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V 11-5 The Eight Worldly Dharmas; Subdue One’s Attachments 世间八法 征服执著

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

佛教里有一个“世间八法”,“世间八法”指的 是:毁与誉,得与失,苦与乐,讥与称。师父把这“八 法”称为征服自我执著的方法,比如我一定要怎么样。 “世间八法”就是指世间的利益和陷阱,佛教讲的都是 人生,讲的是如何做人,师父现在用白话把这“八法” 讲给你们听。

In Buddhism, there’s a term known as ‘the eight worldly Dharmas’. It refers to ruin and reputation, gains and losses, suffering and happiness, and ridicule and praises. Master called these eight worldly Dharmas as methods of subduing one’s attachments, like how you must have something the way it is. The eight worldly Dharmas refer to the gains and traps in the world. Everything Buddhism expounds is about life, and it’s applicable to everybody. Master will now talk about the eight worldly Dharmas in layman terms.

第一,希望受到赞美,希望别人讲你好,得不到别 人讲你好,拼命地去制造条件来让别人说你好。第二, 不希望受到批评。你们去看,批评谁,谁都不开心,哪 有一个人笑嘻嘻地接受批评的?所以师父这个人是最让 人“讨厌”了,师父整天就批评人家,“不受人家欢 迎”。还好你们学佛了,现在你们都知道了,师父批评 你们是你们自己帮助自己消业障。但是这句话还是自私 的,因为师父批评我,虽然我不生气,但是我是为了消 业障,就被你师父骂两句也无妨,如果我不是为了消业 障,说不定我会跟师父顶嘴呢。第三,希望得到,什么 东西都希望得到它。第四,不希望失去。第五,希望快 乐。第六,不希望痛苦。第七,希望声名远扬。第八, 不希望默默无闻或被忽视。

The first one is one’s hope to receive the praises of others. If you did something and didn’t receive any, then you will persist to create the conditions that would make others praise you. The second one is one’s hope of not receiving the criticism of others. You must already have been aware that whoever gets criticised immediately gets upset. Is there anybody who could still smile and keep a friendly face when they are being criticised? That’s why Master is hated by some people. He constantly criticises others, and so he’s unwelcomed. It’s good that you learn and practise Buddhism because you understand that when Master criticises you, he’s helping you eliminate your negative karma. But even this kind of thought is a selfish one. That’s because the reason why you aren’t angry and could accept his criticism is that you want Master to eliminate your negative karma. If it wasn’t for that reason, maybe you will argue back. The third one is one’s hope to gain something. The fourth one is one’s hope not to lose anything. The fifth one is one’s hope to be happy. The sixth one is one’s hope not to suffer. The seventh one is one’s hope that their reputation will spread positively. The eighth one is one’s hope not to be unheard of and neglected.

佛法讲有八件事如果执著会让人软弱,你们想想 看,这八件事是不是让人软弱?因为得不到希望,得不 到快乐,你就会变得软弱;得到了痛苦,你就会软弱;默默无闻,你也会软弱;你得不到赞美,你就会软弱; 你受到批评,你也会失去希望。所以,佛法讲的世间八 法,实际上就是八种给人的陷阱。菩萨多有智慧啊,在 两千多年前,佛经上就已经讲了这些。

The Buddha-Dharma expounds that these eight things are what makes people weak if they are attached to it. Think whether that’s true. If you can’t achieve your hopes and you don’t get happiness, won’t you become weak? If you suffer, you become weak. If you are neglected, you become weak. If you don’t receive other people’s praises, you become weak. When you are criticised, you will lose hope. That’s why the eight worldly Dharmas are eight kinds of mental trap. Aren’t the Bodhisattvas wise? They have already expounded all of this in the Buddhist scriptures from two thousand years ago.

佛法界经常讲,佛法不离世间,佛法即生活法,佛 法在世间,不离世间法。实际上,佛法在这个世间当 中,是不能离开这个世间的生活方法来弘法的,所以叫 白话佛法、生活佛法化。学佛人在生活当中就要用佛法 来对治自己的毛病,你才能真正地学佛。你以为学佛归学佛,可以照样在家里做坏事啊?你学佛之后,人要变 成佛,你不能学佛归学佛啊。所以,佛法在世间,不离 世间法。

Buddhism regularly says that the Buddha-Dharma is inseparable with the world. The Buddha-Dharma teaches one how to live their life. In reality, the Buddha-Dharma is inseparable with life, and that’s why it’s practical in our daily life. Buddhists should practise the methods taught in the Buddha-Dharma to treat their problems and shortcomings. Then they would truly be practising Buddhism. Do you think you practise Buddhism when you’re in the environment to do so, and then you can continue your unwholesome ways when you’re back home? After you have learnt Buddhism, you should gradually behave like a Buddha completely wherever you are. That’s why the Buddha-Dharma is inseparable from worldly Dharmas.

