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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 11-27 One’s Inner Rage must be Extinguished; Then One’s Inherent Nature begins to be at Peace

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


Every person possess an Inherent Nature; every person has a conscience with them. You must act in accordance with your conscience in whatever you do. The inherent nature should be happy. At what times would one manifest their inherent nature? Childhood is the time when most people manifest their inherent nature and conscience. That’s because they still loved the world, their parents and everybody. So they would constantly play with others and are very happy. But as they gradually get older, they encounter many unpleasant things. So they must learn to forbear. Forbearance is needed to keep the inherent nature from becoming corrupted. The most easily corruptible element of a person is their inherent nature. Many people don’t feel shameful or embarrassed when they do unwholesome acts. Master wants readers to know about this point. At the radio station, many fellow Buddhists call in and say, “Master, I repent. I deeply regret that I did so many shameful and wrong things when I was young.” They do so because the Buddha-Dharma has ignited their inherent nature.


One must keep hold of their mind of non-birth and non-cessation. In other words, one mustn’t think that they have so many problems and afflictions in one moment, and in another moment, they don’t care anymore. What is there to feel frustrated or indifferent about? A person’s mind shouldn’t feel anything born or ceased. If no affliction was developed, then there’s no need to eliminate it. People easily become filled with afflictions nowadays, but then they feel like they don’t care at other times, so they have ceased their affliction. The Bodhisattvas teach us to keep hold of our mind of non-birth and non-cessation. Don’t think that when we’re keeping hold, we are forbearing or patient. A wise person never thinks that they’re forbearing or needing to be patient. The greatest level of forbearance is when one doesn’t develop a shred of resentment. In other words, when a person is forbearing, it’s because they still harbour some hatred in their mind. “I’m forbearing.” At the same time, those who have reached a certain level of spirituality don’t even think that they’re forbearing. What’s there to forbear about? To illustrate it with an example, when the child did something wrong, the mothers stay patient and say, “I won’t get even with you.” In reality, she doesn’t need to keep the child’s mistake at heart because it’s her child.


If we lose the concept of forbearance, then we could keep hold of our mind. There’s no need to forbear because you’re indifferent. If there’s no forbearance, what is there to endure? You endure because you feel that something is unbearable. Because you forbear, there is a limit to how much you can endure. Enduring is hard. That is forbearance. But when you feel no resentment and that everything is normal, then you have left the level of spirituality of the Human Realm. You will feel liberated and have distanced yourself from all afflictions. Those who haven’t left their afflictions will never feel liberated. If you are indifferent and feel that everything is normal, then you will feel liberated. Those who feel liberated will be distanced from all forms of attachments. “I’m not attached. There is nothing that I feel attached to because everything is normal. It is what it is.” That’s why those who are attached will feel liberated, and so they could let go of everything.


The Buddha-Dharma expounds that all forms mustn’t be kept within the mind. When people interact with others, you shouldn’t take others too seriously. Then you won’t keep on holding to what others had said to you or did to you. Even if they harmed you, don’t let it linger in your mind, then you won’t be mentally hindered. The people nowadays hold on to everything that happens to them in their mind, so their mind is committed, like committed to hatred, jealousy, greed or delusion. It’s only when you don’t keep all your interactions with others or the world in mind, then you won’t be mentally hindered, and your mind won’t be committed. Then you are free.


Buddhists should be unmoved; in other words, their minds shouldn’t be committed. When others scold at you, badmouth you or treat you with prejudice, don’t keep it in mind. That’s what it means to be unmoved. Secondly, being unmoved doesn’t mean that you’re uncaring. Mentally ill people are unmoved, but they are unmoving in a heartless way. They don’t keep the things they did in mind, so they keep on making mistakes. Buddhists should be unmoving but caring. “Although I’m unmoved by this incident, I know what I should be doing. I should learn from my mistakes, and I won’t do it again next time.” If you think like that, then you will succeed. If instead, you have thoughts like, “I don’t care, if it happened, it happened. I’ll just be scolded for a bit, and I don’t care.” That isn’t unmoving but being shameless. Being unmoving still requires you to care and not make the same mistake again next time.


Often at times, it’s because the person is mindful about something, and that’s why they develop rage. Every person has a flame inside their mind, but when their flame is roused, they become angry. As long as you don’t rouse the flame, then it won’t manifest itself. Why do people get angry, and their temper is so big? It’s because they already have a flame; when it’s roused, they will start to scold others or throw things around.


What is the deal with rage? Even low ranked Bodhisattvas will have rage. It’s just that the Bodhisattvas are very comfortable in heaven, so when they’re in the Human Realm, they’re not used to it. As long as one is human and reincarnated into a physical body, they will have rage. Then when unpleasant things happen around them, that rage gets roused and ignited. The Bodhisattva’s level of spirituality is high, so when things happen, they act in accordance with the karmic conditions of it. The Bodhisattvas think of ways to extinguish the rage. For example, if a person isn’t at a high enough level of spirituality sees a colleague offending them at the workplace, their rage increases, but they suppress it at first and not fight back. But the rage is already there. Then suddenly the manager comes over, then that colleague embarrasses them again in front of the manager and everybody, then the person won’t suppress it anymore and starts scolding at the colleague.


Bodhisattvas can extinguish their inner rage completely. They think of thoughts like, “It’s normal that others look down on me and treat me badly because I treated them badly in the past.” “Others are not talking about me; I shouldn’t get angry.” Then the rage is gone. Secular people like to grasp their rage and not let it go. When non-Buddhists encounter things that make them angry, they become angrier. “I can’t get over it; I’m not going to let him get away with it.” Their rage continues to burn inside their mind, so how could they stay healthy? The greater the inner rage, the more they think about it, and it stimulates the hatred inside their mind until finally, they take physical action. If people don’t learn Buddhism, they will develop thoughts of taking revenge, thoughts of jealousy and thoughts of greed.

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