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V 11-34 Learn to Control One's Mind so that it becomes the Mind of a Buddha 学会控制心 自心变佛心

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation based on my understanding of his teachings. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. I am not an enlightened being like Master Lu, but I will treat his teachings with my utmost respect and do my best to convey and translate it to the best of my (limited) abilities for my friends and people who can’t read Chinese. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

为什么说“三界轮回”而不说“六道轮回”呢?实 际上,这个对你们来讲已经要求很高了。也就是说,你 们今天坐在下面的人,如果现在死了,至少要到天道。 在天道里分为欲界天、色界天和无色界天,如果你们现 在的境界还达不到这三界,那么你们在这里就是人了, 根本不是菩萨。你必须要离开三界,你才能离开轮回。 犹如你必须先在世间修世间法,你才能出世间。犹如你 必须先上小学、中学,但是你的目的是为了以后上大学 能够毕业,你要上大学,你就必须先上小学。

Why do we say ‘Three-realms reincarnation’ and not ‘Six-realms reincarnation’? In reality, that is already considered a high standard for you. In other words, to you people listening to my lecture, if you pass away now, the lowest realm you should reincarnate into is the heavenly realm. In the heaven realm, it’s divided into the Desire Realm, the Form Realm and the Formless Realm. If your level of spirituality doesn’t quality a reincarnation into those realms, then you are not a Bodhisattva of the human realm. You must transcend beyond those three realms to liberate from samsara. Just like how you must cultivate worldly Dharmas before you can cultivate transcendental Dharmas. Just like how you must go to primary school before going to secondary school, but you aim to graduate from university. If you want to go to university, you must first go to primary school.

佛陀在人间讲经说法四十九年,你们知道佛陀都讲 了些什么吗?佛陀的千言万语就是让我们脱离六道。很 多人现在心疼师父,为什么?因为师父见人就讲:“好 好修啊,你们要有境界啊,以后要上天啊,不要修人间 的东西。”人间的那些是没有用的,你把儿子培养得再 好,儿子以后把你气个半死。你死了,你儿子谁管呢? 你死了,你老婆另嫁别人,这一切你能管得了吗?所以 师父告诉你们,你们要想脱离六道,心一定要在佛道 上,如果你的心不在佛道上,你学佛不会得到超脱。

When Gautama Buddha had propagated the Dharma for 49 years in the human realm, do you know what Gautama Buddha said? Everything that he said was to teach us how to liberate from the six realms of samsara. Many people feel sorry for Master, why is that? It’s because every time I see someone, I would say, “You must properly cultivate, you must go to heaven, don’t cultivate worldly things.” Worldly things are useless. No matter how much care you put in bringing up your child, in the future, your child might agitate you and make you angry. After you die, who would manage your child? After you die, your wife might marry another guy. Can you still control these things? That’s why Master tells you that you must think about liberating from the six realms now, your mind must be focused on the path of Buddhism. Otherwise, just learning Buddhism will not help you liberate.

佛说“出世间法”,实际上出世间法分成大乘佛法 和小乘佛法。这就是人家经常要问你们的:“你们心灵 法门是大乘佛法,还是小乘佛法?”其实我们这个心灵 法门是属于大乘佛法,是救度众生,是利他的,不是利 己的。小乘佛法主要是修自己,大乘佛法是帮助别人、 救度众生。大乘佛法是从人间实际出发去帮助别人,小 乘佛法是方便法,是救苦人间、救难世间。比方说,你 们刚刚到东方电台来学佛,“师父,我家里不好啊”, 师父教你们念经、念经文组合,家里就会好起来的,你 的癌症会好的,实际上这个就是把你们引进佛门,这就 是小乘佛法;有些家里没有问题的听众跑过来跟师父说 “台长,我要学佛”,那师父就教这个人要好好修,要 放得下,以后要修出六道,要到四圣道去,这个就是大 乘佛法。

The transcendental Dharmas that Buddha said, in reality, is divided into Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism. That is the typical question that others may ask when they inquire whether Guan Yin Citta is a practice of Mahayana Buddhism or Theravada Buddhism. Guan Yin Citta is a Mahayana Buddhist practice; it’s about saving and spiritually awakening others, it’s to benefit others, not oneself. Theravada Buddhism is mainly focused on self-cultivation, whereas Mahayana Buddhism is about helping and spiritually awakening others. Mahayana Buddhism requires you to physically go and help others, whereas Theravada Buddhism is a convenient cultivation method to eliminate suffering. It’s focused on saving oneself and not others. For example, you have just come to 2OR radio station to learn Buddhism, and you ask, “Master, is my family ok?” Master then teaches her to recite sutras and the Little Houses, then the family’s fortune will improve, and she will recover from her cancer. What Master did was lure her into Buddhism, and since she was interested in her circumstances, that’s considered Theravada. There are some people with no problems and come to ask Master that they want to learn Buddhism. Then Master will tell them to cultivate and let go properly, and they must aim to liberate themselves from samsara to the four sagely realms. That’s Mahayana.