师父告诉大家,对欲望没有需求,心就不会动,用 佛法讲,就是心要如如不动。什么叫“如如不动”?就 是说我没有需求。想想看,很多贪官为什么会变成贪官 啊?一生忙碌,结局是在监狱里,为什么?就是因为心 动了。不贪的话,心就不会被污染,所以叫贪污。心不 贪,你的心就不会被污染,心不动的话,你的心就干 净,你的妄念就离开了。师父问你们,干净的地方会有 蟑螂吗?干净的地方会有蚂蚁吗?像厨房、卫生间这种 肮脏的地方,蟑螂就是多啊。如果你的心没有欲望,就 是干净,干净的心怎么会有这种妄念呢?所以,心越是 干净,越是如如不动,你的妄念就会离开,心中就没有 阻碍,就是经文中说的“无罣碍”,才能无畏。

Master tells you that you mustn’t harbour any demands towards the things you desire. Then your mind remains unmoved. In the Buddha-Dharma’s terminology, it’s called the state of suchness. What is suchness? It’s when you have no demands. Think about it, why do government officials become corrupt? They toil all their life, and then they become jailed in the end, why is that? It’s because their mind was moved. If they weren’t greedy, then their mind wouldn’t become corrupted. That’s why it’s called corruption. If their mind remained unmoved, then their mind would be pure, and no distracting thoughts would develop. Master asks you, would you find cockroaches in a clean environment? Would you find ants in a clean environment? Places like the kitchen or the public toilets where it could get very dirty, then you’ll find a lot of cockroaches. If your mind doesn’t harbour any desires, then it’s pure. Would a pure mind develop any distracting thoughts? That’s why the purer your mind is, the more unmoving you become, and your distracting thoughts will leave you and you won’t have any mental hindrances. Only then, would you become fearless.

如果一个人很干净,他才能去做很多无畏的事情。 比方说,我们小时候隔壁邻居家里出事情了,叫大家去帮忙。大人会想:“不知道他们家发生什么事情了。去 帮忙的话,要是人家反而怪我们怎么办?不去,不 去。”小孩子就只知道帮助别人:“妈妈,他们家叫我 们去帮忙呢。”“不要去。”小孩子很快跑过去了,因 为他无畏啊。他怎么会无畏的呢?因为他空啊,他无 私,脑子里没有杂念。所以,无私才能无畏,空了才能 聚集更大的能量。今天我们这个房间里没有家具,空 了,你们这么多人才能坐在这里面,是不是聚集能量 啊?如果这个房间里堆满了家具,你们这么多人怎么能 够进来呢?你的心空了,你的心中就会聚集很多的能 量,心不动,你就能听到菩萨在说什么。师父跪在菩萨 面前,心不动,脑子里什么都不想,观世音菩萨的声音 就来了。

Only a pure-minded person could do many fearless things. For example, some problem happened to the neighbour, and they asked the family to help, the adults of the family would think, “I don’t know what happened in their house. If we go and help, and the neighbour blamed us for something, what should we do? Let’s not go.” The children would only think about helping others. “Mum, the neighbour asked us to help them.” “Don’t go.” But the child would quickly run over to their place, that’s because they’re fearless. How could they be so fearless? It’s because they’re empty-minded, they’re selfless, they don’t have any distracting thoughts in their mind. That’s why only selfless people can be fearless. Only in a state of emptiness could one gather greater energy. When a room doesn’t have any furniture and is completely empty, then you could fit a lot of people inside. If the room is cluttered with furniture, then fewer people could fit inside. When your mind is empty, then it can collect more energy. When your mind is unmoved, then you could hear what the Bodhisattvas are saying to you. When Master kneels before the Bodhisattvas, his mind stays empty and unmoved. That way, he could hear the voice of Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

师父曾经讲过一个事情给你们听,爸爸要去上班之 前找手表,找来找去找不到,急得不得了。一个小孩子 坐在边上,不知道爸爸在找什么,爸爸问他:“你看见 我的手表了吗?”“爸爸,手表在里面的房间里。”爸 爸跑进去一找就找到了,就问孩子:“你怎么知道手表 在那里啊?”孩子就说:“爸爸,我很安静地坐在这 里,我听见手表‘嘀、嘀、嘀’的声音。”所以,当一 个人很安静的时候,他能够听到自己心跳的声音。一个 人很安静的时候,他的心会很静,心静了,跟菩萨就接 上了缘分,他就能听到菩萨讲话,因为菩萨是很安静和 干净的。 一个人安静之后,就会全身心很畅通。举个简单例 子,你们睡觉如果不做梦的话,醒过来的时候,身体是不是很舒服啊?一觉睡醒了,充电了,有力量了吧?只 有安静了,你才能听到从你的内心和本性发出来的声 音。很多人听不到菩萨的声音,因为他的心中充满了烦 恼和妄念。

