至於小房子中把唸誦的經文以紅筆在圓圈內的做法,也並非新創。白衣大士神咒歷久不衰,在各大寺廟中及佛經流通處屢屢見到。 As for the practice of dotting the circles in the Little Houses after performing the recitation of certain scriptures, it is not an invention at all. The White-Robed Guan Yin Bodhisattva Mantra, one of the long-established classics, can still be found in major monasteries and centres distributing Buddhist scripture booklets, even today.
其誦唸儀軌即為“每誦咒五十次,用潔淨紅筆點一圓圈,每頁有240圓圈,合計一萬二千次,誦完一頁為滿一願,即當齋供,焚化爐內。用潔淨紙包裹字灰送擲於長流水中。並能作布施印經送經,放生諸善事,有求必應,靈驗異常,能多念多送更妙。”該步驟與唸誦及燒化小房子的做法實有異曲同工之處。 The recitation procedure of the said mantra is as follows:
“After reciting the said Mantra 50 times, fill a circle with a dot using a clean red pen. There are 240 circles on each page, hence it’s 12,000 times in total. Once a page is done, a vow is fulfilled. You can perform the ritual by burning the page in a tray. After burning, collect the ashes with a piece of clean paper and dispose of it into a running river. In the meantime, if you can perform the practice of giving, printing Buddhist scriptures for free distribution, or if you can perform life liberations and other good deeds, your prayers will always be answered and responded. This method of practice is highly efficacious. The more mantras you recite and offer, the better the result you will get.”
The above procedure is pretty similar to the method of reciting and burning Little Houses.
Hence, it is evident that apart from enhancing one’s spiritual energy, developing wisdom and warding off calamities, the power of the scriptures of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door can also help us to eliminate our negative karma and repay our karmic debts. The combination of the scriptures is indeed very powerful.
That is why practising Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door can rapidly improve health conditions, career prospects, solve family problems, resolve conflicts in marriage and relationships, and let us experience the extraordinary wonders of Buddhism. It is as what Master Jun Hong Lu has always said, “As long as people start to recite Buddhist scriptures, no prayer will fail to be answered.”
The three Golden Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door are:
1. Reciting Buddhist scriptures
2. Making vows, and
3. Performing life liberations.
These three Golden Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door are three great practices which are required of Buddhist practitioners. Nothing is reinvented here.