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Writer's pictureAndywin08

V 11-17 Transform your Ordinary Mind into a Buddha Mind 凡心转换成佛心

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


Ordinary people have to eliminate their negative karma because whenever it starts to manifest in any shape or form, it will obstruct our cultivation. Many people ask, “Master, why is it that after I’ve started cultivating and reciting sutras, I would still be unable to think clearly, and I feel that my negative karma has increased? And after I’ve started to offer Little Houses, why do I feel that the number of karmic creditors increased?” It’s because you haven’t recited sutras before in the past, just like how you have never started to pay back your debt for many years. So when you begin to repay back your debts, you would feel pressure in the short term as your other creditors will begin to chase you for your repayment. Because you are repaying back your loans, you understand that it isn’t easy to make money and you would be more frugal with it. The principle is the same. But it’s because of the existence of these karmic affinities that induce the need to be more diligent in cultivating our body and mind.


We have to transform our ordinary mind into a Buddha mind. When we develop jealousy towards others, that comes from our ordinary mind. To be jealous of others is foolish, don’t do that. You must love and pity others. Master regularly pity others. Some members of the team around Master cause trouble every now and again, and it causes him to feel slightly frustrated. But then he would transform his thought by thinking that they have just found a path to heaven in their current lifetime, and it isn’t easy for them to follow him. They are also pitiful, and they have also given a lot. That way, Master’s heart aches for them. Sometimes when you see other people’s flaws, you would find them detestable. But then after a while, you would find them pitiful. Buddhists should regularly pity others like so, then they would develop a compassionate Buddha-mind.


Buddhists should transform their ordinary mind into a Buddha-mind, and then manifest our Buddha-nature and behave like a wholesome person. Do you know that the Bodhisattvas are very pitiful? In their eyes, they cherish every single karmic affinity that occurs in the Human Realm. Master hopes that you will learn from the Bodhisattvas’ thoughts. Regardless where it is a wholesome karmic affinity or not, you should still go and help them. Many people are successful at spiritually awakening others. That’s because they persevere on doing it despite knowing that the other person may have an unwholesome karmic affinity with them. For example, you would still propagate to your child despite that they don’t have a good relationship with you. That’s because they are your family members, they are your children, how could you not do it? But not only must you spiritually awaken your family members, but you must also spiritually awaken the sentient beings that have a karmic affinity with you. That’s the thought of a Buddha. As long as you could spiritually awaken other sentient matters, no matter whether it’s wholesome, unwholesome or any kind of karmic affinity, you just need to hold on to that single wholesome thought. Then you would enter into your mind’s pure land and be at a spiritual level of the Bodhisattvas. Master hopes that the readers could be kinder towards others. If you keep on detesting others around you, then it indicates that you’re not a kind-hearted person. It also means that you’re somebody who experiences a lot of troubles and frustrations.


Everybody has their own destiny, and in each destiny, it contains information about their fortune and energy field. Every person will experience a period where everything they do seems to be successful, whole at some periods; they would feel wronged. Sometimes, that person would feel as though they own the world, while they would feel that life is meaningless at other periods. In reality, you were influenced by the changes of energy within your destiny. Think about it, when the weather is bad, even you feel lacking in vigour, not to mention one’s luck and energy field? But regardless whether it’s good or bad, you should naturally accept whatever comes your way. Master regularly says that people should learn to accept things the way it is and learn how to give. Also, one should possess a good attitude in facing all kinds of hardships mentally. In other words, one should use one’s conscience and kind-heartedness to keep all things unwholesome under control. That act is called ‘distance from all kinds of form, and your name is the Thus Come One’. What it means is that when you distance yourself from all forms and remain non-attached, then you are a Buddha.


The Buddha-Dharma expounded that all forms are illusionary and false. In other words, everything you see is fake, so why should you get upset about something that’s fake? Think about the people who had divorced. At the time, they quarrel with their spouse regularly, and now all of that is over and gone. So isn’t it illusionary and false? If only earlier on, they had thought to themselves that one day they would file a divorce if they continued to quarrel. Then they won’t take things too seriously and won’t quarrel. Think about those who competed to be known as the most beautiful or handsome in their class when they were in their school days. Wouldn’t that seem like a joke after 50 years have passed for them? Everything is fake; what you got after competing is also fake. That’s why the Buddha expounded to distance from all forms, and you’re a Buddha. If you’re already a Bodhisattva, then you won’t be attached to any forms in the Human Realm.


Buddhists must change their destiny. If they can’t do that, then how could they cultivate their mind properly? If you are still filled with greed, hatred and delusion, and you still behave in the same way you do, how could you learn and practise Buddhism properly? Could you do it well? When you are following Master in practising Buddhism, if you don’t properly reform and correct your shortcomings, then aren’t you wasting your time and energy? You must force yourself to reform. You must blame yourself for all the mistakes you committed in the past, not others. You have to think that you’re the one who didn’t do well when anything happens. It’s because there are a cause and an effect. Why did you receive the karmic retribution? Isn’t it because of something you did in the past? Otherwise, why would you experience it?


Everything that occurs in this world has neither the past nor the future. What’s passed has passed, and the future is not here yet. Only by cultivating your mind could you be focused on the present and experience it fully. Then complement it with the Buddha-Dharma to enlighten yourself from it. Master is happy whenever he teaches as he receives a lot of blessings from the Bodhisattvas, so he becomes more invigorated as he teaches. But there are still some of you whose thoughts get distracted when you’re listening to his class. That’s why those who attend his classes must be purer and don’t allow their thoughts to go astray. At the very least, be focused when you’re in his class. When you’re at a pure place, you must let go of your ego, let go of your afflictions and let go of your mental baggage. Work hard, properly reform yourself, and be a diligent and awakened Buddhist.

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