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V 11-2 Respect the Master; Respect the Dharma; Cultivate Wholeheartedly 尊师 重法 实修

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

师父再跟大家讲六个字:尊师、重法、实修,让大 家更努力能够修成。

In this chapter, Master expounds the phrase ‘respect the master, respect the Dharma and cultivate wholeheartedly’. He wishes that everybody will put greater effort into cultivating successfully.

首先,要学会尊重别人,尊重师父,尊重佛友、父 母亲、老师和所有的人,尊重之后,你就会得到加持 力。很多人很懂得尊重别人,然后别人就非常尊重他。 你们去看好了,轻浮的人拿别人开玩笑,别人很快就会 拿你开玩笑了,这种人是很傻的。懂得尊重别人,就会 得到加持力。

Firstly, one must learn to respect others, respect their master, respect fellow Buddhists, their parents, their teachers and everybody else. If you show respect, then you will receive a kind of blessing. You should understand that when you respect others, others will respect you. Take a look, those who are frivolous and like to joke about others will become a subject of mockery by others as well. This kind of people is foolish. Learn to respect others, and you will gain a kind of blessing.

第二,要重法,如果你对佛法很重视,讲到佛法肃然起敬、双手合十,心中的法马上就出来了,这个时候 你就会得到智慧力。你们天天说“我要有智慧,我要有 力量”,那么智慧力是怎么来的呢?就是因为你重法。 师父问你们一句话,如果这个人对菩萨很尊敬,你们会 不会尊敬这个人?道理就是这样的。大家对师父这么尊 敬,师父会不会对你们尊敬?大家都对菩萨这么尊敬, 菩萨会不会给你加持力?给你的加持力是怎么来的?因 为你对菩萨的尊敬本身就是一种智慧的显化。

Secondly, respect the Dharma. If you value the Buddha-Dharma highly, and when you are propagating Buddhism, you are doing so earnestly, then you will gain the power of wisdom. Every day, you say that you want to become wise and have power, where does it come from? It comes from respecting the Dharma. Master asks you if you met a person who respects the Bodhisattvas, would you respect that person? The principle is the same. If all of you respect Master, would he respect you in return? If all of you respects the Bodhisattvas, would the Bodhisattvas bless you in return? Where do blessings come from? Your respect towards the Bodhisattvas is inherently a manifestation of wisdom.

为什么我 要尊敬他?因为我就要尊敬他,这就是智慧,所以你会 得到一种反加持力。很多女孩子总是说人家不尊重她, 你们去看看,她自己懂得尊重别人吗?她自己懂得怎么 样让自己变得高贵吗?先要让自己在别人的心中树立高 贵的形象,别人才会对她尊重,这样她才会得到智慧加持力。

“Why should I respect him? It’s because I have to.” That is wisdom, and you will receive a reciprocal effect. Many women constantly complain about how others don’t respect them. Check and see whether they respect others. Do they know how to distinguish themselves? They must first establish a respectable image of themselves in other people’s mind. Then they will gain the respect of others and gain wisdom and blessings.

最后,要实修,得慈悲力。一个人只要实实在在地 修心,他心中的慈悲力就多了。你们很多弟子正正规规 地在学佛,双手合十跪在菩萨那里,非常虔诚,对佛友 也是非常的好,自己天天念经,实修之后,你就得到了 慈悲力。为什么?观世音菩萨是什么的象征啊?观世音 菩萨是慈悲的象征啊。你天天把观世音菩萨的慈悲放在 心中,你是不是会得到一种慈悲的力量?

Lastly, one must cultivate wholeheartedly. As long as a person cultivates their mind wholeheartedly, the power of compassion in their mind would increase a lot. Many of you disciples practise Buddhism in an orderly fashion you would bring your palms together and kneel before the Bodhisattvas, behave very sincerely and treat other fellow Buddhists very well. Then after you recite sutras daily and cultivate yourself wholeheartedly, you would gain the power of compassion. Why is that? What does Guan Yin Bodhisattva symbolise? Guan Yin Bodhisattva is the symbol of compassion. If you constantly think about Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Her mercy, wouldn’t you also gain a kind of power of compassion?

修心的过程实际上是从无知到觉悟。没有修心之 前,你们无知吧?吃荤的,把那些肮脏得不得了的肉往 嘴巴里吃,想一想,猪是吃什么的?你把猪长出来的肉 吃下去,你的身上长什么?这一切都是从无知到觉悟, 觉是感觉,悟就是开悟。师父经常跟你们讲,感觉到自 己做错了,你才会开悟。

The process of cultivating the mind, in reality, is about transforming one’s ignorance of realisation. Before you cultivated your mind, weren’t you ignorant? You ate meat and ingested those incredibly foul things inside you. Think about it: what do pigs eat? Then when you eat the meat that’s grown from the pig, what would your body start to develop? All of this is a process from ignorance to realisation. Master regularly expounds that only when you realise that you did something wrong, then you will start to awaken.

