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V 3-9 Recite 'Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance' and Eliminate one’s Negative Karma 念礼佛,消自己的孽障

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation based on my understanding of his teachings. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. I am not an enlightened being like Master Lu, but I will treat his teachings with my utmost respect and do my best to convey and translate it to the best of my (limited) abilities for my friends and people who can’t read Chinese. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.


What’s the post about? (Post Description)0/320Today, Master will talk about the effect of ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ and why is it good? Some people ask Master why does he not teach us to recite the other mantras in the ‘ten short mantras’, why don’t you take a guess? It’s because Guan Yin Bodhisattva didn’t tell Master to do so, that’s why he doesn’tToday, Master will talk about the effect of ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ and why is it good? Some people ask Master why does he not teach us to recite the other mantras in the ‘ten short mantras’, why don’t you take a guess? It’s because Guan Yin Bodhisattva didn’t tell Master to do so, that’s why he doesn’t day, Master will talk about the effect of ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ and why is it good? Some people ask Master why does he not teach us to recite the other mantras in the ‘ten short mantras’, why don’t you take a guess? It’s because Guan Yin Bodhisattva didn’t tell Master to do so, that’s why he doesn’t dare to teach you. In the past, Master didn’t teach you to recite the ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’, but now the Bodhisattvas told him to do, that’s why he’s teaching it. After you recite it, isn’t it efficacious? The power of ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ is very great.


Many people ask, what are the benefits of reciting ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’? Master will give an illustration, for example, today you have stolen something from somebody, isn’t this an unwholesome deed? After you commit an unwholesome deed, a dark aura will form within your spirit and your mind. When you steal something, maybe it will form a lesser dark aura. If you killed a dog or a person, it would form a greater dark aura, when this dark aura is formed around your body, ghosts can easily enter into your body. That’s because this aura is of the same yin nature as ghosts and other spiritual entities. Every time you commit an unwholesome deed, small amounts of dark aura will enter into the body. When Master reads other people’s Totems, he regularly sees people filled with a dark aura, which indicates that the person has done many unwholesome deeds, which also includes the unwholesome deeds done in their previous lifetime. The more dark aura a person has, the worse their health condition is.


Everybody knows that gunpowder is black right, so let’s use gunpowder to illustrate karmic obstructions. The more gunpowder that’s accumulated and covering on one’s body, (which indicates the person has done many unwholesome deeds), then when karmic retribution occurs, it will trigger the body to explode. In other words, this person might be diagnosed with cancer, or the might die in a car accident, or be killed, or suffer from series of misfortune, anyhow they will encounter many unpleasant things. Master has read many Totems now, and not a single person is very pure. Have you listened to Master’s radio programmes before? When Master sees a person whose aura is very bright, Master would be very surprised.


Menopause is also a kind of scheduled retribution period. It’s because typically between the age of 45 to 55, one’s career and health condition start to decline. When a person is mainly covered in gunpowder, all it takes is one foreign spirit to enter into their body (where the greatest spirit is Black and White Impermanence”, when they see you completely black, and your lifespan is almost up, when they ignite the gunpowder, you’ll blow up. Master wants you to recite ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ because it can help you eliminate large patches of dark aura, which is like wiping the gunpowder off of you. Take note, the more gunpowder that you clean off, even if when you’re older, and there’s still a bit of gunpowder on you, if it’s ignited, it’s not severe, and you may pass the tribulation. If there’s still a lot of gunpowder on you, when it’s ignited, then you’ll completely blow up. The principle is like that. When Master sees that your whole body is black, he could only advise you to recite ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’.


