records of our life, how we behaved and all the wholesome and unwholesome deeds we committed in our lifetime. So when you are judged, you will clearly see everything you did in your life. So who can you deceive? Even if you don’t believe that God is always watching over us, but the karmic seeds have already been planted inside your 8th level consciousness. Your mind will tell you that you’re already a sinner, like how many people know that they’re not good people. When you go to jail and tell all the prisoners, “You can become a good person.” They would reply, “But I’m already a bad person.” It’s because they subconsciously know that they had too much negative karma, too many unwholesome karmic affinities, so they are already experiencing their karmic retribution, and they’re a bad person. Do you understand?

所以说害人就是害自己,害自己之后 又害了人家。最好不要去害,连脑筋都不要动,行为也 不要有,嘴巴也不要说。告诉你们,如果你今天牙痛也 叫报应。你可能会想师父说得严重了,其实我说得一点 都不严重。如果不是灵性给你报应,就是你长期生活习 惯的报应。因为你没有刷牙或者刷得不干净,或者有时 刷有时不刷,或者是你甜的东西吃得过多等等,这一系 列不好的原因造成了你今天的牙齿疼痛。

That’s why when you hurt others; you will hurt yourself ultimately. That’s why it’s best not to do so. Don’t even try to think of ways to do so, or physically or verbally hurt others. Master tells you, even suffering a toothache is considered karmic retribution. You might think that Master is very serious, but everything he said is not serious at all. If it’s not karmic retribution caused by a foreign spirit, then it is karmic retribution from your bad habits over a long period. It’s because you didn’t brush your teeth properly and that’s why it’s dirty. Or maybe you don’t often brush your teeth, or maybe it’s because you overate sugary foods. All of these negative causes had induced the toothache that you’re feeling today.

或者你可以说 牙齿是随着人的年龄的增长会慢慢地缺钙、松脱。这是 对的,但是为什么有些人都七十多岁了牙齿还好好的 呢?而你有多少岁呢?牙齿就这么的不好了呢?这就是 果报。想一想,都是不遵守生活常识、不遵守起居造成 的。就像我们的孩子一样,让他天天要注意这个,天天 要注意那个,他就不注意,到时候生病了是他个人难过 而不是我们难过呀。就像师父看着你们一样,你们天天 在犯罪、造业,师父天天劝说你们,给你们讲道理。我 把嗓子都讲哑了你们还是不听,我又有什么办法呢?

You might reason that as we age, our teeth will become weaker and looser. That is correct, but why are there people above the age of seventy who have very good teeth? And you are how old? Why are your teeth bad? That’s karmic retribution. Think about it, isn’t it caused by your irregular lifestyle? Just like our children, you tell them to be careful of this and that, but they refuse to listen. Then when they become ill, they’re the ones who suffer, not us. Just like how Master watches you, you sin every day, while he tries to advise you not to do it and tell you why. But regardless how hard he tries, you don’t listen, so what else could he do?

共业、定业虽然很难改变,但是共业有一个共同的点:就是佛菩萨虽然不能改变定业,但是佛菩萨能够让它转变。大家听得懂吗?定业不能改,但是可以转。什 么叫转?转变实际上就等于改变,但是不能说没有。师 父经常给你们举的一个例子:当纸上写错字的时候,这 张纸上的字能够把它消除吗?这就叫定业不能改。但是 你通过用橡皮来擦、用涂改液来涂,是不是改变了?你 的定业不能动,但是能够把它改变,所以让它转化很重 要。同样一个东西,如果把它转化了它就不害你了。

Although it’s difficult to change aggregate karma and fixed karma, they all have a common ground: although Bodhisattvas can’t change fixed karma, i.e. the experience that will happen to you, Bodhisattvas can change the result of that karma, i.e. the result of that experience. By changing the result, you can say that the experience is changed, but you can’t say that it has disappeared. For example, when you have made a spelling mistake on a piece of paper, can you remove the mistake from the paper? The spelling mistake is like fixed karma, and can’t be removed. However, you can use an eraser to try to rub it off or use correction fluid to cover it up, then isn’t it changed? Although fixed karma will trigger and you can’t do anything to change it, but you can alter the result, so that is very important. With the same object, you can alter it in a way that it won’t hurt you.

比 如一把刀,一把杀人的刀,你如果把它转化了,它就变 成一个切物的刀了。一个坏人你把他纠正过来了,做好 人了,他就是一个好人,就是一个有用的人,一个有利 于人民的人。对不对?所以要懂得转化。菩萨到人间来 不是来惩罚人的,是来帮助人脱离苦难的,是来转化人 的思维境界的。所以要明白这些道理。那么怎么样来改 变这个业呢?第一,要拜佛。第二,要里忏。里忏就是 懂得从心里忏悔。懂得忏悔的人是一个很聪明的人。你 们一定要学会懂得里忏,懂得忏悔的人才能改变业;如 果一个人不懂得忏悔,这个人就没有救了。

For example, you have a knife. This knife can be used to kill somebody, but you can alter its functionality to cutting things. Similarly, if you can correct a bad person, then they are a good person who can benefit others and society. Isn’t that right? That’s why you must know how to alter the result. Bodhisattvas didn’t descend to the Human realm to punish people, but to help them liberate from suffering and to help them alter their mind. That’s why you must know about these principles. So how can you alter karma? Firstly, you must pray to the Buddhas. Secondly, you must internally repent. That is to repent from the bottom of your heart sincerely. Those who know how to repent are wise. You must know how to do so, because only then could you alter the result of your karma. A person who doesn’t know how to repent can’t be saved.

