Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.
问:2018 年 12 月 18 日,……(此处内容已经编入 本书第一部分《上篇 西方极乐世界与心灵净土圣境 1、 游西方极乐世界,觐见观世音菩萨本尊》)关平菩萨交 给弟子一幅卷轴,嘱咐弟子几句就把弟子魂体送入地府。
On the 18th of December 2018, after meeting with Guanping Bodhisattva (the 1st part of this journey is written in V2-1), he handed me a scroll and gave me a few instructions. Then my spirit was summoned to the courts of the underworld.
阎王殿前,跪着两个罪灵,大阎王爷告诉弟子这是 两夫妻,刚从无间地狱(男罪灵)和口业地狱(女罪灵) 调来殿前听审。
Inside, I saw two sinners kneeling on the ground. The senior Yama told me that they were a married couple. The male sinner was transferred here from the Hell of Avici, and the female sinner was transferred here from the Hell of Verbal Misconduct to share their experience.
男罪灵:“我是王 XX,马 XXX。我在 201X 年认识心 灵法门,因为孩子的病开始念经学佛。孩子的精神病得 到医治,我对佛法生起信心,帮助心灵法门在本国媒体 大肆宣传,弘扬佛法。我生前在报界小有名气,本国许 多人知道我是谁。
The male sinner said, “My name is [Name], from [Country X]. I encountered Guan Yin Citta in 201X, and I started reciting sutras and learning Buddhism due to my child’s illness. My child’s mental illness was cured, and it gave me greater faith in the Buddha-Dharma, so I helped Guan Yin Citta propagate Buddhism in the national media. When I was alive, I had some reputation in the media industry, and many people in the country knew who I was.
“无奈,我因为一些自己的见解和当地共修组负责 人有不同看法。我以自身是媒体人物自傲,自视甚高, 瞧不起一些人,过后开始在外面造口业,影响马 XXX 太 多人诽谤攻击心灵法门。”
Regrettably, due to a conflict in opinion between the principal of the local Guan Yin Citta practitioner group and I, I deviated. I was arrogant due to my position as a reputable person in the media industry, I thought highly of myself, and I looked down on others. After some time, I began to commit deeds of verbal misconduct and swayed many people in [Country X] to slander and verbally attack Guan Yin Citta.”
大阎王爷点开银幕,罪灵生前在外面和媒体朋友聚 会大肆攻击心灵法门,见到其他法门的宗教人士,以自 己见解诽谤心灵法门,误导法师以及在家居士(说心灵 法门是附佛外道),让当地佛教徒集体联合排斥心灵法 门。其实是罪灵自己心有不甘,因为一些法务他处理得 不好,被负责人训斥后记恨在心,暗地里择写一些不实报导给对当地佛教界有影响力的人物。
The senior Yama turned on the monitor. It showed that when the sinner was alive, he would organise a gathering with other associates in the media industry and attack Guan Yin Citta. When he met people from other religious backgrounds or cultivators of other Buddhist practices, he would slander Guan Yin Citta with his deviated views, and misguide Buddhist monks and laypeople, saying that Guan Yin Citta is a cult and is not an orthodox Buddhist practice. Thus, he influenced the local Buddhist community to reject Guan Yin Citta. In actual fact, it was all due to the sinner’s feelings of wanting to take revenge. Because he didn’t handle his tasks properly while he was still part of the practitioner group, he was reprimanded by the principal of the group. Hence resentment roused within his mind. So secretly, he wrote false articles and sent them to many influential individuals in the local Buddhist community.
“在 201X 年,我得精神忧郁恐惧症,妻子认为是我 造口业谤佛现世报。我极度害怕自己会惨遭不测,因我 从其他人口中知道谤佛是大罪业,会堕无间地狱。我曾 回头忏悔,现身说法谤佛恶报及停止造业。可是,过后 被心魔打倒,再次退转不修心灵法门,还影响妻儿不念 经,和我一起造恶口,跑去其他庙宇(非正道)把身上 的灵性收拾掉。出事前,我载着家人外出,那天不知道 为什么整个人狂躁、压抑,不像自己,在车里大骂妻儿, 突然寻死念头一起,自己把方向盘一扭就撞车死亡。
“In 201X, I suffered from depression and mental anxiety disorder. My wife told me that it was my present-life karmic retribution for committing deeds of verbal misconduct and slandering the Buddha. I was extremely afraid that I would meet some sort of calamity, as I realised that slandering the Buddha was considered a great sin, and I would descend to the Hell of Avici. I had once repented and shared my experience with others about the unwholesome karmic retribution of slandering the Buddha, and to advise others to cease committing these unwholesome deeds. However, later on, I was overcome by my inner demons and once again, retreated from cultivating Guan Yin Citta, and I also affected my wife and children not to recite sutras and influenced her to commit deeds of verbal misconduct with me. We went to a temple (non-orthodox) and asked the masters there to eliminate the foreign spirit on my body. Before my incident, I was driving my family on a trip. That day, I didn’t know why, but I felt very angry and oppressive. I was not myself. I scolded at my wife and child for no reason, and suddenly I had the intention of wanting to die. So I spun the turning wheel and drove straight to a wall and died.
