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V 11-1 When One uses both Compassion and Wisdom, then all Troubles will Cease 悲智双运 烦事无事

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

今天跟大家讲修心和修行。学佛修心就是修正自己 的价值观,就是修正自己的心理行为。修行就是修出自 己的本性和行为。修心实际上是为了自己的心能够不为 外尘所转,比方说,今天别人有什么想法、看法,有什 么事情发生了,你的心马上就转了,那么你就是为外尘 所转。所以,修心的人要能够安止,就是让自己的心定 下来,“安”就是定下来,“止”就是不要去想、要守 戒。我们的心实际上是穿梭在空有之间,也就是说,人 间今天有,明天没有了,就是空了、有了。想一想,你 的心今天对某一人或事有了,明天没有,因为我们今天 拥有的东西,表面上看还是有,过几天没有了,这就是 让你心动的东西也会没有,所以学佛人要学会安止,让 自己的心不要去动。

In this chapter, Master expounds about the cultivation of one’s mind and behaviour. To practising Buddhism and cultivating one’s mind is to correct their sense of values and thoughts. Cultivating one’s behaviour is to cultivate their inherent nature and actions. Cultivating the mind is about stopping their mind from being influenced by the external environment and defilements. For example, if somebody tells you about their thoughts or tells about something that happened, your thoughts might be influenced by them. So your mind acts according to the external environment. That’s why cultivators must learn how to stay calm, and allow their mind to concentrate. Calmness leads to concentration so that one could observe the precepts. Our mind fluctuates between the realms of existence and emptiness. Think about it, your opinion of somebody or something today might change tomorrow. The things we possess today although seems to be ours on the surface, but it might disappear in a few days. So the things that made you develop attachments for will one day disappear. That’s why Buddhists must learn to stay calm and stop their mind from fluctuating.

人的身体和灵魂对这个世界有不同层次的理解。我 们小的时候经常提出小时候的问题,但是随着年龄的增 长,那些小时候的问题我们慢慢地理解了,问题就会解 决,我们不会再问了,我们就进入了高层次——大人的 年代。实际上,对世界的这些不同层次的理解给我们带来了智慧,因为度过了年轻的时候,我们慢慢地进入中 年,对小时候的一些很愚痴的问题已经能够理解了,我 们知道那些不是问题,所以我们才会增长智慧。

A person’s body and spirit have a different understanding of the world. When we were young, we regularly ask questions about trivial things, but as we grew older, we gradually understood about all the things we asked before. So it’s resolved, and we don’t ask about it anymore. Then we gradually enter into an adult’s way of thinking. In reality, every level of understanding helps us develop wisdom.

学佛修心就是要不断地调整人间产生的不平衡的思 维。比方说,我今天拿的多了,或者拿的少了,跟人家 起争斗了,如果你心中有因为不平衡产生的这种思维, 那么你的心、你的行为就会受到影响,你就不会很正 常。为什么很多人心理不正常啊?比如我看不惯别人, 我就是觉得自己吃亏了,这些都是因为你的心理不平衡 所产生的,所以,修心就是要调整人间产生的不平衡的 思维。

Practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind is to adjust all the imbalanced thoughts that we develop. For example, when we took a little or too much of something, and then we engage in conflict as a result. When you develop imbalanced thoughts, then your mind and behaviour will be affected, and you won’t behave normally. Why do people develop mental disorders? For example, when they dislike being with others, or when they constantly feel that they get the short end of the stick. These feelings are all developed from an imbalance in your mental state. That’s why the cultivation of the mind is to adjust these kinds of thoughts.

做人要用智慧来转化人间各种不同的烦恼。智慧是 什么呢?就是不管碰到什么问题,你马上能够解决它, 想得通、想得明白,那你就是已经有智慧了。很多人想 不开、想不通,这个人就是没有智慧。人间只要有烦 恼,为什么不能够把它消除呢?就是因为你没有智慧, 你烦了,你解决不了,你难过了,你的智慧就丢失了。 一个有智慧的人,他是不会这样的。

We must learn to use wisdom to transform all the different kinds of afflictions that we encounter. What is wisdom? It’s the ability to immediately resolve whatever you encounter. Those who can think clearly and thoroughly possess wisdom. Those who are stubborn and can’t think things through lack it. Why can’t you eliminate the afflictions that you develop? It’s because you lack it. When you are frustrated and upset due to your inability to deal with a problem, then you lose wisdom. Those who are wise won’t behave like that.

