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V 2-2 My Journey to the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land and immersed inside the Treasured Merit-Virtue Pool

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Journey to Heaven and Hell V2-2

问:2018 年 12 月 23 日,魂体被阵阵金光带往天界, 半空中斗战胜佛一身金盔甲,金光闪闪,用手托住弟子 魂体以极速带领弟子飞过许多天门,经过欲界、色界(银 河系)、无色界(银河系之外几个星系),进入宇宙虚 空中,绕过无数佛国净土,来到西方极乐世界入口。金 刚护法现形询问探访西方极乐世界的圣者菩萨,得金刚 护法批准进入西方极乐世界。


On the 23rd of December 2018, my spirit was enveloped in golden light and was taken to Heaven. On the way, I saw Victorious-Strife Buddha in his golden armour, shining brilliantly in gold. He held me in the palm of his hands and passed through many Heavenly gates in lightspeed. We passed the Desire realm, Form Realm (Milky Way), Formless realm (other galaxies beyond the Milky Way) and entered into deep space, passing through countless pure lands of the Buddha-realm and finally entered into the Western Pure Land. Dharma protectors revealed themselves and questioned us. Afterwards, they permitted us to enter into the Western Pure Land.

一进西方极乐世界,弟子脚下莲花自然显现,莲花 底座尚有一些浅白灰色气体环绕。斗战胜佛用意念告诉 弟子:“吾得观音旨意,带童子游心灵净土。”说完, 佛菩萨带着弟子由西方极乐世界入口处的东面开始飞, 往左转一大圈,不远处望见一座金光闪闪的圆形巨塔, 有一个比南天门还要高大的天门竖立在净土入口处,金 色匾额上写着“心灵净土”。

When I entered the Western Pure Land, a Divine lotus bloomed beneath my feet. At the base of the Divine lotus, there was a light-grey coloured mist swirling around it. Victorious-Strife Buddha said to me telepathically, “I’m here under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s will to take you on tour in the Western Pure Land.” Afterwards, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas took me around the place. Not too far away was a tower that was shining in a golden light, and there was a heavenly gate that was far bigger than the South Heavenly Gate. A golden plaque at the gate was etched with the words ‘Guan Yin Citta Pure Land’.

护持心灵净土世界的金刚护法手持法器在天门入口 处现形询问:“来者何人?此乃心灵圣境,不得擅闯。” 斗战胜佛于半空中用意念传音:“吾乃斗战胜佛,得观 音意旨,带心灵法门佛子游净土书写净土圣境以传后世 众生。”

Dharma protectors of Guan Yin Citta Pure Land appeared and said, “Who are you? This is the realm of Guan Yin Citta; you must not trespass.” Victorious-Strife Buddha transmitted a thought message to them and said, “I am Victorious-Strife Buddha, under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s order, I am taking this Guan Yin Citta cultivator to the pure land so that she could share what she observes to sentient beings.”

弟子得金刚护法批准飞过天门,进入心灵净土。远 处一条闪闪发光的金龙游来,金龙全身鳞片发出阵阵金 光,龙须随风飘动。金龙游近弟子,用意念告诉弟子: “童子,上来吾身吧,吾奉观音意旨带童子前往观音村 道场。” 弟子用意念驱动莲花飞到金龙身上(净土世界的诸 佛菩萨都是具足神通,随意显化),金龙看似缓慢,实 则以非常快的速度飞过群山,来到山中某处巨大的观音 村道场。

After receiving the Dharma protectors’ permission, we passed the heavenly gate and entered the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land. At a distance, I saw a golden dragon flying towards us, its scales were emitting a brilliant golden light, and it was flying as if it was dancing in the sky. It flew closer me and said to me telepathically, “Golden Child, hop on to my back, I’m under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s orders to take you to Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Wayplace.” I used intent to control my Divine Lotus and flew on to the back of the golden dragon (in the pure lands, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all possess supranormal powers and can casually manifest it). Although the golden dragon seemed to fly slowly, in reality, it was flying at great speeds and flew past many clusters of mountains, until we reached Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Wayplace.

在弟子乘金龙飞过群山时,云雾飘渺的群山中 有好几处观音村道场显现在不同地方。 金龙带弟子飞到观音村道场中央一尊巨大的东方台 观世音菩萨圣像前,就在附近的空中盘旋。弟子跪拜观 世音菩萨,观世音菩萨圣像发出金光,法身意识显化在 弟子面前,嘱咐弟子去宝池功德水中入浴,洗净尘世的 污垢。

When we were flying through the mountains, we saw many Wayplaces around different areas of the realm. The golden dragon took me to the main Wayplace where there was an enormous portrait of the 2OR’s Guan Yin Bodhisattva that was floating in the sky above it. It was emitting golden light, and it sent me a though message to tell me to immerse myself into the Treasured Merit-Virtue pool to cleanse away all the contaminants of the mundane world.