死 后,阎王审判进无间地狱。求阎王慈悲我妻儿,不是他 们的错,不要判他们进来无间地狱。是我害的。无间地 狱太痛苦了!不要谤佛,如果你们退转不念经,请不要 攻击曾经帮助过自己的宗教法门道场。我现在阴间现身 说法忏悔。观世音菩萨,对不起!心灵法门真的是观世 音菩萨的法门道场。我现在身在地狱,无数次看见观世 音菩萨现身形救度我们这些亡灵弟子……”(罪灵哭泣 声)
After death, I was sentenced to be punished in the Hell of Avici by Yama. I beg Yama to have mercy towards my wife and children; it’s not their fault. Please don’t sentence them to the Hell of Avici. It’s all my fault. The Hell of Avici is too painful! Don’t slander the Buddha, if you decide to retreat and stop reciting sutras, please don’t attack the practitioners or the religious practice that had helped you before. I’m sharing my experience and repenting in the realm of the dead. Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I’m sorry! Guan Yin Citta really is Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Wayplace. Since I’ve been in hell, I have seen Guan Yin Bodhisattva manifested countless times providing succour for us deceased disciples…” (He cried).
大阎王爷:“你知不知你跑去庙宇请邪师做法把灵 性逼走,灵体极度怨恨不满,得地府批准返回阳间,在 你出事前附体于你身上,令你狂性大发,寻死撞车。你 无明愚见不只害死自己,还连累妻子堕入口业地狱,自 己的两个孩子又变成无主孤魂,现在地府枉死城游荡。 本王怜悯你妻儿,让这个文章分享功德消除你妻子罪孽, 早日出狱投人。你孩儿本王会依他们自身因缘果报让他 们去投在有缘分的家庭。你继续入无间地狱惩戒,刑满出狱时,念在你生前度人无数,让你投人道,免堕畜生。”
The senior Yama said, “Did you know that when you went to the temple and asked the deviated Master to force the foreign spirit away, it made the spirit extremely angry. It received approval from the courts to return to the realm of the living, and it occupied your body just before your fatal incident, and caused you to be in a fit of rage and influenced your thoughts to seek death by crashing your car. Your ignorance and foolishness have not only ruined yourself, but it also caused your wife to descend into the Hell of verbal misconduct. While your two children are now wandering spirits roaming the underworld. I pity your wife; I will permit that the merit-virtues accumulated from sharing your experience to eliminate some of your wife’s sins so that she would be released from hell earlier. As for your children, I will let them reincarnate into suitable families with an affinity with them according to their karma. You will continue your punishment in the Hell of Avici. When your sentence is over, and you’re released from hell, due to your meritorious deeds of awakening countless people when you were alive, you can reincarnate in the human realm directly; you won’t have to reincarnate as an animal.”
大阎王爷:“童子代本王转告阳间,造善知识口业, 地府依口业次数累计,逢“三六九”劫,阳世现报;诽 谤宗教法门及高僧大德属于谤佛,五逆四重,减寿,寿 尽会派冥界鬼差抓拿魂体审判,入无间地狱。” 说完,弟子魂体被送返阳间。梦醒,早上 5 时多。 感恩师父。 弟子 2018-12-19
The senior Yama said to me, “When you return to the realm of the living, please tell others on behalf of me, that they must only give wholesome advice and say wholesome things. The courts will record all the number of times that one commit deeds of verbal misconduct. When one encounters their ‘3, 6, 9’ tribulation, then they will experience the karmic retribution from the accumulated deeds. Those who slander or defame any religion, or meritorious and virtuous religious individuals, are regarded as slandering the Buddha and is considered as one of the five rebellious acts and four major offences. Their life span will be reduced. When their life span is over, the executioners of the underworld will take them to the courts to be sentenced to the Hell of Avici.” After he finished, my spirit returned to the realm of the living. I woke up from my dream, and it was around 5 am. I’m grateful Master.
19th of December 2018
答:我已经验证过了,这个佛友所有的天地游记已 经整理成书,我问过菩萨,菩萨说是真的。她讲的全部 都是地狱和地府的事情,师父都知道。真的很可怕。她 讲的很多案例我都知道的。基本上心灵法门造口业死掉 的人,我都知道。他们最后都来找我,让我加持。
Master’s reply:
I have verified what this fellow Buddhist say. All of her journeys are already being compiled into a book. I’ve asked the Bodhisattvas, and they said that it’s true. Everything she said is her real observations of hell and the underworld. I know. It truly is terrifying. There are many cases that she mentioned of which I’m aware of. Basically, I know everybody who died due to committing deeds of verbal misconduct against Guan Yin Citta. It’s because, in the end, they all seek my help and my blessings.