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V1-18 Attendance to a Hearing at the Court of Yama of Sinners who profited in the Name of the Buddha

Disclaimer: My translations are not official nor endorsed by 2OR, so please just treat it as a ‘fan-based’ translation. Please enjoy, and I hope it serves as a good filler until the official English version comes out.

Journey to Heaven and Hell Volume 1 Chapter 18

问: 2018 年 11 月 5 日,弟子今天被地府官员请去听审两 位罪灵的审判过程,阎王希望我把这个事情书写告知阳 世:“恶事不能做,恶语不能说,哪怕无明犯罪谤佛, 地府也是严厉惩戒。修佛道之人不要把佛法戒律当儿戏, 以为敛财事小,死后才来追悔莫及。你师父的图腾案例 及《白话佛法》把天地因果、佛门戒律道尽在其中,你 们在世弟子要细细领悟。”


On the 5th of November 2018, I was invited by an Underworld official to attend a hearing of two sinners. Yama wishes that I share this with the world of the living, “One must not commit unwholesome deeds nor verbal misdeeds. Even if you slandered or defamed the Buddha out of ignorance, the Underworld would punish you severely. Buddhist practitioners must not treat the precepts of the Buddha-Dharma like a joke and think that the matter of profiting in the name of the Buddha is small, and then regret it after they die. The living examples of the people who got their Totem read by your master and also his ‘Buddhism in Plain Terms’ have already illustrated clearly about the law of karma and explained the reasons for the precepts. Disciples in the living realm should try to comprehend it meticulously.”

今天从地狱押来两个罪灵跪在殿前,阎王指向跪在 稍后一些的罪灵让他自己坦诚罪过。罪灵开口了:“我 本是心灵法门弟子,可是没有深入去修习佛法,学佛也 只是做表面功夫,我不属于马 XXX,是本籍 XX,XX 省, 死后入大地狱受苦时(之前游地府,阎王告知大地狱是 全世界不同罪灵一起在里面惩戒),日夜嚎哭,求观世 音菩萨救我,现遇马 XXX 有童子游地府把地狱景象书写 阳世告知世间有关敛财、谤佛一事,观世音菩萨特下圣 旨让地府调我灵体过来自己坦诚(因为罪灵是修心灵法 门,归心灵法门护法菩萨管,地府负责执法惩戒),望 诸佛菩萨、关帝菩萨怜悯我,以此功德消我罪业,提醒 心灵法门弟子敛财的罪业果报。

Two sinners were brought from the hell realm and taken to the court of Yama. They knelt in front of Yama’s desk. Yama then pointed to one of the sinners and ordered her to say what she had done. The sinner said, “I was originally a disciple of Master Lu in Guan Yin Citta, but I didn’t cultivate the Buddha-Dharma thoroughly. I just acted like a Buddhist but never properly practised it. I’m not from country X; I’m from country Y. When I died, I was taken to the Great Hell. (When I journeyed to the court of Yama previously, Yama told me that the Great Hell was a place where different sinners from around the world would be taken to and be punished). I cried and screamed day and night, and I begged Guan Yin Bodhisattva to save me. I then heard that there was a Golden child who is going to visit the court of Yama and document what she saw, and document about the consequences regarding profiting in the name of the Buddha and slandering the Buddha and share it to the world of the living. Guan Yin Bodhisattva specially ordered that I would be selected to give my experience. (Because the sinner cultivated Guan Yin Citta, so she was managed by the Dharma protectors of Guan Yin Citta. The court of Yama is responsible for the sentencing and execution of the punishments). I hope that the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Guandi Bodhisattva can show mercy to me, and use the merit-virtues of my deed to eliminate my negative karma, and also warn the other disciples of Guan Yin Citta about the karmic retribution of profiting in the name of the Buddha.

莫以恶小而为之,罪业 是积累而成的。我未死之时,在微信上向心灵法门的佛友和信徒推销我店面产品,私底下也向佛友推广,在大 伙聚会之时常发自己名片、微信联络号,常和佛友掺和 聊家常,其实是为了做生意。我在世不觉得不妥。法门 师兄曾转发师父开示给我,提醒我这是敛财,出佛菩萨 血,在靠佛法赚钱,我不以为然,觉得他们小题大做, 才赚那么一点钱,至于报应这么大吗?我也有在外面做 其他人生意,有这么夸张吗?难道菩萨不保佑我身体事 业好吗?我片面理解佛法,不把师父告诫当回事。菩萨 保佑我癌症好转,我辜负了观世音菩萨救度之恩,还不 好好地学佛念经、弘法度人,没做好佛弟子的本分,还 讲法门师兄不对,不听劝告。

