Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.
2018 年 12 月 18 日,晚上拜佛结束回到家中,魂体 一轻被几道金柱带往天界,半空中见到南无斗战胜佛法 身,非常高大,穿着金盔甲,手握金箍棒等候弟子。弟 子轻轻落在斗战胜佛手掌心,由斗战胜佛领着快速地飞 过天界的许多天门。一瞬间,就飞到宇宙虚空中,飞过 许多星球。经过一个星球体系,非常巨大漂亮,外围有 白色光芒围着星球,星球气体呈褐色带白色。斗战胜佛 用意念告诉弟子这个是木星,科学家们用仪器探测到的 只是木星表象,木星内有天宫和天人居住,这是一个灵 体世界,地球是娑婆国土。
On the 18th of December 2018, after I returned home in the evening from my praying at the Guan Yin temple, my spirit was enveloped by a golden pillar of light and taken into the heavenly realm. In the sky, I met the Dharma-form of Victorious-Strife Buddha. He was enormous; he donned a golden armour while holding his golden staff, and he was waiting for me. I descended lightly on to the palm of his hands, and we travelled at lightspeed through many heavenly gates. In an instant, I found myself flying through space, passing stars and planets. We then halted at an enormous planetary body. It was huge and beautiful. It’s light brown with creamy white bands wrapping around it. Victorious-Strife Buddha told me using telepathy that it was Jupiter. What scientists have discovered using their apparatus is just superficial data. Within Jupiter, there are many heavenly palaces and is where celestials lived. It’s a spiritual world, while Earth is the Saha world.
弟子用天眼观看诸多星球形态,有些星球黑暗浑浊, 有些星球七彩光芒或者白光。黑暗浑浊的星球体是恶道 世界,微光星球体是修罗天道(靠近地球),白光及七 彩光是属于欲界、色界。无色界在银河体系之外,现世 科学家无法探测到那边的世界。斗战胜佛嘱咐弟子收念, 不要去看这些星球体系。说完,斗战胜佛以加行速带着 弟子飞得非常快,以流星飞行速度乘一千倍以上的速度 在宇宙虚空中遨游。飞过许许多多的星系,弟子也不知 道到底多长时间(感觉像 7~8 分钟),远处见到一个星球体系发出耀眼金黄色的明亮光芒,还没靠近就觉得非 常温暖,像弟子在观音堂拜佛结束时,后背阵阵发热的 那种感觉,非常舒服。
I used my divine-eye ability to observe the states of many planets, the aura of some of the planets was dark and murky, while some radiated out colours of the rainbow or just white colour. The planets that radiated a dark aura contains the unwholesome realms, the planets that radiated a dull light contains the asura realms (closer to Earth), and the planets that radiated rainbow-coloured lights or white light contains the Desire realm and the Form realm. The formless realm resides outside our galaxy – the Milky Way. Modern scientific researchers are unable to survey that side of the world. Victorious-Strife Buddha instructed me to focus, and not to divide my attention in observing the other planets. Afterwards, he travelled even faster while carrying me, and we continued through space at lightspeed, and we passed many galaxies. I don’t even know how much time had passed (I felt it was like 7-8 minutes), and I saw a galaxy at a distance that was emanating a brilliant golden light. I wasn’t even close, yet I felt a soothing warmth, it felt like the sensation of heat on my back after I finished praying to the Buddhas at the Guan Yin Temple, it felt very comfortable.
斗战胜佛用意念告诉弟子,前方就是西方极乐世界。 西方极乐世界确实如佛经所说,要过十万亿佛土才能抵 达。没有佛菩萨护持真的不能抵达,路途太远了,要经 过许许多多的星球体系,当中的星系轨道七拐八弯的, 非常复杂。
Victorious-Strife Buddha told me that it was where the Western Pure Land was located. It was as what the Buddhist scriptures tell us, that one must pass ten trillion Buddha-lands to arrive there. If one was not protected and guided by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it was impossible to get there because it was too far. One must travel through countless galaxies, and the path was not straightforward and very complex.
到达金色光芒的星球体,西方极乐世界的金刚护法 手握法器现形询问,斗战胜佛用意念告诉金刚护法我是 游地府的心灵法门童子,现在领旨前来见观世音菩萨。 金刚护法微微合掌放行。穿过阵阵耀眼的金光,来到西 方极乐世界的入口上空。一进西方极乐世界,整个空气 是宁静祥和,阵阵法音佛号不断地从不远处传来,身心 清净无比,弟子脚下有莲花自动显现。
When we arrived at the centre of the galaxy, inside was a planet that radiated out a brilliant golden light, the Dharma protectors revealed themselves and questioned us. Victorious-Strife Buddha telepathically told them that I was a golden child of Guan Yin Citta who had journeyed to the underworld, and we were under orders to meet with Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The Dharma protectors put their hands together and greeted us; then they let us enter. We went through waves after waves of golden light, and we finally arrive at the entrance to the Western Pure Land. When I stepped in, the air around us gave off a sense of peace and harmony. I could hear chants of Buddha’s holy name resonating from afar, my body and mind felt incredibly pure, and lotus flowers bloomed at the bottom of my feet with each step I took.