金龙得菩萨意旨,从空中降落,弟子乘着金龙飞到 不远处的宝池功德水,一个喷泉竖立在宝池中,喷泉水 柱一会儿金光闪闪,一会儿又变成七彩光芒。弟子脚踩 莲花落在水面上。一会儿,莲花自脚下散去,弟子魂体 进入池中,池水清澈至极,池底可见金沙铺地,金光闪 闪。在水中感觉全身心境宁静祥和,人间烦恼意境在池 水洗刷下消失殆尽。不久,空中传来观世音菩萨音声: “徒儿,尘世污垢已然除尽,出浴吧。”弟子魂体从池 中缓缓升起,莲花从脚下开始显现,莲花底座经过宝池 池水洗刷已不见弟子刚进西方极乐世界时的浅白灰色气 体。

The golden dragon received the Bodhisattva’s orders to descend closer towards the Treasured Merit-Virtue pool, where I jumped from its back and flew towards it. I saw that the water changed colour from gold to a rainbow colour and back. The Divine lotus that I was on descended on top of the surface, and gradually it scattered away, and my spiritual body was immersed into the pool. The pool of water was extremely clean and pure; I could even see the golden sand at the bottom of the pool, glittering in gold. Inside the water, I felt an incredible sense of peace and harmony; all of the stress and affliction of the human realm in my mind were washed away. Not long after, I could hear the voice of Guan Yin Citta transmitted from far away, “Disciple, the contaminants have all been washed away now, you may leave the pool.” So I gradually stepped out of the pool, and my Divine lotus gradually appeared from beneath my feet. After the Divine lotus was cleansed, I no longer saw the light-greyish mist that was circling at the base of it when I was at the Western Pure Land.

弟子低头观看宝池池水,依然干净透澈,真是不可 思议,忍不住心里赞叹观世音菩萨大威神力。半空中, 观世音菩萨法音再次传来:“徒儿,慈静亭里 XX 菩萨等候,你前去听法吧。”弟子脚踩莲花升向高空,金龙在 半空中带领弟子飞到慈静亭。

I lowered my head to look at the water pool; it was completely crystal clear and pure; it was incredible. I sighed with admiration at Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s almighty powers. In the air, I heard the voice of Guan Yin Bodhisattva resonating from a distance, “Disciple, XX Bodhisattva is waiting at the ‘Compassion-Serenity Pavilion’, go there and listen to the Dharma.” I manoeuvred my Divine Lotus to ascend, and I followed the golden dragon’s guide and headed towards the Compassion-Serenity Pavilion.

来到一处建在半山的亭子,一位老者菩萨笑呵呵地 请弟子在白玉石椅坐下,金龙幻化成一位梳着冲天辫的 童子形象坐下听法。白玉石桌案上是一幅宇宙显像图, 老者菩萨给童子们仔细讲解宇宙星空体系(恶道世界、 欲界、色界、无色界),每一层天的天体奥妙及修行意 境所在。弟子听得如痴如醉,获益匪浅。

I then arrived at a pavilion that was built at the middle of a mountain, an old Bodhisattva smiled and invited me to sit on a stone seat sculpted from white jade. The gold dragon transformed into a golden child that has a ponytail and sat down as well to listen to the Dharma. On the white jade table, there was a map of sorts that showed the universe. The old Bodhisattva explained in detail to us about all the different galaxies and the realms that exist within (the unwholesome realms, desire realms, form realms and formless realms). Every level of heaven has a profound phenomenon that is formed according to the level of spirituality and cultivation of its inhabitants. We all listened with excitement, and we had learnt and benefitted a lot from his class.

听完老者菩萨的法音,斗战胜佛法身显化在心灵净 土,嘱咐弟子时辰已到,是时候返回阳世。弟子随着斗 战胜佛以极速飞行,离开心灵净土,经过西方极乐世界 的入口处,向护持净土的金刚护法禀告过后就进入宇宙 虚空,穿过许许多多星系,回到欲界天,经过南天门飞 到弟子所在国家的天空,穿过一层层人间黑暗的天空, 魂体被护法菩萨送回体内,弟子意识清醒。早上凌晨 3 时多。 弟子 2018-12-23

After the old Bodhisattva’s class was finished, Victorious-Strife Buddha’s Dharma form appeared in the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land and told me that my time was up, and it’s time for me to return to the realm of the living. He took me, and we flew at lightspeed away from the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land, and we passed the entrance of the Western Pure Land. We said our farewells to the Dharma protectors there, and we flew into the deep space of the universe. We passed many galaxies, and we returned to the Desire realm, and we went through the South-Heavenly Gate back to the sky of the country I resided. I went through the dark sky, then Dharma protectors appeared and transferred my spiritual body back inside my physical body. My consciousness returned, and I saw that it was 3 am.

23rd of December 2018.

答:这个人很厉害。过去人家就说“三宝弟子”, 像这种人魂魄能上天能入地,她干净得不得了。一般就 是十几岁的童子之身才能传递这种信息。

Master’s response:

This person is incredible. In the past, there were was a saying of a group of people called ‘Three-treasured disciples’. For people like her to be able to journey through heaven and hell with her spiritual body, she must be extremely pure. Typically, only young virgins can transmit these kinds of information.

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