师父跟大家讲,身体实际上是健康的觉醒。这是什 么意思呢?一个人的身体好了,你是不是感觉到自己很 健康啊?健康了之后,你会感觉到身体对你的重要性, 自己就会有觉悟了,很开心、觉醒,就是我理解了。所 以,一个人的身体是自己健康的觉醒,但那只是你身体 的觉醒:“我的身体不能抽烟,我的身体不能喝酒。” 那么你的身体慢慢地会越来越好,这就是身体的觉醒。 但是,人是由两个部分组成的,一个是身体,一个是灵体,这个灵魂也要能够觉醒。

Our awakening to our body is through our health. What does that mean? When a person’s body feels well, don’t they think that they’re healthy? When they do, they will notice the importance of their body and become aware of how to optimise it. But that optimisation is only on the physical level, for example, like how one knows that they shouldn’t smoke or drink too much alcohol. But humans are composed of two parts, one is the physical body, and the other is the spirit, or mental consciousness. The spirit must also awaken.

师父告诉大家,如果一个 人的心觉醒了的话,那就是人格的觉醒。如果你是一个 圣人,你就不会去做肮脏的事情,你不会去做杂七杂 八、很丢脸、下三滥的事情,这是人格的觉醒。很多人 的身体很健康,但是做的都是畜生的事情;有些人的身 体非常健康,但是没有到健康的境界。如果你有健康的 身体,再加上人格的觉醒,那就说明你是因果的觉醒, 你这个人真的懂因果了。

When a person’s mind awakens, then they will also display greater integrity. If you are a sage, then you won’t commit unwholesome or shameless things. That is the result of greater integrity. Many people possess healthy bodies, but they do animalistic acts, or they haven’t reached a more wholesome state of mind. If you have awakened your body and also your mind, then it means you have awakened to karma. It indicates that you truly understand about karma.

学佛学到最后就是学习因果,因为你懂得因果的觉 醒,就是我知道这个因种下去,一定会有果出来,那么 你知道不能乱种这个因,那你的果一定会得到善的回 报。实际上,因果的觉醒完全在于人的心,实际上是人 的心在觉醒,不是说身体随便能够觉醒的,所以修心比 修行重要,一个人的心修好了,你就容易觉醒。心是有 力量的,心的力量叫心力,因为心觉醒了之后,我的心 的力量很强,它能够帮助我提升再觉醒的平衡。

The final goal of learning Buddhism is to understand karma. Because you have awakened to karma, in other words, you know that when you do something, there will definitely be an associated consequence, then you won’t do it recklessly. Then you will definitely receive a wholesome karmic reward. In reality, one’s awakenment to karma is completely dependent on their mind. So, in fact, it’s the awakenment of the mind. The body, on the other hand, does not awaken casually. That’s why cultivating the mind is more important than cultivating the body. If their mind is cultivated, it will be an easier process to awakenment. The mind possesses power because when it’s awakened, it will become stronger, and it will help us adjust our mental state to a higher level of awakenment.

就是 说,我已经在做了,我还要努力去把它做好,这就是再 平衡。希望你们要懂得,心的力量能够帮助提升再觉醒 的平衡力,也就是说,我今天做错一件事情了,我平衡 了,我不去想了,我不难过了,过两天我又难过了,我 的心再去平衡,再去解决这个问题,这样的话,你的进 步就会很大。

In layman terms, when you’re already doing something, you would think of putting in more effort, so it’s done better. That is one’s way of adjusting their attitude and thoughts. Master hopes that you understand that mental power can help you adjust your mental state to a higher level of awakenment. In other words, when you made a mistake, you adjust your mind so that you don’t think about it anymore, so you don’t get upset. Maybe you’ll get upset in a few days, but then your readjust itself again and resolve the problem. If you can achieve this, then your improvement will be huge.

心如果有慈悲的话,这个人会产生智慧。为什么一 个人越是慈悲越是拥有智慧呢?其实慈悲本身就包含有 智慧,一个有智慧的人,他一定会很慈悲。所以,在智 慧与慈悲心中,它的平衡能够产生一种非常强烈的东西,这就是佛法界经常讲的“悲智双运”。因为你慈悲 了,你会有智慧,有了智慧的人,就会慈悲,慈悲和智 慧可以相互促进。这是两千多年前佛陀就在讲的佛法的 经典,师父不过是浓缩一下告诉你们。一个今天很慈悲 的人,他的心就有智慧,那么有智慧的人,他就会可怜 别人、同情别人、原谅别人。

If one’s mind possesses compassion, then they will develop wisdom. Why is it that the more compassionate the person is, the wiser they become? In reality, compassion also encompasses wisdom inherently. A wise person will definitely also be compassionate. That’s why when one has both wisdom and compassion in their mind, their inner equilibrium develops something strong. That is the ‘compassion and wisdom’ the Buddha-Dharma expounds. Because you’re compassionate, you will have wisdom. A person who is wise will be compassionate. Compassion and wisdom mutually improve each other. That is what Gautama Buddha expounded two thousand years ago in the Buddhist scriptures. Master has only condensed it and let you know about it. A compassionate person will have wisdom in their mind. A wise person will pity, sympathise and forgive others.