大乘佛法是超出六道、离苦得乐,小乘佛法是救苦 人间、救难世间,所以心灵法门归属于大乘佛法。 师父告诉你们,学佛人心里要转黑暗为光明。本来 不开心、很忧郁的,要转为开心。要转欲望为智慧。我 今天有贪欲了,有色欲了,有食欲了,我要有智慧:我 不贪,我够了;有色欲了,心里要想着男女这种事情不 能做,要出事的,要倒霉的,咬咬牙;很想吃这个东 西,要控制自己,不能再吃了,否则会肥胖的。要转迷 惑为开悟。这个事情很迷惑,怎么开悟啊?那就要听师 父讲啊,要看《白话佛法》。要转痛苦为快乐。

Mahayana Buddhism is about transcending samsara, liberation from suffering to attain happiness. Theravada Buddhism is about saving themselves and eliminating suffering. That’s why Guan Yin Citta belongs to Mahayana Buddhism. Master tells you, Buddhist must learn to convert the darkness in their mind to light. Originally you may be upset, and depressed, but you must transform your negative state into a state of happiness. “You must transform desires into wisdom. Today, I have greed; I have sexual desires; I have desires to eat; I must have wisdom. I mustn’t be greedy; I have enough. I have lust; I mustn’t do these things otherwise I’ll have terrible luck and hold it in. I want to eat something, but I must control myself not to do so; otherwise I’ll get fatter.” One must transform delusion into awakenment. If one is deluded, how could they awaken? Then you must listen to Master’s discourses and read ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’. You must transform suffering into happiness.

这个事 情让自己很痛苦,怎么样来转变成快乐呢?那就要这样 想:痛苦总有个尽头,有底的,今天他这么欺负我,我 好好念经,念到后来他会明白的,他晚年会对我好的; 我今天很辛苦地把孩子培养好,以后孩子长大了,会孝 敬妈妈的。这样一想,是不是痛苦变成快乐了呢?要转 自心为佛心。要把自己的私心转换为佛心,什么事情都 以佛的心为转换点,把人生过得单纯一点、简单一点, 你的心就少一点痛苦。快乐人生是怎么来的?就是在学 佛当中学来的。

“This matter has inflicted great suffering to me, how could I do to become happy?” Then you must think that everything, even suffering, will come to an end one day. “He takes advantage of me, so I must properly recite sutras, and hopefully he’ll understand, he will treat me well when he’s old. I painstakingly brought up my child, when the child grows old, he will be filial towards me.” When you think this way, doesn’t your suffering become happiness? You must transform your mind into the mind of a Buddha. You must transform your selfish mind into the mind of a Buddha. Whatever happens, you must remember to use your Buddha-state to change yourself. Live life in a simpler way and your mind will have less to suffer from. Where does a happy life come from? It comes from learning and practising Buddhism.

师父写的还没有讲完,本来今天还要跟你们接着讲 上次的念力、磁场感应等,今天时间来不及了。现在很 多人才明白,要做师父的弟子,不是纯粹的许愿、念 经、放生。师父为什么会有一百多个比丘和比丘尼的学 生呢?他们都在跟着师父学佛,他们喜欢跟师父学深奥 的佛法。师父希望你们每一天、每一刻都要好好学,深 入地学佛,不要仅仅停留在自己刚刚学习的这点东西 上,一定要进步。佛法浩瀚无边,学海无涯。师父看你 们很多人真的是缺乏佛法的基础教育,师父以后会给你 们讲一些佛教的基础知识,这样你们出去弘法度人就会 告诉人家,我们心灵法门是大乘佛法。在佛法界,任何 法门都有一个归属问题。希望大家好好地学,好好地 修。

I still haven’t finished teaching everything I prepared for today, originally, I wanted to continue about the powers of vow, aura sensations and more, but I don’t have enough time now. Now many people realise that to become Master’s disciple; it’s not just about making vows, reciting sutras and performing life liberations. Why does Master have over one hundred monastic monks as students? They all followed Master to learn Buddhism; they all enjoy listening to Master’s profound Buddha-Dharma. Master hopes that you will constantly learn and become more thorough in Buddhism. Don’t just remain at the same level as when you first learnt Buddhism; you must improve. The Buddha-Dharma is profound and has no limits. Master sees that many of you lack the basic education about the Buddha-Dharma, that’s why Master will teach more basic knowledge of Buddhism so that you know how to tell people why Guan Yin Citta is a Mahayana Buddhist practice. In Buddhism, every Buddhist practice encounters questions about its attribution. I hope that everybody will properly learn and cultivate.

Guan Yin Citta Buddhism in Plain Terms V11-34

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