When reciting ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’, you must say, “O’ Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, please bless me <your name> and help me eliminate the negative karma in my liver.” Or you could say eliminate the negative karma in my lungs or eliminate the negative karma in my lower back. If you simply say to eliminate the negative karma in my body, the recovery speed will be slow, and it would be difficult to eliminate. That’s because your body has so many negative karma that if you don’t be specific, then would should you clean first? For example, you tripped over the stairs, and you have cut all over, you take out plaster, where should you stick it on first? When reciting ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’, first focus on a specific area and gradually eliminate the negative karma in it. Many callers are quite clever now when they call in; their first question is to ask him, “Master, do I have a lot of negative karma?” “Yes.” “Master, can you tell me which area of my body it mainly resides?” Then Master tells the caller the area then they would focus on that area when reciting ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ and gradually eliminate the negative karma there. Another issue is why does an area hurt while eliminating the negative karma there when originally it doesn’t hurt? It’s because the negative karma there is ignited prematurely. It’s like when the doctors start treating their patient’s illness; the patient would feel pain. It’s like when you ignite a small patch of gunpowder, after it’s ignited and blown up, it disappears. Then the area is clean again, and when you the person is old, their lungs would remain okay. The principle is like that.


Recently, a caller from Canada told Master that he had recited all the ten short mantras. Master then explained to him, “If you’re taking all medicines, which of your sickness will get better? Just like going into a pharmacy and taking all the drugs there.” Take note; it’s important to take into consideration the composition and dosage of the medicine. Each specific medicine treats a specific illness. ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ is specialised in eliminating negative karma and motivating foreign spirits to leave. In other words, when you are reciting Great Repentance, this sutra is working on treating the dark aura, and the negative karma will trigger prematurely. For example, you have accidentally stolen something. When you recite Great Repentance, this patch of dark aura will be removed, and you won’t feel pain, it’s disappeared. If you killed somebody, then simply reciting Great Repentance won’t resolve the issue, because the negative karma attributed to it is too great. Even if you prematurely ignite it, there won’t be any energy to it. For example, if a child was born prematurely, would this child have enough energy? This kind of premature ignition requires you to hurry and recite Little Houses. That’s why the requirement of Little Houses are significantly lesser compared to the LH required when the time of karmic retribution has come. When karmic retribution has manifested, even if you recite a lot of LH, it may not eliminate the calamity completely. That is why one must treat their sickness much earlier on.


Some people have a high concentration of dark aura while some people have less. Master sees some people are covered in a thick fog of dark aura and when he asks, the person replied that they have cancer. Master can see it very clearly. If your call could successfully get through to Master, you must cherish the opportunity. After you have recited Great Repentance for a certain amount of time, that area will begin to hurt; it means the negative karma had been triggered, that is a good thing. Once it has been triggered, you must recite some Little Houses; then it can be eliminated. In other words, before the karmic consequence (the fruit) has fully matured, you must hurry and cease it from developing any further. Just like uterine fibroids, if you hurry and remove it, isn’t it easier than when it has grown bigger later? That’s the principle.


Master saw many people had developed a tumour in their neck, it’s so big that they can’t move their heads, and when they sleep, it’s very uncomfortable for them. When Ji Gong Bodhisattva was in the human realm and people with this kind of illness, he would cure it with a touch of his finger. That’s how a Bodhisattva save others. Master is now teaching you how to save yourself. If Master has to save others personally, it would be too tiring for him. You must be responsible for the karmic causes that you have sowed. If you change the unwholesome karmic causes, then our consequences would be good. If Master changes your karmic causes, then doesn’t it mean he has interfered with your karma? That’s why Master is teaching you instead, Master will not give you melons but teach you how to grow melons instead. Like how to choose the right soil, how to apply fertilisers etc. What you grow belongs to you, If Master directly sends you a melon, then Master would be negatively affected.