Master mentioned this incident before. A father was looking for his watch before he left the house to go to work. He searched around but couldn’t find it, and he became anxious. His son, who was still very young, was sitting on the sofa looking at him. He didn’t know what his father was looking for. His father asked, “Have you seen my watch?” He replied, “Dad, the watch is on the table in that room.” When his father entered the room, he found his watch. He then asked, “How did you know the watch was there?” The child replied, “I was sitting quietly, and I heard the watch making a ticking sound.” That’s why when one is very quiet, they could hear the sound of their heart beating. When a person’s mind is very quiet, they would be able to attune with the Bodhisattvas and hear their voice. That’s because the Bodhisattvas are very peaceful and pure. When a person is peaceful, their body and mind would feel unimpeded. For example, when you don’t have any dreams in your sleep, don’t you feel very relaxed and comfortable when you wake up? You managed to sleep uninterrupted, so you feel fully charged. Only when you are calm, could you hear your inner voice that stems from your mind and inherent nature. Many people can’t hear the voice of the Bodhisattvas. It’s because their mind is filled with afflictions and distracting thoughts.

师父把上次说的念力再讲一讲。念力就是施念者能 量的外施作用,就是你想象的人,他脑子里会产生一种 力量,还有作用。外施是什么?比方说,你虽然嘴巴里 没有说你很恨这个人,但是对方能够感受到你很恨他, 你虽然嘴巴里没有说你很爱她,但是你在她边上,她能 够感受到你很爱她,这就是意念的力量。人的脑子也是 有脑电波的,也是一种感应力。人和人在一起是否喜 欢,都是很清楚的,只是你没有安静下来,你一旦安静 下来,你一定能看出来他很喜欢你,或者他很恨你。如 果孩子在家里很恨爸爸妈妈,爸爸妈妈早就知道,会冲 到房间里去说:“你别这么恨我,爸爸妈妈把你从小养 到这么大,你怎么能这样呢?”如果孩子在房间里很喜 欢爸爸妈妈,爸爸妈妈就会是另外一种欢喜的感觉。

Master expounds the power of intent again. Intent has the effect of channelling one’s mental energy to the target or object of one’s intent externally. For example, when you are thinking about the person, your brain would create a kind of energy, and it will have an effect. How does it channel externally? For example, although you don’t explicitly say that you hate somebody, they could feel that you really hate them. Although you don’t explicitly say that you love somebody, but as you’re always by their side, they could feel that you really love them. That’s the power of one’s intentions. A person’s brain emits brain waves, so it could sense things. When you are in a gathering, it’s very clear whether somebody likes you or not. If you don’t know, then it’s because you haven’t calmed yourself. Otherwise, it’s very obvious. If a child hates their parents, the parents would know this. They would say, “Don’t hate us, we raised you; how could you behave like that?” If a child likes their parents, the parents will sense a happy feeling from them.

念力是一种力量,它可以在被念者的身上产生作 用。如果脑子里很恨这个人,对方会有感应,就是说, 你的念头在被恨的这个人身上产生了作用。有一些单位 发现很奇怪的现象,凡是父母特别是母亲对子女的生活 学习关注越重,这样的孩子往往学习越优秀。爸爸妈妈 越是对孩子关注,越认真,“我一定要我孩子好,我一 定要孩子马上就好”,这种念力出来,孩子马上会得到 一种加持。小时候爸爸妈妈越是管功课严格,是不是孩子的功课就越好?对孩子越不严格,是不是孩子的功课 就越差?因为没有人管嘛,这就是念力现象。

Intent is a kind of power; it will affect the target of that intent. If your brain develops a lot of hatred towards somebody, the other person would feel it. In other words, your intent had created an effect on that person. There are incidents where when the parents show serious concern for their children’s wellbeing and academic progress and have thoughts like, “My child must get better,” when this intent develops, the child would receive a kind of blessing. When we were young, the stricter our parents were towards our homework, would it compel us to work harder and so get better results? If our parents weren’t strict towards us, wouldn’t we put less effort into our homework? That’s because there’s nobody there to supervise us. That’s the effect formed from the existence or non-existence of a third party’s power of intent.

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