我再一次的 提醒你们:以后不管做错了什么事情,第一句话就是 “对不起”。要把“对不起”一直放在嘴巴上,哪怕是 对的也要先跟人家说“对不起”。“对不起”并不是代 表你一定是做错了,“对不起”是代表你的境界。因为 在人间任何事情都是没有对和错的,所以不管任何一件 事情只要发生了,你就说:“是我不对,对不起。”就 像很多人在开会时讲话一样,“对不起,我今天不知道 我讲的对不对,请大家原谅,多多包涵。我现在讲我的 观点……”这个“对不起”是不是降低了他的人格?没 有。反而是升高了他的人格。嘴巴里天天说自己对的 人,他不一定是对的。经常说“对不起,我可能会作错 的,我可能会说错,”这个人才是不会做错的。

Master reminds you once more; if you ever make a mistake in the future, your first words should be, “I’m sorry.” You must keep these words at the tip of your tongue. Even if you’re in the right, you should first apologise to the other party. Saying sorry doesn’t mean that you are definitely in the wrong, saying sorry shows the level of etiquette you possess. That’s because there’s no absolute right or wrong in the Human Realm. So regardless of what happens, you should first apologise. Just like how many people say, “Firstly, I don’t know what I’m about to say is correct or not, so I apologise if I make any mistakes. Thank you for your understanding. Now I will talk about my views…” Does this kind of apology lower your character? No, it doesn’t. On the contrary, it alleviates your character. Those who keep saying that they’re right may not be correct. Those who frequently say, “I’m sorry, I might make a mistake,” are the type of people who won’t do anything wrong.

所以在 学佛,在学做人当中,经常指责人家的人,这个人肯定 是错的。指责人家以为自己是对的,这一指责人家你已 经是错了。第三,要有加持力。你们知道定业是很难改 变的,如果要想改变就一定要有加持力,这是一个很重 要的因素。如果没有师父、没有佛菩萨的加持,这个人 是转不了他的定业的。就像这位老妈妈在家里把经念得 再好,她是不会延寿到今天。因为她必须要有一个保人,必须要有一个加持力。为什么要有这个加持力呢? 就像师父一宣布要招收弟子,他们都纷纷报名,感觉是 无上的荣光、无上的开心。因为他们必须要有一个老 师,必须要有一个明师指点,这个人才会走上正道。

People who frequently accuse or criticise others because they think that they’re right are certainly in the wrong. Thirdly, you must have blessings. You now know that fixed karma is difficult to change; if you want to change it, you must have blessings. That is a very critical factor. If you don’t have Master or the Bodhisattvas’ blessings, then you can’t change your fixed karma. Just like how there was an old lady who stayed in her house and recited sutras continually. No matter how much she recites, she can’t extend her lifespan. She must have a guarantor; she must have blessings. Why is it important? Likened to how when Master announces that he’s accepting disciples, many people apply to be accepted. When they do, they feel unparalleled honour and joy. It’s because they must have a great teacher to guide them so they could walk on the right path.

师父曾经给你们讲过,如果一个没有老师教的函授大学生 和一个正规的学校有老师教出来的大学生,你们说层次 是不是一样的呢?如果是同样的课程,而把学习的资料 给同学带回家去天天学就算是毕业了,他们的水平跟有 老师教和没有老师教是不是一样的?你们能明白其中的 道理吗?这就是为什么有这么多的人在全世界努力地弘 扬师父的心灵法门,因为他们知道有观世音菩萨,有这 么一位大菩萨在加持着我们,所以他们才特别的开心。 而且又有卢台长是他们的导师,教授他们修学、明白人 间的道理,引导他们让他们信心百倍修菩萨道。

Master mentioned this before, do you think that a correspondence university student and a university student who was properly taught by an instructor is the same? If the course is the same, and the educational and instructional materials are sent to the student to learn at home, even if they graduate, do you think that their standard is the same as one who had been guided by an instructor? Do you understand the underlying principles? The reason why so many people around the world are diligently propagating Guan Yin Citta is that they know that they will be watched over by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. They know that such a great Bodhisattva will protect and bless them, and so they are especially happy. They also know that they have Master to guide and teach them on how to cultivate and practise Buddhism so that they have confidence that they are walking on the path of the Bodhisattva.

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