很多人知道自己身上有毛病 了,他才会改变自己,变成一个好孩子。如果一个孩子 连自己做错了事情都不知道,你怎么能够成为一个好孩 子?这就是无知。很多人跟着师父学佛后,自己天天难 过:“师父啊,我觉得自己过去像畜生一样活在这个世 界上。师父,对不起,我做错很多事情,我现在觉悟 了。”这就是从无知到觉悟。

Many people only start to change themselves when they realise that they have so many shortcomings. Then they become a good child. If a child doesn’t even know that what they’re doing is wrong, then how could they become a good child? That’s ignorance. Many people felt ashamed after following Master and practising Buddhism and said, “Master, I feel that I’ve been living like an animal in the past. Master, I’m sorry, I’ve done so many wrongful things in the past. I’ve finally realised.” That’s how they feel when they finally realise after being ignorant for so long.

现代人的习气太重,你们知道人生犯错误的根是什 么吗?是习气。习气是什么?“习”就是经常做这件事 情,“气”就是养成的一种气数、气质。很多人说,我 天天喜欢晚上刷牙,这是好习气;我天天不刷牙,这是 坏习气;我喜欢骂人,这是坏习气。为什么会骂人?因 为我天天骂人,我已经骂了五年了,改不了,这就是习气。不停地去做一件事情,并且认为它是对的,就会成 为一个习气。很多孩子对爸爸妈妈不孝顺,他说:“我 就是这样的。”他已经有坏习气了。“你怎么可以这样 对待孩子呢?”“我就是这样的。”这就叫坏习气。

People in modern times have many bad habitual behaviours. Do you know what the source of people’s wrongdoings and mistakes is? It’s all due to their habitual behaviour. Many people say that they brush their teeth in the morning and night daily; that’s a good habit. If you don’t brush your teeth every day, that’s a bad habit. If you like to scold at others, that’s a bad habit. Why do you like scolding with others? It’s because you scolded at others every day for over five years, so you can’t change it easily anymore. That has become a habitual behaviour. When you do something constantly, and you think what you’re doing is right, that it will become a habitual behaviour. Many children aren’t filial towards their parents. They say that they are what they are. It’s already become an unwholesome habitual behaviour.

我们人为什么活在半梦半醒之间?因为我们人有时 候清醒,有时候糊涂。“修”就是修正,修发就是把头 发修修好,修理就是把东西修修好,修心就是去抹掉心 中的劣根性,就是把心中不好的东西要抹掉,就是我心 中有很多肮脏的不好的东西,要把它抹掉。这个人讲话 很带刺,经常喜欢讽刺人家,那么就要把这个毛病抹 掉。开口就喜欢讲人家不好,要把它抹掉。

Why do we constantly live as though we’re half-awake and half-dreaming? That’s because somethings we are very clear at times, while muddle-headed at other times. Cultivation is about refining and improving oneself. When you cut your hair, you are trying to keep it neat and tidy. When you repair something, you want to make it work again. Cultivating your mind is about removing all the unwholesome nature and defiled thoughts that occur within your mind. If somebody likes to mock others in a sarcastic tone, or likes to badmouth others, then they must stop it.

在去除心中的劣根性之后,如果你未证言证,就是 没有证实的事情你去讲自己证得了,这是下地狱的根 源。很多人在学佛当中未证言证,就是你没有证得菩 提、证得智慧,你说自己也修到很好了,那你就是种了 下地狱的因。这都是佛经上讲的。如果你未得言得,就 是没有得到,但是你说自己已经修好了,“师父,我开 悟了”,这个就是大业障。所以,一个人的修心是永无 止境的,不能说自己修好了,不能说自己已经得到了无 上正等正觉、得到了开悟,这些都是不能讲的,都会有 业障。为什么很多人修到后来走偏差?就是因为他以为 自己修心成功了,这是一个很大的问题。

After you have eliminated your unwholesome nature, if you say that you have attained enlightenment yet had not been proved nor tested, then you are sowing the karmic seed that may induce you to go to hell. Many Buddhists proclaim that they have enlightened and are cultivating very well yet had not attained Bodhi nor wisdom. They are sowing unwholesome karmic seeds which may cause them to descend to hell. All of that had been expounded in the Buddhist scriptures. If you say that you’ve cultivated very well yet it’s unproven and false, “Master, I’ve enlightened,” then that’s a serious sin. That’s why a cultivator must remain humble; there are no limits to the cultivation of the mind. You mustn’t say that you’ve cultivated well, you mustn’t say that you’ve attained unsurpassed, complete and perfect enlightenment, you mustn’t say these things, it will create negative karma. Why do people deviate after cultivating for some time? It’s because they think that they have cultivated their mind successfully. That is a big problem.

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