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V 3-32 The Perplexity of Life; The Dharma Door that possesses the Right Faith 迷茫的人生,正信的法门

Disclaimer: The translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. The Buddha-Dharma is profound. No matter how you convey it, it won’t be completely perfect. Because the Buddha-Dharma is an experience, it’s an awakening 【佛法深奥无比,怎么写,都不会是究竟圆满。佛法是一种悟】. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

我们有时会迷茫,面对这么多的宗派、宗教,我们 到底学什么?今天人家说这个法门好啊,就去学这个; 明天人家说那个法门好,就去学那个。师父这个法门出 来之前,很多人已经学了其他法门了。接下来师父给大 家讲,你到底学哪个法门?你到底想学什么?如果想辨别你学什么法门,这个宗派好不好,首先有赖于你自己 的善根和你的福德。

There are times when we feel perplexed. When we encounter religions and other cultivational practices, what are we actually learning? Somebody might say that this cultivational practice is good, so we learn that. Then in the following day, somebody says that another cultivational practice seems better, so we learn that. Before Master’s Dharma door appeared, many people have already learnt other Dharma doors. Master wants to ask which Dharma Door do you want to learn from and what kind of things do you want to learn? To discern which Dharma door or religion you want to learn from, first, it depends on your foundations of wholesomeness and your worldly blessings.

有福的人有善根的人才会碰到心灵 法门。师父现在教你们在家修行,既可以照顾家庭又可 以修行,将来还可以上西方极乐世界或四圣道,这是多 么好的法门啊。其实人很可怜的。一个人想不通就会很 难过,因为你们一迷惑颠倒,碰到很多事情就会想不 通、就难过了。其实我们活在人间有什么想不开的?师 父一直跟你们说放下、放下。放不下的要用观世音菩萨 的力量帮你们放下。

Only those who are wholesome and blessed will encounter Guan Yin Citta. Master is currently teaching you how to cultivate at home, so that you can still take care of your family while cultivating, and could transcend to the Western Pure Lands or Four Sagely Realms in the future. It’s a great cultivational practice. People are actually very pitiful. When they can’t think things through, they become depressed. In reality, what is there to be obsessed about in the Human Realm? Master constantly tells you to let go. If you can’t let go, then you must use Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s energy to help you let go.

第二,要因缘具足。就是说你们和师父要有这个因 缘。很多人会梦到师父,很多人看到师父会哭,还有人 看到师父很亲切,这些都叫缘分。要结善缘。师父讲的 是有礼有节、有浅有深,佛法就在人间啊。还有一个因素就是有赖于菩萨的加持。今天你们能够找到师父,你 为什么会觉得好?第一,你们有福德。第二,你们有善 根,很善良。第三,因缘。你们跟师父有这个缘分。有 了这些东西之后,要有菩萨的加持就会有善缘。

Secondly, one must have sufficient karmic conditions. In other words, you and Master must possess a karmic affinity. Many people dreamt of Master, and many people would cry when they see him. Many people also have a feeling of closeness when they see Master; these are all karmic affinities. One must create wholesome affinities and remain courteous at all times. Another factor is the blessings of the Bodhisattvas. You have finally found Master, why do you feel better? Firstly, it’s because you possess worldly blessings. Secondly, you have a foundation of wholesomeness as you are kind-hearted. Thirdly, you possess a karmic affinity with Master. When you have these three elements, then you gain the Bodhisattva’s blessings, you will have more wholesome karmic affinities.

菩萨加 持有两种:一种是跪在那里求观世音菩萨加持,念经、 修心。还有一种你们现在已经受到了,就是师父的加 持。你们要知道你们现在所有在这里的人弘的是正法, 救的是有缘众生。你们学佛要有毅力。你们就是都不陪 我去美国弘法,师父一个人也可以坐飞机去的。这就是 坚定的意志。当年唐僧去西天取经,苦不苦啊?鉴真和尚东渡日本,苦不苦啊?哪有一个菩萨下来救人不苦 的?哪有碰到一点事情就退缩的呢?

There are two kinds of Bodhisattvas’ blessings. One kind is when you are prostrating and praying for Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s blessings, reciting sutras and cultivating your mind. Another kind is the one you can currently feel, and that is Master’s blessings. You must know that every one of you is propagating the right Dharma, and you are saving sentient beings who have a karmic affinity with you. You must have perseverance when practising Buddhism. Even if none of you joins Master to the US to propagate the Dharma, he could also go there alone. That’s what it means to have firm willpower. At the time when Tang Priest went on a journey to the west to get the sutras, wasn’t it hard? When the monk Jianzhen went on a voyage to Japan, wasn’t it hard? Is there any Bodhisattva who didn’t suffer any hardship when they descended to the Human Realm to save others? Who withdraws when they encounter some difficulties?

