Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.
问: 2018 年 11 月 8 日,当晚入睡时,魂体一轻,被金光 带往天上,经过天门飞向关帝殿前,经通报后弟子进入 关帝殿觐见关帝菩萨。弟子见到一尊非常巨大、相貌非 常庄严的佛菩萨,关帝菩萨为弟子介绍,说这是《礼佛 大忏悔文》八十八尊佛里边的南无斗战胜佛。弟子非常 惊奇,因为不像我们人间戏里边演的,是具足大丈夫相 的庄严佛相,非常慈悲。
After I fell into sleep on the 8th of November 2018, I became enveloped in a golden light and was taken to Heaven. I flew past many Heavenly gates and reached the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva. After receiving permission to enter, I walked in through the hallway and saw Guandi Bodhisattva. Beside him, there was another incredibly huge solemn-looking Buddha. Guandi Bodhisattva introduced him to me as Victorious-Strife- Buddha, one of the eighty eight Buddhas whose name appears in the ‘Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance’ sutra. I was surprised because he didn’t look like the Monkey King that we see in the dramas. He looked like a very compassionate and dignified Buddha.
斗战胜佛给弟子开示几句如下:“听闻观世音菩萨 座下童子游地府,见闻地府景象公告世间,特来关帝殿 前见童子一面。童子你要记住,修行路上如履薄冰,诽 谤之音大可不必理会,魔障来于自心,你师父经过千辛 万苦,在人间把这么好的佛法带给你们,要好好珍惜。 我观察心灵法门诸多弟子,绝大部分都真心实意,正信 正念。可要记住,神通只是修行路上的附属品,不可过 于追求,会引魔在身。
Victorious-Strife Buddha said, “I have heard about a Golden Child under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s guidance who is assigned to journey into the Underworld and document all experiences to share with the human realm. So I specially came to the palace of Guandi Bodhisattva to meet you. Golden child, you must take note, the path of cultivation is akin to treading on thin ice. One should ignore all voices of slander; inner demons stem from the mind. Your master had overcome countless hardships to pass down such a great cultivational method of Buddhism to the Human Realm. You must cherish it. I have observed many disciples of Guan Yin Citta, a majority of them are sincere, and possess the right faith and right mindfulness. But one must take note; supranormal powers are just a byproduct in the path of cultivation. One must not pursue it; otherwise, they would attract demons.
如果一朝魔念现前,你们在世佛 弟子不能把握自己,会让自己进魔道。唯独依你师父所 教,依你师父所言,那才是你们应该做的事情。佛法精 深广妙,你们在世弟子道行尚浅,好好地领悟《白话佛 法》的真谛,佛法之精华全在里边,在你们共修《白话 佛法》时诸佛菩萨在天上会时时加持你们,让你们开智明理。今天阎王让你下去听审,正事不能耽误,速去速 回吧。”
If one day, an intention of the demon manifests and the disciples are unable to control themselves, they would deviate on to the demonic path. You must follow only your Master’s teachings, that’s something you should do. The Buddha-Dharma is profound and wondrous. The foundations of the disciples are still not solid enough; they must do their best to comprehend the truth found within the texts of ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’. The essence of the Buddha-Dharma can be found within. When you are doing a group study of ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’ with fellow practitioners, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are constantly blessing you from heaven, so that your wisdom can develop and improve your ability to understand and comprehend. Today, Yama has requested that you attend a hearing at his court. I shall not delay you any further; you may take your leave.”
说完,弟子被金光带往地府。阎王殿前,跪着一位 罪灵。今天的阎王一脸怒气。这个罪灵被拉下来审判时, 满脸不服气,和阎王顶嘴反驳,被旁边的鬼差用板子打 嘴才住口。
I was then enveloped in a golden light and was taken to the Underworld. Inside the court, a sinner was seen kneeling on the ground. Today, Yama’s face showed signs of rage. When this sinner was dragged to the court, he wasn’t willing to submit and argued back at Yama. The sinner only became silent after the executioners who stood at the side slapped his mouth with a truncheon.