Don’t think that just because the unwholesome deed is a small one, so it won’t matter if you commit it. Negative karma is formed from the accumulation of many small unwholesome deeds. When I was still alive, I would promote the products that my business sold to other fellow Buddhists and followers of Guan Yin Citta on Wechat and also privately. When I was in a group with them, I would give them my business cards and my contact details. I would frequently socialise with them and get to know them intending to make money from them. I didn’t think that there was anything wrong with that when I was alive. Some fellow practitioners of Guan Yin Citta did forward some of Master’s warnings and teachings to me and reminded me that what I was doing was considered as profiting in the name of the Buddha and it was a grave sin. But I didn’t think much about it, and I thought they were just making a big fuss over a small issue. I only made small amounts of money from it; I didn’t think that the consequences would be so serious. I’m a business person, and I made money from other people, surely it’s an exaggeration? I’m sure that the Bodhisattvas would bless me with great health and a good career. I used my superficial understanding of the Buddha-Dharma, and I didn’t take Master’s advice seriously. The Bodhisattvas had blessed me and helped me recover from cancer, yet I have let down Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I didn’t practise Buddhism and recite sutras properly, nor did I proactively save and spiritually awaken others. I was not a dutiful Buddhist, I kept badmouthing other fellow practitioners, and I didn’t listen to their sincere advice.

我错,我错,我死后才知 道错!大概几年时间吧,我忘了因小果大,地府在给我 记账,先是自己倒霉事不断,生意营业额下滑,阎王告 诉我这是护法菩萨初期给我的警告,可是我太愚痴,我 不懂,我继续造业。过后癌症复发,扩散蔓延,末期啊, 再去求菩萨保佑,可是我没有真心忏悔,我只是一心一 意想求观世音菩萨让我病好,我知道菩萨最慈悲,一定 会原谅我的,我太愚痴!阎王告诉我,没真心忏悔,连 护法菩萨都不保佑我了。死后地府审判,下火烧地狱, 苦啊,全身火烧啊,地狱叫唤无人救啊!童子你救救我, 求观世音菩萨慈悲,替我向关帝菩萨和诸佛菩萨求求情, 我错了,真的是真心忏悔了。

I was wrong! And I only knew that I was wrong after I died! It was only a few years, and I had forgotten that little causes could create big effects. The court of the Underworld kept a record of all the small unwholesome deeds that I did. First, I kept encountering misfortune after misfortune. My sales were continually on the decline. Yama told me that it was a preliminary warning by the Dharma protectors. But I was too foolish, I didn’t know, and I continued to create negative karma. After a while, my cancer reoccurred, and it had spread all around my body, and it was at the terminal stage too. I then prayed to Guan Yin Bodhisattva again, but I didn’t repent sincerely. I thought to myself that the Bodhisattvas are the most compassionate and merciful, so they will definitely forgive me. I’m so foolish! Yama told me that since my repentance wasn’t sincere, even the Dharma protectors won’t protect me. After I died, I was taken to the court of Yama to receive my sentence. I was sentenced to the burning hell. It’s so painful there; my entire body was covered in flames non-stop. Nobody came to help when I cried! Golden child, please save me. I pray for Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s mercy, please appeal for me in front of Guandi Bodhisattva and the other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I was wrong; I repent with all my sincerity.

你们不要和我一样,以为 没事,下地狱才知道苦。呜呜呜……”(哭泣声不断) 我站在一旁,无法言语。阎王叹了口气,对罪灵说: “你果已形成,你向谁求情都无用,菩萨也不动因果。 现在观世音菩萨慈悲你,念你在世弘法度人功德(虽然居心不良,有目的),特调你灵体,童子归阳世书写出 来,好让心灵法门的修道人以此为戒,莫出菩萨身上血, 不可以集资敛财,以此功德消你罪业,已是最大的慈悲。” 随后,阎王命鬼差把罪灵押回她所在的国家地府,让那 边的地府处置,因为她不属于马 XXX。阎王会书写公文给 XX 国家地府,希望他们网开一面,能够以这些功德减免 一些罪罚刑期。

Don’t copy me and think that everything’s fine. You will only know after you have descended to hell.” The sinner was crying with brushing away her tears. I stood at the side speechless. Yama sighed and said to the sinner, “Your karmic retribution has already reached fruition, it’s useless no matter how much you plead. Even the Bodhisattvas are unable to interfere with karma. Guan Yin Bodhisattva has already shown you mercy. Because you had accumulated merit-virtues when you were propagating the Dharma and spiritually awakening people (although it was not done with sincere intentions as she had a motive), you were specially selected to share your experience with the Golden child to write into a book for the world of the living. So that other practitioners of Guan Yin Citta are aware and observe the precept that one must not profit in the name of the Buddha, nor should they raise funds from other people in the name of Buddhism. The merit-virtue from your deed will be used to eliminate some of your negative karma, that’s already the greatest mercy.” Afterwards, Yama ordered the executioner to take her to the court of Yama in her home country and let her case be dealt with by the local Yama since she was not from country X. Yama wrote and signed a document to be sent to the court of Yama in country X, wishing that they would be more lenient with her, and use her merit-virtues to reduce her punishment sentence.