佛门之中没有取舍。什么意思?你们这些都是学佛 的人,我们在学佛当中,师父是没有取舍的。师父没有说你特别好,把你请进来;说你特别不好,把你赶出 去,是你自己把自己赶出去的。菩萨对所有的人都是这 么慈悲,这么关心你们、爱护你们。你说你今天不来拜 佛了,是观世音菩萨把你舍掉的还是你自己不来了?菩 萨经常点化我们,只不过你们接受不到。

There is no acceptance or rejection in Buddhism. What does that mean? For example, Master has no acceptance or rejection of you when you’re learning Buddhism. He won’t say that you’re especially good and so wants you closer to him, nor say that you’re especially bad and drive you away. It is you who drives yourself away. The Bodhisattvas are equally compassionate and merciful to everyone. When you don’t feel like praying to the Buddhas today, is it Guan Yin Bodhisattva who told you to go away and was it you who doesn’t want to come? The Bodhisattvas regularly points out your flaws, but you’re the one who doesn’t accept it.

当一个法门传来之后,虽然你过去学了其他的法门,你也应该用自己 的智慧来判断新的法门,要用自己已经修学得到的方法 来问菩萨。比如说,观世音菩萨如果要救这个人,虽然 你已经进了某个法门,一定会由这个法门的菩萨来帮助 你、来托梦给你,给你这个缘来认识新法门。师父告诉 你们,很多人包括西方教的人都是这样的。一位女天主 教徒梦见师父像基督一样在救她。

When a new Dharma door appears, although you’ve learnt other Dharma doors, you should still use your wisdom to evaluate it and ask the Bodhisattvas based on what you’ve learnt. For example, if Guan Yin Bodhisattva wants to save you, although you’re already initiated into a Dharma door, the Bodhisattva or god of your Dharma door would enter your dream and create an affinity for you to know about the new Dharma door. Master expounds, many people, even those who were from western religions, experienced such things. A Christian dreamt of Master saving her like Jesus.

实际上,真正专一学习一个法门的人,菩萨会帮你 的。举个例子:家庭医生帮你看病的时候,你已经是这 个医生的病人。现在有了一个专科医生出来了或者一个 新的治疗方法出来了,这个家庭医生就会把你介绍到专 科医生那里去,他不会嫉妒专科医生的。师父是医生, 是来救人的。他也是医生啊,他也救人。你是他的病 人,他不舍得你生病,当然他会把你介绍给专科医生。 你虽然求过另外一个法门,其实任何法门都是一个目的, 都是救度众生的,你一定会找到一个最适合你的法门。

In reality, a person who focuses on learning a single Dharma door would attract more help from the Bodhisattvas. To illustrate this with an example, when your family doctor is treating your illness, you’re one of their patients. Then when a specialised doctor appears, or if a new and more effective treatment appears, your family doctor would introduce you to the specialised doctor. The family doctor won’t get jealous. Master is also a kind of doctor; he’s here to save others. The master of your previous Dharma door is also a kind of doctor, and you’re one of their patients. They aren’t willing to see you suffer so they would recommend you to a specialised doctor. In reality, the aim of all Dharma doors are the same, and that is to save and spiritually awaken sentient beings. So they want you to find a Dharma door that’s most suitable for you.

如果你找到师父也是你的菩萨把你介绍过来的,你要谢 谢你的菩萨。师父前几天见了几个其他法门的住持,他 们听见师父讲了之后都点头称是,后来个个答应念经 了。他们也有菩萨的,他们的菩萨为什么让他们找到师 父啊?明白了吗?要找啊,要发现啊,不要舍弃,要勇 往直前。如果是已经跟着师父在修心学佛的人,如果你已经得到了法喜,就是你受益了,你就应该坚持。因为 你已经得到法喜了,你已经灵验过了。

If you discovered Master, it might’ve been the help of the Bodhisattvas or spiritual guardians guiding you, so you should thank them. Master had met some Buddhist abbots from other Dharma doors, and after they discussed with me, they also agreed to recite sutras. They also have their own Bodhisattvas, why did their Bodhisattvas let them seek Master? Now you understand? You must seek and discover. Don’t accept nor reject, but keep moving forward. To the people who are already following Master to learn and cultivate Buddhism, if you have already gained Dharma bliss, then you have benefitted. And so, you should persevere because your prayers had already been fulfilled.