阎王对罪灵怒斥:“世间之人以为自己聪明,对佛 法经藏、对天地之间根本就一知半解,你不修习佛法, 不守五善十戒,只知道名色权力,用自己的见闻片面理 解佛法,到处书写文章视频误在世人心灵法门是邪教, 断修道人慧命。(阎王说到这里点开旁边的大银幕,银 幕上立刻播放罪灵在阳间用网络媒体 Facebook 造心灵法 门口业,文章点击率及转发率都很高。)我佛慈悲怜悯 你无知愚痴之徒,免你入无间大地狱,可你在世所犯之 罪,本王会一一审判,依阴律发你粪池地狱(此罪灵在 世已有妻室,爱跑夜场,在外喝酒和多名女子淫乱)、 火烧地狱(此罪灵在世假借道教道场以慈善之名敛财, 私吞信众钱财,做偏门生意行贿走私)、拔舌地狱(此 罪灵生前对看不惯的人事物极喜出言辱骂攻击,甚至在 网络上用难看字眼辱骂生意对手,脾气暴躁)受刑。不得求饶。”
Yama angrily said, “Mortals like you think that you’re so intelligent, but you only scantily know about the Buddha-Dharma and the relationship between the spiritual and physical world. You don’t cultivate Buddhism, the five benevolent acts and you don’t observe the ten precepts. All you’re concerned about are fame, sex and power. You used your own subjective views to express Buddhism, and you wrote and shared articles of how Guan Yin Citta is a cult and destroyed the wisdom-life of existing and potential cultivators.” Yama then turned on the silver monitor floating at the side of his desk, and it showed how the sinner used online social media platforms like Facebook to speak irresponsibly about Guan Yin Citta, and the number of likes and shares were very high. “The Buddhas shows mercy towards you as you behaved out of ignorance and foolishness, so you won’t have to be transferred to the Hell of Avici, but all the other sins you had committed when you were still alive will be punished one by one. Under the laws of the Underworld, you are hereby sentenced to be punished in the Hell of Excrement (the sinner was already married, yet he regularly visited nightclubs and led a promiscuous life), Hell of Burning Flames (the sinner hosted charitable events in temples in the name of donating the money accumulated by other religious followers to a cause, but he embezzled it himself. He also ran illegal businesses) and the Hell of Tongue Ripping (the sinner likes to scold and verbally attack others who he dislikes. He would also use very vulgar words online to abuse and insult his business competitors. He also had a very bad temper). This decision is not subject to appeal.”
说完,鬼差就把罪灵带去地狱受刑。 阎王过后示意弟子可以回阳世,弟子被数道金光护 送回阳间。醒来,早上 5 点多。
After the hearing was over, the executioner dragged the sinner to the Hell Realm to receive his punishment. Yama then said that I could go back to the realm of the living. I was then enveloped in a golden light and returned. When I woke up, it was 5 am.
答:学佛不是做给别人看的,天上的菩萨都知道,地府 的鬼也知道,你们瞒着师父也没用。真的要好好修,自 修自得,个人吃饭个人饱。你肚子很饿的时候,妈妈说 “孩子,我来替你吃”,你会饱吗?修心,自己念得好 了,自己有所得。头上三尺有神灵,不能做坏事,好好 学佛修心,护持心灵法门。心灵法门这么好,爱国爱民、 遵纪守法。
Master’s reply:
When you practise Buddhism, it’s not for others to see. The Bodhisattvas in heaven already knows, the ghosts in the Underworld also knows. Even if you hide it from me, it’s no use. You really must properly cultivate, you reap what you cultivate, your belly only gets its fill if you eat. When you’re hungry, and your mother says, “Child, let me eat for you,” would you be full? When you cultivate the mind, if you cultivate well, you’re the one who benefits. Heaven is always watching, so you mustn’t commit unwholesome deeds. You must properly practise Buddhism, cultivate your mind, and protect Guan Yin Citta. Guan Yin Citta is very good; it teaches us to love their nation, love its citizens and be a law-abiding citizen.