学佛人身心合一,能够拥有慈悲、智慧,就会在心 中产生一种平衡感,这种平衡感会让你觉得自己度好 了,也要去度别人,这就叫智慧,这就叫自度度他。很 多人把自己度好了,就会想到去帮助别人,这种人就叫 慈悲。有些人自己把自己度得很好了,一求菩萨就灵, 但是不想去帮别人,就自己在家里念念经,这是自度。 这种人有悲悯心,因为慈悲自己也是悲悯啊,但是这种 人没有智慧,他只是觉得自己很可怜,他没有想到别人 也跟他一样地可怜。

Buddhists should have unity between their body and mind. They will develop a sense of balance when they possess both compassion and wisdom. This sense of balance will make you feel good about yourself and feel that you have spiritually awakened yourself. So you will also go and spiritually awaken others, that is wisdom. When people have spiritually awakened themselves and feel good, then they will think about helping others. That is compassion. Some people have spiritually awakened themselves very well and have their prayers heard when they pray to the Bodhisattvas, but they don’t help others. They only recite sutras at home, that is self-spiritual awakenment. These people have compassion – as they have compassion for themselves, but they lack wisdom, they only pity themselves. They don’t think about others, but they’re in the same pitiful state as them.

所以,学佛人要自利利他,自己度好自己后,你自 己会产生利益,然后再给别人带去利益,你的身心就合 一了,你的心和身体就都跟菩萨合在一起了。为什么说 一个人的外表长得再好看,那是没有用的?很多人长得 很好看,但是素质很差,根本不值得人家去看。有些明 星觉得自己很了不起,实际上你打扮得再漂亮,人家不 要看你,因为你的素质太低了,因为你自己内在的价值 观产生了变化,你的人格低下,你永远觉得自己很高 傲,你没有慈悲,也没有智慧生出来,所以身心合一非 常重要。

That’s why Buddhists must benefit themselves and others. When you have saved yourself, you will develop some kind of benefit. Then you should go and help others benefit as well. Then you have unity between your body and mind, and it will also unite with the Bodhisattvas. Why is there a saying that if a person only has beauty, then they’re useless? That’s because if a person looks beautiful, but they have a poor character, then they are not worth looking. Some celebrities feel that they’re superior to others. In reality, no matter how much makeup you put on to make yourself pretty, others will not look at you if your inner quality is poor, and you constantly act arrogantly. This is due to a lack of compassion and wisdom. That’s why it’s important to unite both body and mind.

那么,怎么样能够做到身心合一呢?就是心要自然。我今天无欲无求就是自然,我可以做到烦事无事, 就是烦恼的事情像没有发生一样;难事无心,很困难的 事情我没有心;随缘随顺,来了就这么做了,既来之则 安之,来了我就好好地去承受它,去把这个事情解决 掉;一切无碍,你的心中就不会有障碍。身心合一靠的 是心要自然,烦事无事,难事无心,随缘随顺,一切无 碍,这都是佛教的经典。佛菩萨是怎么让自己修成的 呢?其实佛菩萨就是靠的这些,几个字让自己开悟,几 句话让自己想通,菩萨到人间来也会碰到很多事情,只 是菩萨比我们容易想得通,而人的毛病就是想不通、不 开悟。

Then, how could one achieve unity between their body and mind? It’s to let their mind be natural. When you have no desires, then you are natural, and you could treat all the problems you encounter as no problems at all. What’s difficult to do is to be indifferent. No matter what hardships you encounter, you are still calm and indifferent, and act according to the karmic conditions. When something comes, just accept it and make the best out of it. Then, your mind will have no hindrances. Unity between body and mind is depending on whether your mind is natural – indifferent, going with the flow. That is all expounded in the Buddhist scriptures. How do the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas cultivate themselves successfully? In reality, they are dependent on these things. Just a few words and they could awaken themselves. Even the Bodhisattvas will encounter a lot of problems when they come to the Human Realm, but it’s just that they could clear their minds easier. Whereas the shortcomings of an average person are that they regularly can’t think things through and are stubborn.

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