斗战胜佛告诉弟子:“西方极乐世界东面靠左一点 是心灵净土,是将来修成正果的众弟子往生居住的世界, 观音村道场也在心灵净土。今天我们要去西方极乐净土 正中央觐见观世音菩萨本尊。”说完,斗战胜佛带领弟 子飞到西方极乐净土正中央(西方极乐世界太大,请原 谅弟子无法形容净土样貌),西方三圣正在给诸佛菩萨 说法,法义高深广奥,非弟子的意境所能理解。
Victorious-Strife Buddha said, “To the left of the Western Pure Land, is the Pure Land of Guan Yin Citta. That’s the domain where all the disciples and cultivators who had reached fruition in their cultivation of Guan Yin Citta. Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Wayplace is also inside. Today, we must go to the Western Pure Land and meet with Guan Yin Bodhisattva at the central palace.” Then we flew and headed towards the direction of the central palace (because the Western Pure Land was so big, please forgive me if I described inaccurately). The three Holy Sages of the Western Pure Land were giving Dharma talks with all the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; the Dharma-meaning was profound; it wasn’t at a level of spirituality that I could comprehend.
弟子拜见诸位佛菩萨后,观世音菩萨杨柳一挥,一 个净瓶出现在弟子手中,观世音菩萨嘱咐弟子拿去地府 给罪灵喝,净瓶里面装的是七宝池八功德水的能量。 佛陀询问弟子:“你也曾遇心魔、外魔干扰道行,如何除之?”弟子回答:“以坚信观世音菩萨的意志渡 过难关,其间也曾在菩萨面前痛哭,靠师父的《白话佛 法》、佛言佛语、法会录音来让自己坚持道心。”
After I paid respects to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas there, Guan Yin Bodhisattva waved her willow branch, and a bottle of pure dew appeared in my hand. Guan Yin Bodhisattva instructed me to take it to the underworld to give to the sinned spirit to drink. The dew contained the energies of the ‘Seven-Treasure Pool’ and ‘Eight Merit-Virtues Water’. Gautama Buddha asked me, “You have once encountered inner demons and external demons that interfered with your cultivation; how did you remove them?” I replied, “I firmly believed in Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and with great determination, I overcame my hardships. During the period, I had cried in front of the Bodhisattvas, and I depended on reading Master’s ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’, ‘Words of Wisdom’ and listening to Master’s recordings to strengthen my resolve.”
普贤菩萨:“游地府多次,为何某部分弟子从坚信 到退转谤佛?童子有何见解?”弟子回答:“有弟子对 佛法不够坚信,没有好好深入理解佛法广深妙义;又有 弟子把佛法想得太复杂,不知道大道至简以致修行出偏 差;复有弟子以偏见取师尊之过,以致大错无法挽回。”
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva asked, “You have journeyed to the underworld many times, why did some disciples change from a firm belief in Buddhism to retreating and slandering the Buddha? What’s your opinion?” I replied, “There are some disciples who do not have firm faith in the Buddha-Dharma, and they have not properly understood the profound meaning of the Buddha-Dharma, and there are also disciples who have made learning Buddhism complicated for themselves. They don’t know that the greatest path is always the simplest ones, so their cultivation had deviated. They had then developed deviated views towards Master and thus had made grave mistakes that were irreversible.”
文殊菩萨:“法如何为正?如何不为正?”弟子回 答:“依良心本性为正。”文殊菩萨:“那弟子诽谤又 是否有良心本性?”弟子回答:“无,可他们无明无知 实属可悲,也是恶世末法现象,人心被五欲所迷,恶习 深重,难以明心见性。” 斗战胜佛:“如何洗刷心尘?”弟子回答:“忏悔 能得大光明,忏悔能得自心清净。” 观世音菩萨:“你修为尚不足,要多加精进,多发 慈悲心怜悯众生,广做法布施利益有缘。速去吧,莫让 阎王久等。”
Manjushri Bodhisattva asked, “What makes the Dharma right? What makes it deviated?” I replied, “If it stems from their conscience and their inherent nature, then it’s right.” Manjushri Bodhisattva asked again, “Then, when disciples slander the Buddha, doesn’t that action stem from their conscience and inherent nature?” I replied, “No, it stems from their ignorance; it is very pitiful. It is also the phenomenon of the Age of Dharma Decline, peoples’ minds had been defiled and deluded by desires, and their bad habits are deeply rooted within them, so it’s difficult for them to possess a clear mind that could see their true nature.” Victorious-Strife Buddha asked, “How does one cleanse the defilements within our mind?” I answered, “Repentance can connect us with the light, repentance can purify our mind.” Guan Yin Bodhisattva said, “Your cultivation is still insufficient, you must put greater efforts, you must show greater mercy and compassion towards sentient beings, and do more propagation of the Dharma to benefit sentient beings with an affinity with you. Hurry and go now, don’t keep Yama waiting.”
说完,斗战胜佛把弟子莲花轻轻托起,以加行速离 开西方极乐世界到达关帝殿。关平菩萨交给弟子一幅卷 轴,嘱咐弟子几句就把弟子魂体送入地府。(注:此处 地府听审内容,本书统一编入“下篇 地狱见闻与地府听 审”,详见:11.阎王殿听审两度退转谤佛的媒体人罪 灵) ——卢台长开示解答来信疑惑(二百七十七) 2019-01-02
Afterwards, Victorious-Strife Buddha lightly lifted my divine lotus and carried me in high speed. We departed the Western Pure Land and headed towards the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva. Guanping Bodhisattva passed me a scroll and gave me a few instructions. My spirit was then taken to the courts of the underworld. (The second part of the journey is found in V2- 29).