In the Great Repentance, there are many names of Bodhisattvas. Do you know how many Bodhisattvas are there in heaven? Many people are curious, do you want to know what heaven is like? And what the underworld is like? Today, there was a listener who told Master, “Master, I went to the underworld before; it also has many modern types of equipment.” Do you think it sounds like fun? Everything is modernised, just like how the human realm has undergone modernisation, the underworld had been modernised well before the human realm did. For example, in place of computers, the underworld is using a kind of light beam. Images will come up by make a few hand gestures, when the thing that you want to see appears from an intent, there’s no need to open computer files. Before, there was a caller who was quite renowned for fixing computers. He called in and asked, “Master, why does it take a long time for us to look for a single person from so many recorded files, while you can see by just lifting your head?” Master replied, “If you think about your family who lives in China and their living condition, doesn’t the image appear in a second?” That’s information, and Master depends on this kind of information. In reality, everybody possesses this kind of ability. It’s just that it has been completely covered up by the negative karma and defilements that had been accumulated of countless lifetimes, for example, money, fame, wealth, lust etc.


All the Bodhisattvas in the ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ manage all the people who commit crimes in the human realm; they are like heads of different departments in heaven. There are many times where we are ignorant of the karmic causes we had sowed, when we recite so many of the Bodhisattvas once, the Bodhisattvas may forgive us for our sins and help properly repent all the unwholesome deeds we had committed in the past of the present life and previous life. Who hasn’t committed any wrong deeds before? Master tells you all, it doesn’t matter if a person has done something wrong in their everyday lives, but they must be sincere in wanting to reform. A person must learn to say, “I’m sorry.” When a person can apologise, their level of spirituality ascends.


People who don’t reform are susceptible to being scorned by others. The less karmic obstructions and dark aura that a person has, the clearer their eyes appear. One’s energy passages are blocked because their aura is bad. The reason for reciting sutras is to eliminate one’s negative karma. We must possess a good conscience. When a person’s negative karma increases, the first area that becomes worse is their heart. People who suffer from heart attacks are people whose karmic sickness is quite severe. It’s because their energy is blocked which induces their thoughts to become blocked, just like when somebody hates a person very badly. When a person forms a wholesome or unwholesome affinity with others, it’s all determined by the person. When one has made a mistake, one must show moral integrity and say, “I’m sorry,” and willing to make amends and reforms. At the same time, those who don’t repent have a bad aura, and they are susceptible to foreign spirits. One must learn to be observant; the more one recites ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’, their mind becomes calmer and becomes happier. When one recites up to a certain stage, their voice is like light and connects with the Bodhisattvas.


If you have somebody in your family who doesn’t believe, then take an ‘Application for convincing family members’ and fill in their name and date of birth. Afterwards, place it next to Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s altar, kneel and recite the Heart Sutra 7 times. After some time, have a check whether the person starts to believe in Buddhism. This effect is greater than when you normally recite the Heart Sutra to the person at home, plus also there are a few special powers too. At the start, there’s no need to do it. If, for example, your husband believes in a bit but not too much, at this moment, you can recite the Heart Sutra 3-7 times to him daily, and pray to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to bless your husband and develop his wisdom and faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva. But some husbands are extremely stubborn and carelessly talk and slander. Or if you think that they are starting to affect your cultivation of the mind, at this moment, you can use the ‘Application for convincing family members’. This is not a form of punishment, nor are you harming them, you are just using a few special powers to make him believe. This special power, in reality, comes from the power of the Dharma protectors. Don’t burn the ‘Application for convincing family members’, every time you finish reciting you can put it away. When you want to recite to make your relative believe, then you can take it out.


Many families improved due to one family member reciting. But if there’s a single who don’t believe and slander and defame, their whole family would be negatively affected. I’ll illustrate this with an example; there’s a bowl of porridge that’s very clean. If a single drop of black ink had contaminated it, then the whole bowl of porridge is contaminated and must be thrown away. The best method is first to help them recite, if this person is unwilling to listen, then you could use this method (Application for convincing family members). Many people ask if you do this, would the person get hurt? No, they won’t, but they will feel a kind of pressure. The pressure comes from when they commit too many verbal misconducts, and they experience greater retribution. When you recite sutras to make them believe, it’s to transform their thoughts and intentions, or make them see some things, or to give them a strong signal.

Guan Yin Citta Buddhism in Plain terms Volume 3 Chapter 9

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