不久,阎王叫鬼差把另一个罪灵叫到面前,指了指 罪灵说:“你在阳世不懂佛道本一家,以自己的见解曲解佛门道场,到处造心灵法门口业。你是道教庙宇理事, 你在世行善积德,又孝顺父母,工作认真勤恳、乐于助 人,本王甚为欣赏,可你为什么要讲你那修心灵法门的 亲戚不好?讲佛法不好?你家亲戚和你关系甚远,又无 度你入她法门之意,只是随她自身因缘跟着她师父卢军 宏台长修习佛法,奉守佛门戒律,在家静修,弘法度众。 你天上道场真人知你一介在世阳人不懂佛法真实义,不 能眼见法界众生实态,也不懂地律因果,在你要出事前 数次报梦提醒你口业之报,你凡人肉胎醒后不知,可知 真人也无奈?

Not long after, Yama ordered an executioner to bring the other sinner forward. Yama pointed at him and said, “In the living realm, you were ignorant that Buddhism and Daoism share the same roots. You used your subjective views to understand Buddhism and misinterpreted it, then went around speaking irresponsibly about Guan Yin Citta. You worked hard inside a Daoist temple, and you have done many benevolent deeds and accumulated a lot of merit-virtues. You are also filial towards your parents, diligent in your work, and like helping others. Even I, Yama, feel some admiration towards you. But why must you badmouth your relatives who cultivate Guan Yin Citta? And talk badly about the Buddha-Dharma? You and your relatives are somewhat distant, and they had no intention of getting you to start practising Guan Yin Citta. She only acted in accordance with her karmic conditions and followed Master Jun Hong Lu to practise Buddhism and observe the Buddhist precepts. She silently cultivates at home, and she propagates the Dharma and spiritually awakening others. Your enlightened master of Daoism in Heaven knows that you don’t understand about the truth of the Buddha-Dharma, nor the true forms of the Dharma world, nor the law of karma. So before you died, he had warned you many times in your dream about your karmic retribution of verbal misdeeds. Unfortunately, when you woke you, you can’t recall a single thing he said in your dream. Did you know how helpless he felt?

各法门宗派都是以善为本,你们在世阳人 实在是……唉!本王虽怜悯你无明造业,可果报还是自 受,我现有你道场真人天上卷轴书写你在世功德善事代 为求情,以你在世功德把受罚刑期赦免,你可以出狱了, 待会儿随自身因缘去投胎。看你在世妻儿可怜,孤儿寡 母,本王会书写公文让每月到地府的天官告知你生前修 习的道场真人慈悲你在世亲人,派人救度接济她们。罢 了,罢了,下去吧,也别谢我,谢你道场法门真人吧。也是你自身所造之善。” 说完,鬼差把罪灵领走。弟子魂体被金光带回阳世。

The teachings of every Dharma door (cultivation practice) and every religion is founded on benevolence. But all of you mortals really… sigh! Although I pity you that you created negative karma out of ignorance, but you must understand that one reaps what they had sown. I have in my hand a scroll that your enlightened master in heaven had written, which had documented all of your benevolent and meritorious deeds to appeal for you. Your merit-virtues will be used to spare you from your punishment in hell; you may leave. In a while, you will be taken to be reincarnated into a family and form in accordance with your karma. I sympathise with your wife who is now a widow and a single mother. I will write an appeal for you so that the Heavenly officers who visit us monthly will be notified that your enlightened master wishes to provide aid to your family in the living out of his compassion. Forget it; you may leave. You don’t have to thank me; you should thank your enlightened Daoist master. It is also the positive karma that you created for yourself.” After Yama finished speaking, the executioners took the sinner away. I was then enveloped in a golden light and was sent back to the world of the living.

答:真的很可怜,下去之后才知道。全部有名有姓的。 很多人在人间假修,真的很可怜,装得很卖力,没用的, 天上地下全看着。要真修。道家的人,讲我们不好,拉 下去了。我再三和你们讲,你修你的,不要讲别人不好。 《弟子守则》中让你们不要讲任何法门不好,自己好好 修。他道家修得这么好,照样拉下去,成为罪灵。投人 了,本来可以上天的。不要乱讲。

Master’s reply:

It’s very pitiful. You will know when you’re down there. Everything is recorded. A lot of people are pretentious in their cultivation; it’s very pitiful. They pretend to be making a lot of effort; it’s useless. Heaven and hell are watching. You must cultivate sincerely. Daoists who speak irresponsibly about Buddhism will be dragged down. I’ve already said this many times, you can cultivate your own method but you mustn’t criticise and say what others are doing are wrong. In the ‘Disciple’s Code of Conduct’, there is a rule that nobody should criticise other religions or cultivational practices. You should only focus on your own cultivation. That person had cultivated Daoism very well, yet he was still sentenced to hell and became a sinner. As a result, he has to reincarnate in the Human Realm again. Originally, he would’ve reincarnated into the Heavenly Realm. You must not speak irresponsibly.

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