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V 11-37 The Record of the Dharma-body’s Merit-Virtues 诸佛如来所证法身果德

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


The ninth consciousness is called the Amala consciousness, or the pure consciousness. The ninth consciousness is pure, and not a single defiled thought exists in this level. In reality, this is your Buddha-mind and your original mind. Your Buddha-mind is in there. It is the place where all of the sentient being’s sense of purity is located. When a person suddenly discovers their conscience after hurting somebody, “I shouldn’t hurt him. I wronged him,” that is when their Amala consciousness is stimulated. This consciousness is very powerful. It is the place where all the merit-virtues are recorded to verify all the meritorious deeds that the Dharma-body has done. When a person is kind-hearted, they won’t act like an animal. No matter how well you treat tigers, lions and wolves, they don’t possess the ninth consciousness. Even if you had raised them, in the end, they would still bite you or eat you if they were provoked or aggravated.


‘The record of the Dharma-body’s merit-virtues’ is something that the Bodhisattvas bestowed on us. It’s because of the meritorious deeds that we’ve done over the past lifetimes that we are born as a human and possess the ninth consciousness. Even if one is at a sage’s level of spirituality, nothing has increased. And if one is at a secular person’s level of spirituality, nothing has decreased. Even if we, one day, become a Bodhisattva, nothing has increased. To be born into the Human Realm to face hardships and save others, nothing of our inherent nature and conscience have been lost. The ninth consciousness is unaffected by life and death and remains eternally.


The ninth consciousness is something that enables one to go to heaven. In reality, it’s the cultivation of one’s inherent nature and conscience. When we were little, we were very kind-hearted. “Mum, this small brother is very pitiful; he doesn’t have any hands.” “Mum, the neighbour doesn’t have anything to eat.” Little kids still have a good sense of conscience. The record of accumulated merit-virtues is the Amala consciousness, the original mind and your inherent conscience. It isn’t something that can be changed after going through the process of life and death. That is the Buddha-nature that Gautama Buddha once said that all sentient beings possess. ‘Nirvana’ doesn’t refer to the mortal body’s transcendence of life and death, but it’s when somebody’s level of spirituality has reached the qualification of ascending into heaven. Nirvana is the transcendence of life and death of one’s spirit.


The concept of having a high level of spirituality is one uses their mind to understand and comprehend. You have to use your head. In that scenario, the Bodhisattvas would consider your thoughts as being advanced. That’s because you are thinking about heaven, you would be able to sense something, and your thoughts would enter into an advanced state of selfless altruism. Your body would heat up, “Why am I so narrow-minded and can’t think clearly?” “Oh, transcendence of life and death.”


The Amala consciousness is very powerful. Both pure and defiled thoughts perish there. Nothing is tainted, and anything that exists perishes there. It is boundlessly vast and open to the point that no matter how much you scold at the person who has tapped into this consciousness, they can tolerate it and act indifferently. People with this kind of attitude are magnanimous, so they wouldn’t act stubbornly for any minor thing that happens in the Human Realm. People who act stubbornly are petty-minded people. Children often go to a friend’s house to play games. Children who cry, “Mum, he took away my toy,” indicates that they are petty-minded. People who are broad-minded is indifferent to everything. That's because they know that everything in this world is fake and empty. What is there to gain? Even when you lose something, it’s illusionary. People shouldn’t put themselves too high on a pedestal. Everything is momentary. What is there to be proud of?


The Amala consciousness is also called the consciousness of no contaminants. That’s because it is pure and uncontaminated there. To illustrate this with an example, everybody possesses a different attitude when watching catwalk events. Some people get jealous; some people look at the models lustfully; some people admire the model’s body shape, while some people look at how beautiful the dress looked. Everybody has a different aesthetic standard. Because their consciousness is different, that’s why what they look at are different. A consciousness of no contaminants is the true mind and a pure mind. It will not think about fighting nor having conflicts with others. It is the ‘pure Bodhi mind’; it will never experience the suffering of samsara and is led by one’s Buddha-nature. If you could cultivate your Amala consciousness and purify your mind, then you will certainly transcend above samsara and reach the Bodhisattva Realm. That’s because you are already led by Buddha.


The Amala consciousness is, in fact, a transformation of the Alaya consciousness. After the Alaya consciousness has separated the wholesome and unwholesome states of thoughts, then it will transform into the Amala consciousness. The first transformation is called the ‘Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom’, and it is the wisdom that developed when everything is viewed equally and unbiased. The view of equality was processed in the seventh consciousness when it differentiates the contaminants and the pure, and after separation, it induces wisdom.


If you didn’t fully understand what Master taught in this chapter, then it means that your consciousness is still revolving around the first six levels. When people are unhappy about what they see (the first consciousness of sight), they are foolish. If somebody gets angry from what they hear, they are provoked on their second level of consciousness. Regarding one’s sense of smell, why do some people get in trouble? That’s because they go and take a whiff of strong vodka while their stomach is empty. That’s the third consciousness. When you taste something nice, that’s the fourth consciousness. When your body wants to do something, that urge comes from the fifth consciousness. When you are using your mind to think of many things consciously, that’s the sixth consciousness. That’s why the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind are known as the six sensory faculties, and they are the six levels of consciousness.

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