修心要有很大的耐心,如果没有耐心就不能成就。 如果一个人能定得下来,必须要有耐心,要有忍耐心。 如果没有忍耐,你就进不了另一层的境界,就是说你不 能再往上。修心的人一定要学会忍耐,没有耐心就不能 成就,而且耐心是精进的预备。也就是说,耐心就像梯 子一样,是一层一层往上走的预备境。

Cultivation requires great perseverance. If one doesn’t have it, then they won’t succeed. A person who could concentrate is someone who has perseverance and forbearance. If they don’t, they won’t reach the next level of spirituality, that is they won’t attain a higher level. Cultivators must learn to forbear; otherwise, they won’t succeed, and also it’s a prerequisite to diligence. In other words, forbearance is the ladder that one needs to reach a higher level of spirituality.

有忍耐,才能谈 得上精进;没有忍耐的人,连精进都谈不上。“我不行 了,我受不了了,我火气压不住了。”压不住就是不 好,因为一股气压不住的时候就会伤身体啊。大家不要 生气,生气很伤身体的。师父叫你们不要生气。很多人 接触容易生气的人,自己就会经常生气,就像看精神病 的医生最后自己也成了精神病患者。

One only has the right to talk about diligence if they have forbearance. Otherwise, they don’t. “I can’t stand it any longer; I can’t suppress my rage.” If you can’t suppress it, it indicates that you’re unwell because your emotions and energy would run wild and harm your body. Don’t get angry; it will harm the body. When people make contact with others who get angry easily, they also become easier to get angry. It’s like those doctors who treat mental illnesses. In the end, they also become mentally ill.

师父教大家三条路,这三条路让你们多开开智慧。 第一条路是思索之路。如果一个人想有智慧的话,多 想、少讲、多思索。这是最崇高的路。第二条路是模仿 之路。这个人学佛是这样的,我模仿模仿他,也能成 功。这是最容易的开智慧之路。还有一条是经验之路。 如果你想开智慧的话,经验之路是一条最艰苦的路,因 为你用自己的经验来学佛、来开智慧,这是最傻的。

Master teaches you three ways that will help you develop wisdom. The first is thinking deeper into a subject. If a person wants to be wise, they must think more and speak less. That is the most sublime way. The second way is to mimic. If you see somebody that you inspire to become, then mimic them more often, and you’ll find success. That is the easiest way to develop wisdom. The third way experiences, which is the hardest way to develop wisdom. That’s because you’re only using your own experience to learn Buddhism, and it’s the most foolish.

单单凭经验很累人,要用智慧。比如你今天走这条路被人 抢了,你明天就走另外一条路,结果又被人抢了。如果 用模仿或者思索的方式,你会想:“这条路容易被抢, 可能这个区域都不安全,我以后不要走这个区域了,换 另外一个区域走。”这就叫思索。智慧都在你们脑子里 你们就是挖不出来。师父现在帮你们开智慧,所以有很 多困难啊。

If you simply rely on your own experience, it’s the most tiresome. For example, there was a road you walked on where you got mugged, so you decided to walk on another road in the following day. As a result, you got mugged again. If you way of thinking deeply or mimicry, then you would’ve thought, “A lot of crime happens on this road, perhaps this area is unsafe. I won’t ever go through this area again and will find another path.” That’s to analyse deeply. Wisdom already resides in your head, but you can’t excavate it out. Master is currently helping you to develop wisdom, so there will be many difficulties.

师父最后跟大家说几句话:“不需说而言”,不要 去说的事情就不要去说,多说就结怨。嘴巴说话说得越 多越结冤仇。“不当言而说”,就是不当说的话你去 说,就是瞎说,瞎说就会惹祸。不该说的话就别说,不 该讲的话就别讲。所有世界的环境本来都是闲而无事 的,都是安静的,称之为万境本闲。犹如这个大门一 关,房间里很安静能有什么事情啊?“万境本闲,唯人 自闹”。“心若不生”,如果你的心不生烦恼,就不去 理解它;“境自如如”,环境还是像过去一样。我的大 毛病,是因为我有这个身体才会做出很多不好的事情, 称之为“吾之大患,为吾有身”啊!

Lastly, Master expounds that one shouldn’t say something that would be best to leave out. If you say too much, you might accidentally offend others. The more you speak, the easier is it to offend others. One indiscreet remark at the wrong moment could attract calamity. Everything in this world is originally idle. It’s peaceful. Just like when the door closes, the room becomes quiet. What could happen? “The myriad phenomenon is originally idle, but it becomes busy according to one’s mind. If one’s mind does not develop thoughts, everything remains as it is.” Our greatest problem is that because we possess a physical body, we can use it to do unwholesome things.

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